I shoot one at a time in the fight against Japan

Chapter 36 The ghosts encircle the mountain col

Chapter 36 The ghosts encircle the mountain col (please collect, recommend tickets)

PS: Brothers, there is still more than 100 votes short of recommended votes. How about your courage as a battalion commander?Hurry up and kill me with the recommendation ticket! ! ! !

After listening to Li Wu's explanation, Zhou Weihua still felt the need to go and see, if the little devil's headquarters were really on the hillside, wouldn't it be a fortune?

Don't be a soldier if you are afraid of death, and don't be afraid of death if you are a soldier.

Only by going forward bravely is the true character of a soldier.

Go ahead to dangers.

"Are you going or not?" Zhou Weihua decided to try it anyway, not to mention that they had Japanese military uniforms as a cover.

"Go." Li Wu decided, gritting his teeth and stamping his feet.

"Okay, let's go." Zhou Weihua rushed towards the 'Mountain of Gold and Silver'.

The headquarters of the Japanese devils.

Konoe Wen is making strategic adjustments, and it will be dawn in an hour.

At that time, his troops can start sweeping mode.

"Report, the bandits in Qingfengzhai are retreating." An officer ran into the headquarters and shouted.

"In which direction to retreat?" Jin Weiwen asked quickly.

"Retreat to the col, brigade commander, what should we do, do we need to chase the enemy?" The officer waited for Jin Weiwen's order to be executed.

"The location of the col?" Jin Weiwen looked at the military map looking for the direction of the col.

"The brigade commander is here." The chief of staff pointed to a point on the map.

"Okay, immediately order the second squadron and the third squadron to surround the mountain col, and we must annihilate the Chinese people in the mountain col." Jin Weiwen directly issued an order for the two squadrons to surround the Qingfengzhai bandits.

"Yes." The officer immediately asked the communicator to deliver the message.

"The Chinese people are really cunning. They actually thought of retreating from the mountain col. Do you think they can hide it from the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire?" Jin Weiwen wanted to wipe out the Qingfengzhai bandits in one fell swoop, and the price he paid was high enough. .

"Report, the Eighth Route Army of Hutou Mountain launched a fierce attack on us." At this time, another officer ran in from outside in embarrassment to report.

"Baga, the Eighth Route Army is really abominable." Jin Weiwen burst into anger when he heard that the Eighth Route Army's attack had done him a lot of damage: "Immediately let the first and third regiments shrink to stop the enemy from attacking us." When attacking, the damage must be minimized."

"Yes." The officer received the order and immediately went to execute it.

At this time, Zhou Weiguo led the team to break through the devil's defense and quickly moved towards the col.

"Reporter, there are devils on the left and right sides of Erdang's house, who seem to have driven us into a mountain depression, and according to the number of devils who surrounded us, it is about two squadrons in strength." Morita ran over with a light machine gun and shouted.

"The devils want to annihilate us in the mountains. It seems that they have a big appetite." Zhou Weiguo said with a frown.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Morita listened to the meaning of the second leader, and the devil wanted to drive them all to death.

"How many of us are left?"

"Less than 50 people, we lost a dozen brothers in battle."

"Convey it, continue to quickly move to the col position, don't fall in love with the enemy when you meet the enemy, and evacuate the team together."


Although Morita didn't know the intention of the second master, but he was absolutely right to listen to the second master's words.


Zhou Weiguo led the remaining less than 50 people in Qingfengzhai to quickly evacuate to the col.

And the devil kept chasing after him.

"The Chinese people really run fast."

"Yes, but we still have to chase."

The two squadron officers of the little devil discussed while chasing after him. ,

"See who of us can kill the bandit leader."

"It must be me."

"It's you? Overthinking, why don't we take a gamble?"

"Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

"I heard that you recently got a beautiful vase at a Chinese man's house. How about betting on that?"

"Haha, then what are you betting on?"

"A Chinese painting, don't you like painting?"


"I heard it belongs to Tang Bohu."

"it is good."

The two officers of the little devil felt that the bandits who fled into the mountain must die, so they simply played a bet to see whose squadron could kill the bandit leader.

Both of them issued their own orders, and if they saw the bandits, shoot and kill them.

"Chief of Staff, you see we have been waiting in the mountain for several hours. Will the people in Qingfengzhai retreat from the mountain?" , the valley is so quiet that you can hear the call of the position.

"Don't worry, you don't have to rush after waiting for so long." Li Yong became calm instead.

"Chief of Staff, why are you so calm?" Deng Guangrong also felt that Li Yong's attitude had changed, so he became curious.

"Because I firmly believe that the heroes of Qingfengzhai will definitely retreat from the col."


"This is the only way to retreat, because the main road has been blocked by little devils, and the rest of Qingfeng Village is full of cliffs. Do you think they will choose to go back to the mountain?"

"According to the chief of staff's analysis, it seems to be so reasonable, but now there is less than an hour before dawn, are you sure that their people will leave from the col?"

"Most definitely."

"Chief of Staff, do you think they will leave from other places early?"

"Ha ha."

"Report, Chief of Staff, we found movement ahead, as if someone was running towards us quickly." While the two were discussing, a reconnaissance soldier ran over to report.

"Look, their people are here." Li Yong was full of confidence. It seemed that Captain Qiu's judgment was very accurate, and the people from Qingfengzhai would definitely leave the mountain pass.

"Okay, you won." Deng Guangrong shrugged.

"Let's go, let's meet them." Li Yong smiled, and then led the people forward.

"Second leader, we have entered the col, and the enemy is still chasing after us. Should we continue walking, or hide and ambush?" Shoutian followed Zhou Weiguo's footsteps and hurriedly asked the next step.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong with the surrounding situation." Zhou Weiguo motioned for others to stop, always feeling that there were people in the col.

"Someone?" Morita frowned, then looked around, but he couldn't feel anything at all.

"Well, I just don't know if it's from the Japanese devils or from the Eighth Route Army." Zhou Weiguo was also a little confused, if it was from the Eighth Route Army, it would be fine, but what if the little devils ambushed in advance?
"The second boss is in charge of who he is. If anyone blocks our way, we will kill them." Morita clapped the light machine gun in his hand and said.

"Haha, the brothers in Qingfengzhai are so angry." At this time, there was a burst of laughter from a bush.

"Who, come out for me, or I will shoot." Morita immediately pointed the gun at the grass and shouted loudly.

"Farewell, brothers in Qingfengzhai, we are members of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army in Hutou Mountain. My name is Li Yong. I am here to wait for you heroes under the order of the regiment leader." Li Yong and others showed up one after another. People are still very powerful, and they were found hiding in the grass all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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