Chapter 996

The Golden Palace early.

The young crown prince sat on the golden hall, and a smaller dragon chair was placed next to the emperor's dragon chair.

The crown prince in a black dragon robe was sitting there with a serious and serious face.

All the officials went to the hall to worship the prince.

The prince also raised his hand gracefully, "Everyone loves you."

The regular counselors then knelt and sat on the futons, and for the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang and the academicians of the Imperial Academy, and for the purple robes and jade belts of these mansions, the crown prince even gave them top positions as a show of honor.

The early dynasties, especially the usual dynasties, were actually nothing more than routine matters, and important matters would not be discussed here, at most they would just announce some edicts in public.

And these edicts were all approved by the prime ministers and scholars in the mansion, and the emperor who was recuperating in the Ganlu Hall.

Not far behind the prince, there is a screen, behind which the Empress Shan sits and listens to the government.

Of course, the empress does not have the power to make decisions, she just takes care of the young crown prince, and sitting there also represents the emperor.

"Decree, canonize Ashina Moheduo as the Khan of the Turkic Marquis Quliqipi, confer the title of the King of Tocharo, and confer the rank of General of the Auxiliary Kingdom."

"Decree to grant Zuo Shenwei Huben General Ashina Danai the prefect of Yiwu County."

The decree was proclaimed by the Highness, and no one opposed it.

These two decrees were proposed by the emperor himself, and then passed by both the Political Affairs Hall and the Hanlin Academy.

For the emperors and ministers of the Great Qin, since the Western Turks wanted to show their swords to the Great Qin, then the Great Qin would inevitably fight back.To counterattack with unlimited means and hold Mo Hedu as the new Khan is just a strategy to divide the Western Turks.

At this time, the Xuanzhi officer read out the third edict.

"Canonize Tie Le Zhenzhu Khan Yi Shibo as the King of Jinshan, and add the rank of General of the Fu Kingdom."

Ganlu Temple.

Habayashiro pushed the emperor in the palace courtyard. Today's weather is dark but cool.

The young prince was walking beside him, reporting the situation of the early court to the emperor in every detail.

This is like homework, now the emperor requires the prince to attend the court every morning, and then come back to tell him, and the emperor will ask the prince about some things in the court from time to time.

"Well, I made it very clear. It seems that I didn't doze off when I went to court."

After hearing his father's praise, Jiawen was very happy.

"Jiawen, why do you think the imperial court appointed that prisoner Mo Heduo as Khan?"

"Father wants to let Mo Hedu and Uncle Shekui fight each other in civil strife, so we Daqin can take advantage of it."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to have this understanding, not bad."

The prince said shyly, "Actually, I didn't think of these things, it was Li Zhan who taught me."

"Oh, it was Li Gang who said it, but it's not bad if you can remember it."

In the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Li Gang served as the army of King Yu Wenxian of Qi, and after entering the Sui Dynasty, he served as the prince Xianma of Prince Yang Yong.Later, when Li Yuan was in Tang Dynasty, he was awarded Zhan Shi of the built East Palace.

This is a very talented and very upright person, advocating high moral integrity.

When he served as the king of Qi and joined the army in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Xuan of Zhou wanted to kill Yu Wenxian and let Li Gang frame and fabricate charges, but Li Gang vowed to die.

After Yu Wenxian was still unjustly killed, Li Gang was not afraid of danger, and pushed the cart to collect Yu Wenxian's body alone, while all other subordinate officials hid far away, and only Li Gang collected Yu Wenxian's body and buried it.

When he was Yang Yong's prince Xianma, he often persuaded the prince Yang Yong, but unfortunately he didn't listen.Zhan Shi, the prince of Li Jiancheng, is still doing his duty.

It was precisely because of Li Gang's words and deeds that Luo Cheng specially appointed him as the Minister of Rites and Prince Zhan Shi, and made him Jiawen's teacher, responsible for teaching the prince's words and deeds.

From the looks of it now, the effect is pretty good, at least Luo Cheng is very satisfied with the present prince.

Especially during this period of time, when he had a sudden stroke, the prince's filial piety and earnestness were satisfactory.At a young age, he got up early every day to attend the court. Although he basically couldn't understand, he worked hard to do it.

"Li Gang is a very good teacher. You have to respect him and listen to his teachings more, understand?"

"Okay, Father." The prince looked at the emperor, "Father, how long will it take for you to get better?"

"Why, do you find it annoying to go to court?"

"If you go to the court to listen to the government for the father, the father will be able to get well sooner, and the son is willing to get up early every day to go to the court to listen to the government."

"Hahaha, what you said made my father happy." Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and stroked the crown prince's head, "Don't worry, Father's body has recovered very quickly. Look, now, Father's hand has basically recovered. I can carry things by myself, and I can even write a few words with a pen."

"Father, why don't you let King Chu and King Wu also come to Chang'an, I haven't seen them for a long time, I miss them very much."

When Luo Cheng suddenly suffered a stroke and fell into a coma, the first thing the prime ministers thought of was to secretly bring the prince to Chang'an.

They did not pick up the other princes, and at the same time let the officials stay in Luoyang to closely monitor the movements of the princes and forbid anyone to take them out of Luoyang.

But now the situation is becoming clearer, and the emperor summons several courtiers every day.

Some rumors outside are self-defeating.

"It's such a long journey, let them stay in Luoyang and be lazy."

Luo Cheng lay on the wheelchair, quietly thinking about the current situation.

During his illness, the greatest danger to the imperial court was not foreign enemies, but internal troubles.

The prime ministers drove all the Cunxiao, Shixin, Luo Yi and other clans into the feudal state, and directly removed all their real posts. He knew that the prime ministers were worried that someone would take the opportunity to cause chaos.

Although Luo Cheng believed in these brothers very much, the actions of the prime ministers were not wrong. After sealing the clan, the clan should not be allowed to hold important official positions, especially military power.

Historically, at the beginning of the Western Jin Dynasty, when the clan was enfeoffed, it was only given to the fiefs and food towns, and the clan was not allowed to leave Beijing to become a feudal clan.Later, in order to suppress heroes of different surnames and powerful nobles, these clans were let out of the town, each served as a governor, and unified to several states.

Later, these emperor's uncles and nephews had great authority, so the emperor could only entrust his own princes arbitrarily, allowing them to have a larger feudal country and hold more important official positions.

As a result, this did not change anything at all, but instead allowed the clan and royal family to wield power that seriously threatened the emperor, and eventually there was the Eight Kings Rebellion.

Luo Cheng had no intention of changing the kings who were entrusted by the prime ministers during the time when he was seriously ill, no matter their fiefs or titles.

He is not worried about the other kings now, they will be entrusted as soon as they are entrusted, only the heir is what he is always concerned about.

Siye's 9 horses have been trapped in Dafeiling for more than two months.

30% of the [-] enemy troops are still besieged.

Now there are ministers in the DPRK and Central Committee, requesting peace talks with Tubo and Western Turks, or even simply abandoning Tuyuhun in exchange for the end of the war.

The war is escalating in an all-round way, and it will not end for a long time, but it will be indefinitely. The current military expenditure of the imperial court is extremely huge. Too many soldiers and civilians have been recruited, and too much money and food have been used. It is extremely dangerous to fight like this.

The inheritance must be preserved.

Once the inheritance is lost, the [-] soldiers and civilians on Dafeiling will be forever lost.And once the Siye Legion is defeated, the court is afraid that more people will oppose the continuation of the fight.

(End of this chapter)

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