Chapter 979

A school lieutenant couldn't help scolding, "I'm waiting for a discount, but I didn't expect you to be so playful and bold!"

The young man cupped his hands, "This old man is Sun Simiao, I dare not play tricks on you."

Li Junxian silently looked at this young man who called himself Sun Simiao. He was over 80 years old, but he was actually in his twenties, but listening to his words and gestures, he felt that this man was extraordinary, not like someone in his early twenties. young people.

Especially looking at the respectful attitude of the middle-aged man and the group of young people towards this man, it doesn't seem like a fake.

At that moment Li Junxian bowed his hand.

"Everyone in the world says that a person who has achieved the Tao can rejuvenate his old age. It is unexpected that such a Taoist god as Guang Chengzi actually exists in the world. Li Junxian, the Duke of Wulian County, the captain of the guard of the army, is here to pay homage to the King of Medicine Old Fairy."

Sun Simiao stepped aside and returned the salute.

"When I was young, I loved the words of Lao Zhuang and Zhuangzi, and practiced Taoism, but it can't be called a successful practice and rejuvenation. It's just that I pay more attention to health preservation, so the maintenance is not bad. You look like a 20-year-old young man. In fact, the old man Eighty-two this year, black hair and little face, but really old."

Li Junxian sighed, "Even if the old god can live another hundred years, it is really necessary to take the liberty to disturb the old god today. I want to ask the old god to come out of the mountain to treat a patient for me. The patient was originally healthy and young, but suddenly he fell into a coma for a day, countless famous doctors were helpless, and asked the old god to save him."

As a famous doctor, Sun Simiao is most proficient in internal medicine, followed by pediatrics and gynecology, and he is quite researched in pharmacology.

As soon as I heard about this situation, I immediately asked.

"Sudden onset, and then unconscious, there are many symptoms in line with it, what other symptoms did you have at the time of the onset, did you vomit?"

"There was indeed vomiting at the time of the onset, but many doctors checked and it was not poisoning."

"Vomitting is not necessarily poisoning." Sun Simiao quickly summed up the situation based on what Li Junxian said. Young people under the age of 30, usually in good health, suddenly fell ill, vomited, and then fell into a coma.

"Excuse me, was the patient agitated before the onset of the disease, or did he have any strenuous exercise?"

Li Junxian recalled carefully.

As the captain of the pro-military mansion, he has checked the people around the emperor over and over again these days, and he knows the situation of the emperor when he fell ill that day.

"Before the onset of the disease, I heard a bad news, and the patient was emotional because of it. It happened that he had just returned from playing polo at that time."

"If this is the case, it fits a guess in my mind, but I haven't seen the patient with my own eyes, so I can't draw a conclusion directly."

"Then trouble the old god to go down the mountain and make a face-to-face diagnosis. As long as the old god is willing to help, there will be great thanks afterwards."

But Sun Simiao shook his head, "I'm very interested in your patient's illness, and I'm currently researching some of this kind of illness, so I just went to have a look. However, the meeting gift you just gave is too heavy, I can't accept it. "

The old god refused to accept the 1000 taels of gold consultation fee.

At this time, Li Junxian didn't care about these falsehoods, so he invited someone to treat the emperor first, and everything else was easy to talk about.

"You guys, get a chair, wrap it around a wooden pole, and carry the old fairy down the mountain."

Sun Simiao smiled, "Although I am over 80 years old, you can see that I am in good health. I often go up to the mountains to collect herbs. Walking in this mountain, you may not be like me. Let's go, hurry up and fall into a coma for three days." God, it is already very dangerous, if you delay for a while, it will increase the danger."

After simply packing up some things, Sun Simiao only brought the middle-aged man with him, who turned out to be his eldest disciple Liu Shenwei.

Everyone went down the mountain together, and sure enough, the old fairy crossed mountains and ridges like walking on flat ground, more agile than soldiers like Li Junxian.

After rushing all the way, they finally came to the land of abandoned horses before dark.

Li Junxian whistled, and the mount ran back from a distance.

"Get on the horse."

It was already midnight when they galloped all the way to the city of Chang'an.

At this time, the gates of Chang'an City were closed. Three days ago, Chang'an City had already started martial law. The public reason was that there was a war on the front line of Guanlong, and it was to prevent spies from entering the city and causing chaos.

But in fact, it was because the emperor was critically ill, and the prime ministers had to block the news and strengthen the control of Chang'an City.

As soon as Li Junxian and his party arrived at the bottom of the city, bows and crossbows were already pointing at them from the top of the city.

After he showed his Jade Tiger Talisman, the city gate opened.

Under the darkness, a group of people galloped directly on Chang'an Avenue.

The captain of the guarding army of the city gate even held a torch to open the way for them.

The Jinwu Guards patrolling on the long street heard Li Junxian holding up the banner of the pro-military mansion from a distance, shouting that I am Li Junxian, and I have an urgent business.

Everyone wanted to stop them but couldn't, so they could only watch them go away.

"Hurry up and report to General Zhonglang, Li Junxian violated the night ban, and Chang'an Royal Road gallops."

Due to the emperor's serious illness, the seven prime ministers in Chang'an City were all working overnight in the palace just in case.

Li Junxian knocked on the palace gate at night.

General Chang He, who was on duty tonight, was deeply surprised, "I brought the King of Medicine back, and I will immediately enter the palace to treat His Majesty."

Chang He hesitated, "Wait a minute, I will inform the prime ministers."

Li Junxian said angrily, "What time is it? I'm still waiting for your notice. Open the city gate quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

Chang He was also very angry, "Li Junxian, you are so stupid!"

Li Junxian drew his sword straight away, "The soldiers guarding the palace gate, saving people is like putting out a fire. Your Majesty must not delay for a moment, and must not delay, open the gate quickly!"

The guards at the gate of the palace were all internal soldiers, and they were also the few who knew something about the situation. After hearing Li Junxian's words, all the soldiers persuaded Chang He to open the gate first and send someone to escort the gods into the palace.

"Okay." Chang He was also a little helpless.

The palace gate opened, and Chang He personally led a group of soldiers to protect Li Junxian and Sun Simiao into the palace, while the rest were left outside the palace gate.

After passing through the Liangyi Gate, in front of the Liangyi Hall, the Habayashi Legion guards the palace, and no one is allowed to approach.

"I am Li Junxian, and I have invited King Sun Yao from Zhongnan Mountain."

Li Junxian showed his jade talisman, and Chang He also showed his gold tiger talisman.

General Yulin Wang Tiehan looked at Sun Simiao, "Is this man the King of Medicine?"

"Don't look at him as if he is very young, but in fact, the old medicine king is already 82 years old."

Wang Tiehan and Li Junxian were in the same group who defected to Luo Cheng back then, and they are very familiar with each other. Knowing that Li Junxian is not the kind of nonsense person, he immediately said, "Okay, come with me, if you are a charlatan, I will will cut off his head himself."

"If it's a liar, I'll let you chop off my head too."

Sun Simiao followed them into the Liangyi Hall and saw the emperor on the dragon couch. Only then did he realize that the person he wanted to heal was actually the Emperor of Qin, Luo Cheng, the white tiger who swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger.

Fortunately, this medicine king had achieved success in cultivation, so he quickly calmed down.

Step forward and start to look, hear and ask.

(End of this chapter)

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