Chapter 99
(Thanks for the rewards from Kai Kai and Soul Mi Lian, thank you!)

late autumn.

cold night.

Luo Cheng walked on the city wall of Zhangqiu County. The city has only been built for 30 years, but the city wall is already very dilapidated.It was so dusty that the original color of the rammed earth could not be seen.

A city wall of two feet high is not considered high.

Moreover, the city wall is very thin, there is no urn, no turrets, not even a sheep and horse wall in front of the city wall, there is only one dry trench, and because it has not been dredged for a long time, there are many shallow and narrow sections of silt.

There are also several collapsed gaps in a section of the city wall, which are only blocked with stones and wooden blocks, and a bamboo fence is woven to block them.

It is said that this collapsed place was destroyed by soldiers and bandits when the world was not unified in the early years.Speaking of it, because Zhangqiu County is under Changbai Mountain, when there is chaos, the deep mountains are the source of chaos, and when chaos breaks out, Zhangqiu County will bear the brunt of it.

On the city wall, county soldiers and township soldiers took over their shifts, standing in twos and threes on duty at night.

Although the duty of guarding the county town belongs to Captain Jia Runpu and his county soldiers, Luo Cheng is still not at ease with them.There are [-] people in the county army regiment, but these people are not as spirited as his [-] township soldiers.

In the final analysis, these county soldiers are actually just a group of people temporarily transferred from the countryside. When they serve as county soldiers, they are a kind of servants.Everyone takes turns to work for a month, and there is neither wages nor food, and even the rations for the month of rotation have to be brought from their own homes to the regiment, and then eat a large pot of rice.

The staff is also uneven, there are old men with gray hair, and teenagers who are fourteen or fifteen years old. Even if there are a few young and strong ones, they are all relatively thin, and few of them really know how to fight.

Not even training a few times, let alone weapons and equipment.

Such a group of people can't have much hope for them.

It's not that Lao Jia doesn't want to give preferential treatment to his own group of people, but the five hundred people don't have any food from above. It's a sign, but it's really just a show.

Practice drills every day, then dawdle, just waiting to go home when the month is over.

"These people can't."

After only patrolling a section of the city wall, Luo Cheng couldn't help shaking his head at the fourth son, "Look at them, they don't stand upright, sit down, they are on duty at night, but they end up squatting in twos and threes chatting together, and even sleeping and snoring. What is the use of this?"

The fourth child said, "Actually, we can't blame them for being like this. Brothers in the township group have three meals a day, and there is enough porridge in the morning and evening, plus two steamed cakes, and enough pickles, but they only have two meals a day. Dun Dun is porridge, and there is no steamed cake at all. Even some pickles are brought from home, and there is no salt."

"During the day, practice in the morning, dig trenches in the morning, repair the city wall in the afternoon, and watch the night at night. People are not made of iron, so how can they survive?"

The fourth child came over and said, "A lot of brothers from the county soldiers came to me these days and asked me if they wanted to join our township regiment. They also have errands in the yamen, as well as food and pay. They are all used to it. They are not afraid of exerting energy. It’s okay to be tired from training, but they are afraid that it will be useless.”

Luo Cheng was also a little helpless.

"The situation of our township regiment is a bit special. We are still working on the third shift of the yamen, otherwise there will be no salary. Besides, the salary of the yamen's errands is also obtained by ourselves. This time we I worked hard to clean up the old third class of yamen servants, and made a lot of money. Although most of them have to be handed over to the public, we can only get some money if we have money in the treasury. Otherwise, we will be like Lao Jia, and we can’t change money Come."

"In addition, there are many gangsters in the county. They are strong and young, and they want to join us."

There is no shortage of this kind of people, they come from all backgrounds, but these people are lazy and disobedient, Luo Cheng is not willing to have such people.His current [-] township youths are mostly peasant children, and they are more honest and responsible. They will feed everyone and provide a portion of money and food, and everyone will happily follow him.

He shook his head and said, "The weather is getting colder and colder. It is especially hard to be on duty at night. The cow that was killed still has the skeleton. I just ordered some bones to be stewed. Although there is not much meat on the bones, it needs to be stewed for more time." However, the bone soup is the thickest and most fragrant, sprinkle some salt and add some chopped green onion, drink it when you are on duty, and you will be more energetic."

"That's good. It's really cold to be on duty tonight. Drink some hot soup just to warm you up." The fourth child rubbed his hands together and smiled, "Little five, I heard that those butchers were very profitable in the business of killing cattle and selling meat." , Now that we have arrested people, no one is doing this stall business, and the big households in Zhangqiu and the nearby counties who want to eat beef will have a headache."

Luo Cheng turned his head and looked at the fourth child, "What do you think?"

"I mean, this kind of thing is actually on the table, and everyone knows it well. Now that one group is caught, another group will definitely emerge after a while. This is a profitable business, no It will be broken. Instead of us taking advantage of others, it is better for us to do it ourselves. I have calculated that this business is actually really good, and we can expand it to supply the nine counties of this county. It is estimated that killing a cow a day is not enough. , make it bigger, and you will definitely have a hundred pennies a month."

"Don't think about it." Luo Cheng shook his head.

"Why?" Luo Si was dissatisfied, "You don't want to do it, I will do it myself."

"you dare!"

Luo Cheng glared at the fourth child, "Think about something serious, don't always think about the wrong way, we just arrived now, and I don't know how many eyes are staring at us secretly, are you trying to pass a knife to someone?"

"Okay, I'll send someone to bring beef bone soup later, you should go around a few more times, this duty still depends on our brothers from the township regiment, the county soldiers are unreliable."

"It's so cold and frosty at night, is it possible that there are really thieves who don't open their eyes and dare to come?"

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, be careful sailing for ten thousand years, if you make a mistake, I only ask you, then don't blame me for not showing brotherhood."

"Don't worry, I'm here, come one and kill one, come two and I'll chop a pair." The fourth child patted his chest and said.

Under the night, in a private house in the south of the city.

In the closed room, only a dim oil lamp was lit.

"How? I'm right. There are loopholes everywhere in Zhangqiu City, but now the surname Luo is pursuing the deficit everywhere and forcing people to make up for it. Now the warehouse is full of money, silk and grain. Let's unite with each other People and horses, if he has a big ticket, it will be released."

Another person said, "The county is strictly inspected during the day, and there are people on duty at night. I'm afraid it's not easy to do it."

"It's not easy. The defenders of the city are all newly conscripted mud legs. They don't have enough to eat every day. It's no use. As long as you do it, we will take care of you internally."

"Taking down the county seat, you can use the money, food, cloth and silk in this warehouse. I don't want any of it. I only have one request. Get rid of Zhang Yichen, that dog official, and Luo Cheng, that dog leg!"

(End of this chapter)

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