Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 110 The Important Role of Snipers in Special Operations

Chapter 110 The Important Role of Snipers in Special Operations
The goddess in his heart is Yang Xiaojing in Yangjiao Mountain!
Even after completing the mission this time, he didn't rush back to the headquarters of Lingchuan County, but came here immediately. Anyway, the commander Ono Zhazuka is dead, and it doesn't matter if the mission is not. What he was thinking about was the puppet soldiers in front of him, helping him enter Yangjiao Mountain, tie up the goddess in his heart, kiss Fangze, and return to the headquarters soon.

Ever since she first came to Yangjiao Mountain to perform a mission and saw Yang Xiaojing in the binoculars, Huamu was deeply infatuated with it and couldn't extricate herself.

If Commander Ono Zhazuka hadn’t come to Lingchuan County some time ago, he might have brought Kojima Keiba and Takeda Tofu to Yangjiao Mountain to snatch Yang Xiaojing away, but before he could act, Commander Ohno Zhazuka Zhong came, and even assigned him a task to get him out, greatly delaying his time.

So when he heard the death of Commander Ono Zatsuzuka for the first time, he was excited because he could come back. Anyway, only he himself knew about the fact that he came out to perform the mission, and no outsiders knew it at all.

"I'll give you a task. If you complete this task beautifully, then I can give you a big reward, a big reward!"

Captain Huamu drank a glass of wine, and said seductively to them.

As soon as they heard that the reward was huge, the eyes of the devil Cao Chang and the puppet soldiers suddenly lit up, and a look of greed appeared on their faces.

The devils who came here have been assimilated at this time, because there is no danger on the battlefield here, and some just enjoy it, so they like this kind of life now and don't want to go to the battlefield again.

"Captain Hanaki, what's the mission? Tell me quickly"

The devil Cao Chang said eagerly.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Huamu, if you have something to ask, I will do my best to fulfill it for you, old man." The puppet army commander continued flatteringly, and now he is already imagining what will happen after he gets the reward.

"Yo Xi, you guys are so nice, you're so big enough to be friends!"

Huamu got up and came to the puppet army commander, patted him on the shoulder vigorously, and said: "The work of the matter is to go to the innermost village of Yangjiao Mountain and grab a job for me from a flower girl. , can it be done, and how long will it take to do it.”

Huamu asked suspiciously, he hoped that the sooner the better.He didn't want to be tortured anyway.


Who knows, after hearing Huamu finish the mission of Yangjiao Mountain, the devil Cao Chang and the puppet army commander were stunned for a long time without replying.

"Bagaya Road, how long have you been working, what are you doing in a daze, don't worry, rewards, big, big ones, work for gold bars, work for oceans!"

Seeing Huamu who were stunned by them, he immediately cursed, and then continued to seduce them with gold and ocean.

The ghost Cao Chang didn't listen to Huamu's temptation at all at this time, but the words Yangjiaoshan and Yangjiaoshan kept echoing in his mind. These three words were called demons in his heart. Is Captain Huamu looking for death? He even dared to provoke Yangjiao Mountain. Does he not know that there are demons in Yangjiao Mountain?

Because this devil Cao Chang survived the last battle in the county seat, and was later sent here to guard the stronghold, he deeply knows the horror of Yangjiao Mountain.

At the same time, why didn't the two majors in the county attack Yangjiao Mountain? Didn't they dare to attack casually after the investigation was clear? What the two majors wanted was to completely wipe out Yangjiao Mountain, so they continued to establish a large number of strongholds in Lingchuan County , contacted a large number of bandits, in order to wipe out the roots of Yangjiao Mountain, and not want Yangjiao Mountain to revive.

Even the two lieutenants had already issued an order not to enter Yangjiao Mountain without special reasons, so as not to alarm the garrison troops inside Yangjiao Mountain.

This Huamu really doesn't know how to live or die, Cao Chang thought, and then he decided to keep a distance from this guy so as not to be troubled by him.

"Mr. Hua Mu, I still have to go on patrol, so please use it slowly, the tenth floor is the class!"

Then, under Huamu's surprised eyes, the devil Cao Chang left with the three devils who were eating and drinking.

"Bagaya Road!"

Huamu screamed angrily, he didn't expect the guy in front of him to disobey his order.

"Taijun, Taijun, don't be angry, I have a solution."

When the puppet army commander saw the devil Cao Chang leave, he suddenly became excited, thinking that the rewards would be his if they left.

Huamu panted heavily, and looked at the puppet army commander in front of him suspiciously.

"Don't worry, this matter needs to be taken slowly. We need to contact the Black Tiger Bandit on the Black Tiger Mountain three miles away, so..."

In the following time, the two discussed with bright eyes.

During this period, Captain Huamu kept nodding his head with bright eyes, and seemed very satisfied.

Yangjiao Mountain, Dayang Village, Camp Camp.

The training in the morning was over, and Lei Zhan and the soldiers were resting on the school field. At the same time, he used this time to explain to the soldiers special operations and the importance of snipers in special operations.

The soldiers listened with great interest, Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and Yang Sheng 13 people also listened very seriously, with surprised faces and bright eyes.

"In war, snipers play a decisive role in the outcome of the war. Killing commanders can disrupt their battlefield deployment and lead to paralyzed command.

If you directly snipe the commander-in-chief of one side in the war, the successful sniping means your side's victory in the battle.

Therefore, a sniper is a ghost on the battlefield, a ghost that keeps harvesting the lives of the enemy. "

Lei Zhan explained to them, but at the same time there was one sentence that he didn't say, that is, "The sniper rifles in the hands of snipers are the teeth of these ghosts."

Thinking of the sniper rifle, Lei Zhan sighed, he really wanted to get a sniper rifle now, and while the little devil didn't pay much attention to snipers, let the sniper he trained give the little devil a hard blow.

But now it's all delusion, he can only train sharpshooters and form a pseudo-sniper team.

What he lacks now is channels. If he can contact foreign arms dealers, he will definitely be able to buy sniper rifles, especially the big sniper "Reaper-Barrett!" made in the United States in [-]!

The Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle was created by the United States in 853. It has a muzzle velocity of 1850 m/s and an effective range of [-] meters. However, it has serious shortcomings.

If Barrett hits the waist, the person hit will instantly be cut in half.

Of course, Lei Zhan is well aware of the shortcomings of this sniper rifle, but at this time, Barrett is what Lei Zhan needs most.

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(End of this chapter)

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