Chapter 991

Dang Xiang Tuoba Qiang suffered a lot in the southeast of Dafei Mountains, panicked and frightened.

But Gal didn't care at all. The life and death of a group of Dangxiang Qiang had nothing to do with him. Originally, these Western Qiang hadn't really belonged to them, so if they died more, it would actually be good for Tubo's northern expansion.

Seeing that the soldiers and horses of the Domi Kingdom approached a hundred steps down the Nanshan camp fence, they still haven't met the slightest counterattack.

Gar believed that the Qin army had made a mistake.

On the mountain.

On the south side of the mountain, which is the easiest to climb, the Qin army set up nine barracks on the hillside, and many soldiers and horses were deployed behind each barracks.

The Domi Qiang soldiers gradually approached, but the order flag on the mountain did not change for a long time, so the soldiers behind the barracks held their spears tightly and drew their longbows, but they did not move for a long time.


If you act without orders, you will be punished by military law.

Even the enemy is already close to a hundred paces, but the crossbowmen, even the strings have just been wound, but they can't pull the strings.Each crossbowman carries three pots of arrows, a total of a hundred, and each is equipped with five bowstrings.

However, in this season, bowstrings are not easy to maintain and are easily damaged. Therefore, the above requires that bowstrings should not be stringed unless they are in battle, and the bowstrings should only be stretched after the enemy is within range.

The commanders of the regiments stationed at the first barracks turned their heads to look back at the mountain from time to time.

Several battle flags were erected there, but the red flag fluttered but remained unchanged.

A nominal attendant couldn't help asking, "General, the Qiang people are already within range."

The commander who had a scar on his face laughed, and patted the ten-year-old adoptive servant several times with his big hand, "Why, are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid." Although Yi'er was very excited, and his body was trembling with excitement, he was really not afraid. "I just want to start the fight earlier, kill a few more Qiang thieves, and strive to enter the Habayashi Palace in the future and become a disciple of the Son of Heaven."

"Good boy, have ambition, but don't worry, in war, you have to obey the command. We frontline soldiers, what we have to do is to follow orders, and fighting bravely in wartime is enough."

On the mountain.

Siye was under the banner, overlooking the enemy approaching from a high position.

"Let the Qiang stragglers in front come here, don't startle the snakes."

Today, it was the first time that the Divine Machine Cannon showed its power in front of the enemy. Although it was fired, the damage was limited.The round just now seemed to be a blast, but it only killed hundreds of people.

But it really shocked the enemy army, especially the Dangxiang Tuoba Department, it is estimated that they have already had a psychological shadow.

Since the Tubo people still want to fight, we should give them some ruthlessness today, so that they can have a longer memory.

"If Duomi soldiers are sent over, it is estimated that there will be casualties in a barracks soon." A staff officer said.

"Will there be no casualties in the war? We are all soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty. We have won the first battle and died. In order to win, we have to sacrifice."

"Would you like to reinforce a barracks?"

"This is just the first battle. Reinforcements were given at the beginning. Then how will we fight this battle? Tell Zhang Biao of the first battalion that there are no reinforcements. He must hold for me. If you hold it and fight it, I will call him big in the future." Biao, if you can't beat him well, he will be called Xiao Biao and Ruan Biao from now on!"


With tens of thousands of troops guarding Dafeiling, it is not known when reinforcements will be available. Facing the siege of 30 enemy troops, Siye must prepare for the worst from the beginning and reserve enough strength.

At the foot of the mountain, more than 3000 scattered soldiers have approached the sixty paces, and behind, there are more than 7000 scattered soldiers who have begun to mount their horses, ready to ride down the mountain.

Zhang Biao smiled helplessly after hearing the words of the messenger.

Although the defenders of his first barracks only guarded the south side of the mountain, there were a total of 2000 people, just one regiment.

"Go back and tell the commander-in-chief that I, Da Biao, have been fighting with the king since Qijun. I was also killed by the Modao team back then. I have never been soft-hearted at any time. I, Da Biao, will always be Da Biao. , even if you die, you must be hard-boiled."

After the messenger left, Da Biao took out his Mo Dao.

From a Mo Daoist to the commander of the regiment now, he has slashed and slashed all the way.

Every time he leveled up, there were many corpses of enemy soldiers lying under Mo Dao.

"Bring it closer and shoot again. Release the arrow when you reach thirty steps. Don't throw the arrow. Just aim for Lao Tzu and shoot one by one. Three groups, all show some skills. If you win, everyone will be rewarded. If you If you don’t fight well, shame on me, and get out of my regiment from now on.”

Generally, when confronting the enemy in front of the battle, the archer will only open the bow when the enemy is only released to sixty paces recently.And the crossbowman, even further away, will fire the crossbow.

Thirty steps. For archers, this distance can improve accuracy, but it is also very dangerous.

But now Zhang Dabiao asked to shoot arrows after [-] steps. First, he relied on his own camp to defend, and second, because the enemies in front were too scattered, the effect of shooting arrows too far was not good.

It's a waste of energy and a waste of arrows, it's better to release them when they are close.

As for the magic machine guns attached to the first barracks, although there were as many as a hundred, he ordered to wait until the enemy brigade from behind came up before listening to his orders to shoot.

The Domi Qiang soldiers were only fifty or sixty steps closer to the barracks.

They began to draw their bows and arrows, shooting as they walked.

Fortunately, the Qin army was condescending, occupying a high place, and there were camps to avoid. Most of the arrows just flew over sparsely and then fell.

Some unlucky Qin Jun was hit by an arrow, grunted, and persisted.

Behind them, the medical examiner who accompanied the army commanded the stretcher team to come over and take charge of the treatment on the battlefield.

The Qin army is an army with a relatively systematic military medical system. In the Sui Dynasty, the imperial court stipulated that every 500 people should be dispatched by the Taichang Temple to send one medical officer, and the army should send two medical officers. 5000 people, add one medical officer.

In addition, a battalion for sick children was set up in the army, and doctors were assigned to serve as inspectors for sick children, responsible for treating and caring for wounded soldiers.

Most of these medical officers sent from Taichang Temple were actually transferred from the Imperial Medical Office, a doctor training school of the imperial court. Although some medical officers were sent, the number was too small. When an army of 500 men fights, only one is sent. If there are 5000 men, there are only two in total. If there are 1 troops, there are only three military doctors.

When Luo Cheng fought in Liaodong, he paid great attention to military doctors. Ninety percent of the casualties in the war were not directly killed by the enemy on the battlefield. Instead, most of them died of injuries and diseases after the war, especially wound infections, which were extremely serious and caused extremely high casualties. .

Therefore, as early as when he conquered Liao, he set up a special field hospital in his own army, stocked a lot of medicine, and built a special battlefield rescue battalion with stretcher teams, etc.

There are also many military doctors in Siye's army now.

These military doctors were not sent from the Taichang Temple, but from the military hospital established by the Ministry of War. The military hospital of the Ministry of War is a military institution that specializes in training military doctors. It employs famous doctors from all over the country, and some doctors from the Imperial Medical Office are also part-time professors. Then recruit medical students.

Different from the Tai Hospital, the students recruited by the military hospital officially became soldiers of the imperial court as soon as they were admitted to the hospital. They had to learn both medical skills and military training.

After four years of study, he was assigned to serve as a military doctor in the Sanya Army.

All the armies of the three yamen have hospitals. When fighting, they set up marching field hospitals and dispatched military doctors. At the same time, they also formed rescue teams and stretcher teams with soldiers and civilians.

A young intern from the military hospital bent over and ran over, quickly checked a wounded soldier who had been shot by an arrow, and then wrapped a green cloth around his arm.

Green, representing minor injuries.

In addition, there are blue for no serious injury, yellow for minor injuries, red for serious injuries, and purple for first aid.

Different cloth strips have different aids.

After tying the green cloth strips, the intern took the gauze and bandaged the soldier's arrow.Green, there is no need for a stretcher to be sent to the back, and there is no need for a formal military doctor to do it. A strong doctor can handle it. Even when you are busy, doctors, nurses or stretcher teams can help bandage.

"Be careful." After speaking, the young doctor and nurse carried the medicine box on their backs and went on to the next wounded soldier.

The wounded soldier injured his arm. For an archer, although the injury is not serious, it affects the combat effectiveness.

The captain came over to take a look, "Win the lottery? You're lucky, okay, put on a spear and go to the back as a reserve team."

The young wounded soldier nodded, left the arrow behind, turned and retreated.

"Captain, the enemy is within thirty steps!"

"Captain, there will be an order for the crossbowmen to release their arrows!"

When the captain heard this, he approached the fence and shouted, "Shoot the fuck! Shoot!"

(End of this chapter)

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