Chapter 994

The two Habayashiro supported the emperor from left to right.

Luo Cheng tried his best to move his legs, but he still felt that his legs were limp and weak. If it wasn't for the support of two young Habayashirou, he would have collapsed to the ground.

But the emperor gritted his teeth and persisted, sweating profusely all of a sudden.

"Your Majesty, why don't you rest for a while?"

Luo Cheng smiled, "If you want to recover as soon as possible, this process is indispensable. Now my body is like a newborn baby, and I have to adapt and learn everything again. I have to learn to walk and hold things. This process will It's harder than a baby, because a baby didn't know anything before, but I have to relearn."

Raise your legs hard, and then step out hard, your body center of gravity is unstable and swaying.

Habayashiro supported the emperor to move his upper body forward a little, and then the emperor took another leg.

After working hard like this for a long time, he could only walk less than a hundred steps.

"Your Majesty, you can take a rest today. The recovery is gradual and urgent. There is no rush." ​​Sun Simiao came over to persuade him. He admired the emperor's perseverance and determination.The emperor refused to lie still on the bed, and put forward his own rehabilitation plan early on. The emperor even proposed to make many rehabilitation appliances by himself, some for exercising legs and feet, and some for exercising fingers. Wow, these are really targeted goodies.

"Okay, I won't practice my legs today, I'll practice my hands later."

Habayashiro helped the emperor sit on the wheelchair.

Pushing the emperor to a table, what is placed on this table is not a memorial book, but many building blocks of different shapes.

The emperor raised his weak hands, picked up the scattered building blocks with great effort, and began to rebuild and restore.

Although this process is much easier than walking, but many times the hands are not obedient, the brain cannot direct the hands, and the heart cannot follow the movements. This will make the emperor very frustrated and even irritable.

"Your Majesty, take your time, you have recovered very well."

Luo Cheng looked at the building blocks for a long time before he could only get a few blocks right, and smiled helplessly.

"Okay, let's go here first today and ask Miracle Doctor Sun to give me acupuncture."

Habayashiro pushed the emperor to the bathing room. First, the court lady wiped off the emperor's sweat, changed a new set of clothes, and then pushed him to the acupuncture room.

Sun Simiao had already ordered wormwood, and the air was filled with a faint smell of wormwood mixed with other traditional Chinese medicines.

The process of applying needles is not easy.

Luo Cheng couldn't feel the pain during the first few days of acupuncture, but now, the pain has become more and more painful. The old genius doctor explained that this is because the meridians used for acupuncture are different.

"Your Majesty, today's acupuncture will be more painful, please bear with me, Your Majesty."

"Don't worry, I can bear this little pain."

It takes a full hour to perform acupuncture.

Silver needles are inserted all over the body.

The pain of inserting needles in some acupoints was beyond words, and even brought tears to the eyes, but from the beginning to the end, the emperor did not groan.

In order to relieve the pain, the emperor called the academicians of the Imperial Academy to take turns to give a report whenever the acupuncture was administered.

The Hanlin scholar who came here today is Xiu Liang, a scholar of Dongge University.

Xiu Liang was originally an official of the Southern Chen Dynasty. At the beginning, he was the servant of the Shangshu Palace. Later, Chen Mie entered the Sui Dynasty and became a scholar of the Eastern Palace. When the Tang Dynasty was at war, he turned his back on the Qin Dynasty and voted for the Tang Dynasty. After entering the Tang Dynasty, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.When the Tang Dynasty was destroyed by his heir, Xuan Liang returned to Daqin and became a Bachelor of Hongwenguan.

This time, the emperor awarded the Bachelor of the Nine Halls of the Imperial Academy, which are three halls and six halls.

The East Pavilion ranks second to last in the Six Pavilions, just ahead of the West Pavilion, but now the nine academicians of the Imperial Academy are called internal ministers, who can share power with the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang.

The nine prime ministers of the Zhengshitang take turns presiding over the meetings of the Zhengshitang, and take turns holding the political pens, while the nine scholars of the Imperial Academy take turns presiding over the meetings of the Imperial Academy, and taking turns holding the vermilion pens for imperial criticism.

"The Privy Council played, Cheng Yaojin, Pei Xingyan, Xue Wanche, and Niu Jinda defeated the Western Turkic forward in Dunhuang, beheaded 3000 Western Turkic people, captured the uncle of Shekui Khan Mo Hedu, and captured [-] people. Cheng Yaojin took advantage of the situation and sent troops westward to Iraq I, General Xue Wanche led more than [-] troops as the vanguard, crossed the desert, and made rapid advances, day and night."

"His army crossed the desert against the wind and sand, and suddenly appeared under the city of Yiwu. Neither the king of Yiwu nor the Tutun stationed by the Western Turks were able to defend against them. They were defeated by General Xue Wanche. My Tutun, take Xinyiwu and Yiwu City."

This news lifted the emperor's spirit.

Yiwu was originally one of the countries in the Western Regions. Its land is in the northwest of Yumen Pass, separated by the vast desert, but Yiwu is the only place to pass through on the Silk North Road out of Yumen Pass.

When Yiwu disrespected the Great Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang sent General Xue Shixiong to send troops to conquer, destroy Yiwu country and set up Yiwu County, and built a new Yiwu city in the southeast of Yiwu King City, where the Sui army stationed.

It was just that after the Sui Dynasty chaos, Yiwu returned to the country again, and the garrison of that year was also withdrawn.

The Western Turkic Khan Shekui bestowed the title of Jielifa on the king of Yiwu, just like other kings in the Western Regions, and then sent his own officials to lead troops to Yiwu and confer the title of Tutun.

Therefore, the Yiwu Kingdom at this time was still ruled by King Yiwu on the surface, but like other kings of the Western Regions, he also accepted the title of Jielifa bestowed by the Western Turks. The incoming troops were stationed.

The small countries in the Western Regions are no longer truly independent kingdoms, but are subordinate to the Western Turks.

But now, Cheng Yaojin defeated the forward of the Western Turkic Army at Dunhuang, and then sent Xue Wanche to counterattack with lightning speed, cross the desert, surprise Yiwu, and captured it in one fell swoop.

Yiwu's Western Turkic Army did not expect that the Qin Army could come so quickly, they were not even prepared, and they were defeated by Xue Wanche.

Back then, Xue Wanche's father, Xue Shixiong, crossed the desert alone, and when the Turkic people failed to show up, he still attacked Yiwu country alone.Now, Xue Wanche breaks Yiwu again, the father is not weak.

"Your Majesty, there is another piece of good news. At the same time Cheng Yaojin defeated the Western Turkic forward in Dunhuang, Niu Jinda led an army from Zhangye Jiuquan, went northward along the weak water, galloped for eight hundred miles, and defeated the troops who entered here in Juyanhai. There are more than ten thousand Western Turkic troops, and they seized the oasis here and captured the same city."

"well played!"

The emperor couldn't help admiring loudly.

Sun Simiao hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, please don't get excited."

"Okay, okay, I'm not excited, I'm not excited, I'm not excited, and the generals Yaojin, Xue Wanche, Niu Jinda, and Pei Xingyan have indeed displayed the prestige of my Great Qin. The North Route Army has won consecutive battles, and the Hexi side has stabilized. Not only that, It also destroyed Yiwu and restored the Yiwu County established in the Sui Dynasty, which is a great achievement."

"What about the other two roads? Is there any good news? Is there any news about Dafeichuan's heir?"

The emperor couldn't help asking.

"General Qin Qiong is still stationed in Fuqi City, and the whole general led an army to the south. He has crossed the South Mountain of Qinghai and arrived at Shudun City on the west bank of the Yellow River. General Yuchi Gong led an army and stationed in Mantou City a hundred miles west of Shudun City. .”

Yu Chigong and Laizheng's two armies were very particular about their positions, one on the left and the other on the right, blocking the road from Dafeichuan to Qinghai Lake.

The Qin Qiong army in the middle road has not yet formally fought against the enemy, but the emperor still felt Qin Qiong's intentions all at once. He was not in a hurry and deployed the army steadily. He was still trying to lure the Turkic, Tubo, and Tuyuhun troops to go north to a lower altitude. The Qinghai Lake area brought a decisive battle, and he seized the city, occupying a dangerous position, obviously wanting to fight a defensive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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