Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 977 One Dangerous Landslide Dragon Controls the Sky

Chapter 977 Once the Landslide Dragon Controls the Sky
The emperor suddenly fell seriously ill and had been bedridden for several days, but the news was strictly sealed by the prime ministers of the political affairs hall who accompanied him in Chang'an.

No one knows why, the emperor suddenly fell ill, and the illness came like a mountain.

All the officials and servants of the Dianzhong Provincial Shangyao Bureau, which was in charge of the emperor's medical medicine, were at a loss what to do.

In the end, even the First Order and Cheng of the Taichang Medical Office who were in charge of medical teaching were summoned, and even the pharmacist who was in charge of the medicine garden was also called.

But when faced with the emperor's sudden illness, these people couldn't even determine the cause.

"With so many doctors, can't even find out the cause of the disease?"

Hou Mo and Chen Yi were angry.

Although they blocked the news of the emperor's sudden strange illness, how long can they block it.At this critical moment, if the emperor has any troubles, not to mention the possibility of problems in the battle at the Tuyuhun front, even the internal instability.

"Your Majesty has been in a coma for three days, but now he hasn't even found a cause, let alone a cure." Wei Zheng was worried, "I thought that we should make preparations in advance, just in case."

"What preparation?" Wang Ziming asked anxiously.

After Wei Zheng turned his head and glanced at the screen in the palace, the emperor was lying there without any movement.The emperor is only less than 30 years old, but is it going to collapse like this?
The Great Qin has not yet unified the world, and it has only been a few years since the founding of the country. If the emperor suddenly drives west at this time, the world that has just been pacified with great difficulty may be in chaos again.

The prince is still so young, the key is that there are several princes who are so capable of fighting in the clan.

"As your majesty's prime minister, I am in charge of the government. In your majesty's current situation, it is our job to seek medical advice. However, we must be prepared for the worst to prevent the situation from being irretrievable in the future. I think that we should immediately send people to Luoyang , to welcome the prince secretly. Once something happens, you can immediately welcome the prince to take the throne in Chang'an, so as to stabilize the situation."

"Old Taoist Wei, what nonsense are you talking about? Your Majesty is in the prime of his life, how could there be any chance?" Hou Mochen said angrily.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case." Wei Zheng said.

The eleven prime ministers of the Zhengshitang, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are now sitting in Luoyang to assist the prince to stay in the country, while the two prime ministers Zhang Xutuo and Wei Wensheng are going to Longyou Hexi to preside over the battle.

There are also seven prime ministers in Chang'an City.

Du Yan, the censor doctor, had a gloomy face, "Where is Li Junxian, isn't their pro-military government omnipotent? Why did such a big thing happen, but now they don't even have an investigation result, whether someone poisoned it, or someone Cursing Gu, he will come up with a result?"

Now the results given by the imperial doctors are that the emperor was not poisoned. As for whether someone cursed or something, they dare not say, because there is no basis for this.

"Which army is the most reliable in Chang'an City?" Chen Shuda, the new servant of the door, asked.

"The most credible person is Habayashiro, but the Habayashi Army can only be mobilized by the emperor's warrant. Even if we are prime ministers, we can't mobilize without His Majesty's warrant." Hou Mochenyi replied.

The three major systems of the current imperial army are the Beiya Forbidden Army, the Nanya Fubing Army, and the Neiya Protestant Army. The Yulin Army belongs to the Son of Heaven's personal soldiers, but they also belong to the Neiya in name. By.

The transfer of various military and guard houses requires the signatures of the emperor, the Privy Council, the Ministry of War, and even the Political Affairs Hall.

Wei Zheng sat there with a worried look on his face.

The emperor is so good, even comparable to Liu Yu, the founding emperor of the Liu Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, far surpassing Chen Baxian, the founding emperor of the Southern Chen Dynasty, and not worse than Yu Wenyong, the Wu Emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. problem.

Is it really jealous of talents?

Short-lived heroes?

Although no one wanted to face the worst outcome, as prime ministers, they had to start discussing how to prepare in advance if such a situation really happened.

The most important thing, of course, is to support the crown prince to ascend the throne smoothly.

Although the crown prince is young, there is nothing he can do. If he does not help the crown prince to succeed, if any brother of the emperor succeeds, it will attract dissatisfaction from other people, which will definitely lead to chaos.But to establish a prince, he has to worry about other people's dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, among the emperor's brothers, the three most prestigious in the army are Siye, Cunxiao, and Shixin. Both Siye and Cunxiao are now away, and Shixin is in Liaodong, but this prince does not seem to have such ambitions. man of.

"What about the battle in Helong?"

Chen Shuda asked, Qin Qiong sent back a rush report, saying that now the Western Turkic Shekui Khan has recruited another 20 troops, and they will march eastward in two routes, one pointing directly at Hexi and the other at Tuyuhun.

According to other information, the Tubo people have also mobilized 5 soldiers and horses to go north. Among them, the Tubo army sent [-] troops from the Western Qiang Kingdoms of Bailan, Duomi, Dangxiang, Bailang, and Dongnv.However, Nanri Lunzan is still mobilizing troops and horses, and it is estimated that there will be [-] to [-] horses to continue to reinforce the north.

Now Luo Siye led [-] soldiers and civilians to defend Dafeiling, and was surrounded by [-] enemy troops, waiting for rescue.

"Qin Qiong has already transferred the Hexi Army gathered in Fucheng City, Qinghai, back to Hexi for defense, and sent some more soldiers to them. Now 4 soldiers and horses are returning to Hexi, and 40 people are stationed in Fucheng. But in the face of The Tuyuhun, Western Turkic, and Tubo coalition forces have no less than [-] troops, and the situation is still not optimistic."

Hou Mo and Chen Ai waved his fists, "Didn't you already mobilize all the soldiers and horses to prepare for the battle? Order, send all the soldiers and horses to go west and fight with them."

Wen Yanbo, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, objected.

"Now, at this time, it is not appropriate to recruit large soldiers and fight big battles. First settle down inside, and then fight outside. It is better to send people to negotiate peace with Western Turks and Tubo."

Wei Zheng said in a cold voice, "Your Majesty has set up the national motto long ago, and there is no talk of peace or friendship."

"But things are different now."

"What's the difference? Fight them!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Tong Pingzhang, Qu Tutong had been silent for a long time, and finally spoke at this time.

"Someone thinks that we can fight. Before the fight started, he took the initiative to ask for peace. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make peace. It's better to finish the battle first."

Hou Mo and Chen Yi are even more determined fighters, "Then reply to Qin Qiong immediately and tell him that the imperial court supports his decision. The imperial court immediately sends more troops to the city and asks him to guard Fuqi City first, and not to go south easily, so as not to be hit by the enemy. The thieves plotted an ambush. This time, we will mobilize our troops and fight them in a grand battle."

"Think twice, everyone." Chen Shuda advised, the emperor was unconscious and didn't know what to do, it was too dangerous to fight a big battle with hundreds of thousands of troops at this time.

Wei Zheng narrowed his eyes, "Block the news of Tai Chi Palace completely, never leak any news about His Majesty's status, welcome the Crown Prince secretly, even if His Majesty is really successful, you must finish this battle before inviting the Crown Prince to succeed you to the throne." !"

(End of this chapter)

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