I shoot one at a time in the fight against Japan

Chapter 1073 The little devil who attacked at night

Chapter 1073 The little devil who attacked at night
"I hope you are right. If you are wrong and the captain comes to punish us, then we will not be polite to you." A team member responded directly, because they did not do anything to Ronaldinho, but let him act.

"Don't worry, I believe that nothing will happen to me, I know the captain's character very well." Ronaldinho said while patting his chest, he knew that the captain would not mean it.

"Then let's wait. If the captain is real, then you can wait to be beaten." The team members responded directly to Ronaldinho's words, after all, they all admire the captain in their hearts.

"No problem, if you hit me a few more times, I won't make a sound." Ronaldinho said again, patting his chest.

A few people were just acting to let others know, and they didn't really do anything to Ronaldinho.

Zhou Weihua didn't take care of these things either, but continued to patrol with people and continue spot checks. After all, the effect of killing chickens and respecting monkeys has been achieved now, so there is no need to take care of other things.

While Zhou Weihua was checking, he suddenly remembered a gunshot.

"There are enemies, there are enemies." The defensive sentry shouted.

Da da da……

For a moment, I remembered a fierce gunshot.

Zhou Weihua heard gunshots coming from not far away, and immediately led other soldiers to rush over.

It seemed that his guess was correct. The Japanese really came to attack. If the Japanese did not come to attack, it would be very difficult for the Japanese to win.

Now that it has been judged, there is no need to worry, and there is no need to be afraid of the sneak attack of the Japanese, especially since I have already prepared for the epidemic, let alone worry.

"Baga! Road!" The little devil's deputy captain Koki Ichiro yelled at him when he saw that he was exposed.

But the scolding returned, and he still led his kamikaze special forces to carry out the assault.

Da da……

A loud gunshot sounded.

The Little Devils Kamikaze Special Forces fought fiercely, which had a great impact on Zhou Weihua's defense.

But fortunately, Zhou Weihua made arrangements in advance and did not give the little devil any chance.

The backbone of the defending officers all fought back angrily, absolutely not letting the little devil step over their defensive line.

Stick to every step and every inch of your own position, and you will never let the little devil make progress.

Koki Ichiro's attack was very difficult, he did not expect the enemy's defense to be so impeccable.

He can only use heavy force to solve the current predicament. At the same time, he also hopes that other troops can quickly support them so that he can have more energy to attack the enemy's elite troops.


After seeing the raging flames of war, the black bear immediately picked up the binoculars to observe the changes in the current battlefield.

See what kind of troops the headquarters dispatched to attack the Chinese defenders.

Soon Hei Xiong found Koki Ichiro among the team, but he did not expect that the Kamikaze Special Forces was dispatched by the headquarters.

But wasn't the Kamikaze Special Forces beaten psychologically by Zhou Weihua, the commander of the Chinese?
Now they are still rushing to the front to resist Zhou Weihua's troops, indeed their courage is commendable.

"Your Excellency, Captain Black Bear, now our troops seem to have started a sneak attack on the Chinese troops, do we have any action?" An officer beside him came directly to the captain of the Black Bear.

"Is there an order from the headquarters?" Hei Xiong still wanted to know if there was any hard-core force in the headquarters?

"At present, there is no call from the headquarters, and there is no order from the headquarters. We can only make our own decisions at the moment." The officer around him responded truthfully, and it is true that no order information has been delivered yet.

"If we take action against the Chinese forces, will our situation be reversed?" Black Bear was really worried about this issue.

"I think it should. After all, our Kamikaze Special Forces is close to the Chinese troops and is fighting fiercely with the Chinese troops. It has already attracted the attention of most of the Chinese troops. We urgently need to go out to help." The officer around immediately gave out response.

"Since they need us to send troops to help, then we will dispatch the first wing to let them go." Hei Xiong also followed the officer's suggestion and immediately issued an order for the first wing to help.

The little devil officer immediately carried out the black bear's order and passed the order to the various ministries.


"Captain, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on us, and it was the Kamikaze Special Forces we fought against before." A team member immediately reported the current situation to Zhou Weihua.

"How is our defense system at present? Has it changed?" Zhou Weihua first cared about whether his defense system could withstand the attack of the Japanese Kamikaze Special Forces.

"Comrade captain, our defense system is very good and has played a very important role. If we hadn't strictly implemented the defense plan, we would have suffered heavy casualties, and even lost a quarter of our troops. Respond, and immediately counterattack the little devils who attacked." The team members responded to the captain's words, and their casualties are still within the acceptable range.

"That's good, try to make a defensive plan, and never let the enemy step in." Zhou Weihua immediately picked up the binoculars to watch how the battle is going, especially where is the little devil's army?
It is very dangerous now, and it is necessary to observe the situation of the enemy's sneak attack troops in detail.

Is it a surprise fire attack or just a feint?

Zhou Weihua didn't dare to make a conclusion either, and could only observe the situation on the battlefield first, and then draw conclusions.

"Brigade Commander Zhou, the enemy's offensive firepower is really fierce. It doesn't look like a feint attack at all, but they are really going straight into our interior." Xie Cheng held a telescope and saw that the Japanese's attack was comparable.It is sharp, and its purpose is quite clear, which is to attack inside.

"Yes, I have indeed seen the current offensive situation of the Japanese. They really want to hit us inside, and want to make a sharp knife to pierce our heart." Zhou Weihua naturally also saw the actions of the little devil, and really wanted to go Fighting inside, I want to sneak attack their headquarters, and then carry out joint operations.

Thoughts are always beautiful, reality is always cruel.

"Yeah, we have to deal with the enemy's attack, otherwise we will have a hard time. If the other troops of the little devil come to attack again, then we will be very passive." Xie Cheng also knew the enemy's sneak attack intention, just to disturb them defense, and then combined with ordinary troops to carry out the siege.

"You are right. The Japanese want to mess up our defense plan, and then operate on us as an offense. The idea is really good." Zhou Weihua responded directly.

"Then we need to make adjustments to our defense plan, or do we need to combine with others to wipe out this group of little devil kamikaze special forces?" Xie Cheng also wanted to know what kind of strategic plan Zhou Weihua had made.

"At present we don't need to adjust our defense plan, because our defense plan has been done very well. Now we are defending the enemy or attacking." Zhou Weihua directly responded to the current situation, which is not suitable for quick adjustments.

(End of this chapter)

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