Chapter 984

end of May.

Prime Minister Wang Ziming and Zuo Shence General Zhang Liang welcomed Crown Prince Jiawen to Chang'an from Luoyang, accompanied by two prime ministers, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui.

The first day of June.

An edict came out from the Taiji Palace.

The emperor was sick and unwell, and needed to rest and recuperate. Therefore, he ordered Crown Prince Jiawen to act as the regent, and all the ministers in the political affairs hall assisted in the administration.

The prince listened to the government in the Chongjiao Hall of the East Palace.

On the second day of the lunar new year, the prince summoned Daoxin, the abbot of Shaolin, the guardian of the country, and Wang Zhiyuan, the head of the Qing Dynasty, the heavenly master of the guardian of the country, to pray for the emperor.On the same day, the prince awarded the Prince's Teaching, amnesty to the world, and reduced and exempted the four land taxes of Guanlong Heshuo for one year.

On the third day of the junior high school, the crown prince was awarded, civil and military officials were awarded a rank, and civilians over the age of 80 were rewarded with food and cloth.

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, Luo Shixin, king of Zhao, was enfeoffed on the bank of the Huhan River outside the pass, granted a fief of five hundred miles, granted the title of King of Bohai, established the Kingdom of Bohai, and conferred three thousand households.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Luo Yi, King of Yan, enfeoffed a fief of [-] miles in the southwest of Rinan County, Guangnan Road, west of Wushiling, on the bank of the Luolun River, titled Sunset King, established Sunset Kingdom, and granted [-] households.

On the [-]th, the three kings Luo Jizu, Luo Chengzong, and Luo Shou were enfeoffed on the southeast coast of Changbai Mountain outside the Liaodong Pass, each conferring a land of [-] miles and sealing [-] households.Luo Jizu was the king of Changbai, Luo Shou was the king of Tumen, and Luo Chengzong was the king of Vladivostok.

On June [-]th, the Taibaijin star appeared during the day, and the emperor hadn't shown up for a month.

In the south of Tuyuhun, on the Dafei Mountains.

The weather is also gradually improving, the wind and snow are no longer there, but it is raining continuously.

It has been more than two months since he went south from Fucheng City, two months since he captured the Dafeiling camp, and more than a month since he withdrew from Wuhai City to the mountain.

But reinforcements never arrived.

But on the contrary, the enemy's reinforcements are increasing.

By this time, there were already [-] Tubo troops on all sides of Dafeiling, [-] Dangxiang, [-] Bailan, [-] Domi, [-] Dongnu, and Bailang Eight Kingdoms, and [-] Tubo and Xiqiang allied troops occupying Dafeiling. East and South sides.

And Murong Ke, Murong Anyuan's uncle and nephew of Tuyuhun, and King Tianzhu also pulled [-] Tuyuhun tribe soldiers to station in the north of Dafeichuan.

One hundred thousand troops from the Western Turks also arrived, but they occupied the northwest of Dafeichuan.

The three-way army, with a total of 30 people, surrounded the [-] Qin soldiers and civilians in Dafeiling, layer by layer.

The improvement of the weather is not good news for Siye.

They were stationed in the camp fence on the mountain, with sufficient food, grass and military equipment. They slaughtered many livestock, cattle and sheep captured by the Powuhai and Zhuo Dafeiling camps early on, and dried the meat in salt and sun.

The colder the weather, the safer they would be. The slaughtered livestock could be stored in the snow, frozen directly in the snow, or salted and dried.In a snowy day, although the enemy army is numerous, it is difficult to attack the mountain.

Several times of tentative attacks were easily repelled by the Qin army commanded by Siye.

But as the weather gets hotter, frozen beef and mutton are not easy to preserve, and firewood has to be cut to smoke, roast or stew for preservation.Secondly, the weather is good, and the enemy's attack is also convenient.

The only advantage is that the war horses don't have to eat hay every day, but can eat the green and tender grass on the Dafei River, which can be supplemented.

"Why hasn't the reinforcements arrived for so long?"

Guo Xiaoke complained a little, although he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, with 30 enemy troops on all sides, he could not be intimidated.But it's also boring to be trapped on this plateau and mountains that don't shit.

What he hates most is the altitude sickness here. Even after staying there for a few months, it is much better than the initial reaction, but it still makes him uncomfortable and often feels headaches.

Even if the water is boiled, it will never boil, let alone eating meat every day, people will almost vomit.There is no shortage of meat here, but there is a lack of seasoning. There is only a little salt, and the meat is tasteless.

"You said, it can't be that the reinforcements were ambushed on the way and were surrounded and rescued?"

Xue Wanjun scolded him unceremoniously, "You crow's mouth, can't you say something nice? Maybe His Majesty is playing a big game of chess, and he just took us as bait for fishing? Look, 30 thieves now! , There are ugly feudal clans, there are wild ones, there are stupid ones who spit out the valley, how good it is, catching 30 people at one time, with a little planning, isn't it another great victory in Mayi."

The two chattered and chewed beef jerky.

Although air-dried beef jerky has a fishy smell, it is better than mutton.

"Damn it, when will the rain stop? My body is so wet that mushrooms will grow."

Siye stood there quietly. The officers and soldiers of the Qin army on the mountain were doing well, although they were a little irritable, but they were the Qin army after all, and they were restrained by veterans and officers, so they were fine.

But those folk husbands are already restless.They shouted every day that it was time to harvest the crops at home. After being out for so long, the family was worried and said that no one was harvesting the crops at home.Others said that if they didn't go back for so long, the mother-in-law might think that they died outside and remarried.

A few days ago, it appeared that some civilian husbands went down the mountain without permission and wanted to run home.

Although it was discovered by the patrol Qingqi and intercepted and brought back in time, it was still a very bad start.

Siye had no choice but to order the group to be hung up, each person was whipped twenty lashes in public, and punished to clean the toilet pit for the next month.

"The enemy army at the foot of the mountain is about to attack the city." Siye said.

"Attack as soon as you attack, I can't wait to come, I'm idle and bored every day, my body is full of lice, it's very annoying. Here are some ugly and stupid people, just for the master to vent."

"Murong Shun seems to be unable to suppress the Tuyuhun soldiers." Siye said again.

Guo Xiaoke and Xue Wanjun, the two ruffians, shut up, although they had always been unhappy with Murong Shun, but now they are all grasshoppers on the same rope, his [-] Tuyuhun soldiers are very important for them to guard the village.

"Damn, those Tuyuhun people don't want to go down the mountain to join the enemy, do they?"

"Not necessarily impossible." Siye said.

"Then what should we do? How about we cut them all down first?" Xue Wanjun said.

Siye rolled his eyes, being with these two idiots is sometimes quite lonely, they are good fighters in charge and fighting, but if you want to talk to them about something with technical content, you have to find the wrong person.

He missed Liu Hongji, Yin Kaishan, Hou Junji, and others at this time, even Duan Zhixuan, who came to his command later, was actually quite good.

"We need to know what happened to the imperial court and why there is no reinforcements for so long. I need to send some warriors to break out, bring the situation here, and bring back the information from outside." Siye said.

Guo Xiaoke curled his lips, "However, hundreds of people have been sent out before and after, and every time they are meat buns beating dogs, there is no return. I guess even if someone rushes out, it will be very difficult to rush in again. Hundreds of thousands of ugly and idiots are blocking it, it's too difficult to think about it."

Siye ignored the two of them and turned around to leave.

He returned to the commander's account, and said to Qin Wei, "Go and call Wang Xuance."

(End of this chapter)

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