Chapter 975

"Our way of retreat is estimated to have been copied!"

Looking at the gloomy sky, Siye sighed.

"Impossible, where are the enemy troops from the north?" Guo Xiaoke still thinks that Siye is too nervous. Even if several enemy troops are coming, they should still be far away. They still have enough time to bring generous The booty retreated calmly.

It's just that Siye believed in his hunch.

"Hurry up and withdraw the troops into the Dafeiling camp first."

Another group of light cavalry galloped to the north. This time, Guo Xiaoke, who did not believe in evil, personally led the team. He must prove that Siye's worries were unnecessary.

In the Dafeiling camp.

During Siye's attack on Wuhai, the camp welcomed the arrival of several convoys. Tens of thousands of people from Xiping, Lintao and other counties arrived with a large amount of food, grass and military equipment.

At the same time, nearly ten thousand soldiers from nearby counties and Qiang tribal soldiers also came.

"Now there are more than [-] people in the village, including more than [-] government soldiers who were left to rest before, and another [-] Qiang soldiers, [-] county soldiers, and about [-] civilian husbands who are still in the camp."

Cheng Mingzhen told Siye that he sent people to strengthen and expand the camp during this period, built several small forts, and also built a lot of heavy equipment such as catapults, all of which were prepared to deal with the [-] Tibetans in the south.

It's just that those Tubo people never came to attack, only a few cavalry teams came a few times, and he also sent people to surround and kill some of them, and fled back, and never appeared in the vicinity again.

"How much food and grass are there?"

"Enough to feed 10 people for three months."

"What about the equipment?"

"It is enough to fight a few tough battles."

Cheng Mingzhen is quite optimistic about the current situation. Seeing that Siye has returned, he also mentioned several times that the court ordered them to return to the north.

"Now that the marshal has returned in victory, we can withdraw."

Ke Siye shook his head.

"If you want to retreat easily, I'm afraid it will not be easy. There is still [-] miles to go to Fucheng City in Qinghai. The road along the way is difficult. We still have so many civilian husbands and county soldiers here."

At this time, Siye already regretted that he should not have insisted on attacking Wuhai alone.

Guo Xiaoke came back on the third day after leaving, a little embarrassed.The few light cavalry that were brought out only came back half.

As soon as he saw Siye, he said in frustration, "This is troublesome, the coalition forces of Murong Ke and the Western Turks unexpectedly ran to the north of us without anyone noticing, and now they are blocking our way back. .Damn it, didn’t the intelligence always say that they were still in the west, why did they suddenly run in front of us?”

"The military situation is false and real. Obviously, the other party released some smoke and played us a trick." Siye asked Guo Xiaoke, "How many Western Turkic Army and Tuyuhun rebels have you found?"

"About a hundred miles from here, there are about 5 to [-] people. Damn, it's too unexpected."

Both Cheng Mingzhen and Xue Wanjun couldn't help frowning. Now there are enemies on three sides, only the east side has no enemies, but the east side is the Yellow River, and the east side of the Yellow River is Xiqing Mountain and Lianyun Mountain. Not to mention a large army and supplies.

"How about, let's fight back before the enemy is encircled? Even if there are [-] to [-] Western Turkic and Tuyuhun rebels, they will never be able to stop us." Guo Xiaoke suggested.

But Siye shook his head and refused.

If the battlefield is anywhere in the Central Plains, even if there are only half of the soldiers under his command, as long as they are all soldiers from the Qin Army, he is confident to fight out.

But among the 9 people, the Qin army's soldiers only accounted for more than [-], and the rest were the Tuyuhun army, county soldiers, civilian husbands, and Qiang soldiers. Not to mention the harsh climate and unfamiliar terrain here, they are all invisible ropes .

On the contrary, the enemy is more adaptable to the terrain and climate here, and if he is not careful, he may be defeated here.

Siye asked Cheng Mingzhen again to confirm the amount of food, grass and weapons in the camp. After confirming that it was sufficient, he narrowed his eyes.

"If we don't leave, we will just guard here, waiting for work with leisure, and waiting for attack with defense."

Now there are more than 3 people and horses in the camp, there are more than 10,000 captives, and [-]+ cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock. If you stick to it for a few months, you don't have to worry about food.

That being the case, then guard, why take the risk of retreating.

Although the camp in Dafeiling is not a fortified city, it also occupies a favorable terrain.

Luo Siye, as the marching chief and the commander of the whole army, even if the Tuyuhun army is not under his control, Murong Shun still has to listen to his advice.Siye said that the enemy is now surrounding them on three sides, and their strength is even higher than theirs. It is too dangerous to retreat at this time. We must stick to the city and fight a defensive counterattack.

Although Murong Shun was flustered when he heard that he was surrounded by three sides, it can be seen that Si Ye was very calm, not that he had reached the end of the road, but he was a little more stable. After hearing Si Ye's reasons for sticking to it, Murong Shun had nothing With a good idea, I can only hesitate for a long time, and finally said, "I will advance and retreat with the king, and I will follow the command of the king."

With Murong Shun's support, Siye immediately announced the decision to defend the war to the whole army.

Then, with the generals, we will determine the defensive strategy, divide the shifts, and distribute the defense areas. Everything is in order.

The peasants were a little flustered, but they couldn't leave at this time. Although there were no enemies in the east, Siye thought it would be dangerous to let them leave now. Even if they sent troops to escort them, it might not be safe. It would be better to stay and help guard the village Anyway, there is no shortage of food in the village.

"What do you think if there are more and more thieves?"

In the camp where the peasants lived, several officials leading the team were talking in low voices.

"What are you afraid of? The thieves are getting more and more encircled. Don't tell me that our Daqin has no reinforcements? I believe that the imperial court must have sent a large army to help at this moment. We only need to guard him for ten days and a half months. Maybe the imperial army will encircle him on all sides. The thieves are all surrounded, and when the time comes, they will be taken away in one pot."

Everyone still had great trust in the imperial court. After all, Siye led an army to attack, and had already achieved two great victories in Dafeiling and Wuhai.

If it weren't for the small number of troops sent this time, there would be no need to worry about the coalition forces of Tubo, Tuyuhun, and Western Turks. Whoever comes will fight whom, one will fight one, and two will fight one pair.

A small official even felt that this was a rare opportunity. Maybe there would be a great victory in Dafeiling, and they would be able to help and make meritorious deeds.

Daqin places the most emphasis on military merit, and the reward for military merit is the fastest.

Dafeiling Village Gate.

Siye looked out from a high position, and could see not far away, the enemy's vanguard had already appeared, vaguely.

More than a dozen fast horses galloped out of the stockade in the twilight, and dispersed after descending the mountain, each going their own way.

They carried memorials with the same content on their backs.

"Tuyuhun, Tubo, and Western Turks allied with [-] troops and surrounded our army in Dafeiling. Please help!"

(End of this chapter)

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