Chapter 1324

Originally, it was impossible for these little devils and bastards, as well as these traitors and bastards of the Imperial Association Army, to find Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and Yang Hu, and the volunteers from Qingfeng Mountain.

However, the time for the changing of the guard stipulated by these little devils and beasts has arrived.

When these little devils and bastards came to change the guard with the traitors of the Imperial Association Army, they just discovered this.

So, under such circumstances, these little devils and beasts, as well as the traitors of the Imperial Association Army, discovered Lei Zhan and others, as well as the volunteers from Qingfeng Mountain.

Regarding this point, Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and Yang Hu, as well as the rest of the Dragon Tooth special forces team members, did not know.

After all, these things were formulated by these little devils and beasts.

It is impossible for Lei Zhan, Yang Fei and Yang Hu, and the rest of the Dragon Tooth Special Forces team to know under such circumstances.

So, under such circumstances, it was all because of these little devils that they were discovered by these little devils, bastards and traitors of the Imperial Association Army.

So, under such circumstances, no one can blame this matter.

If you want to blame, you can only blame fate.

If you want to blame, blame these little devils and beasts. On this point, they are too cautious.

Changing of the guard, what a fucking mess.

In fact, these little devils and beasts are afraid of this.

He was afraid that the bandits on Qingfeng Mountain would silently kill the people they stayed here.

Although the people here have two light machine guns, the bandits in Qingfeng Mountain are unlikely to escape here.

However, accidents often happen under such circumstances.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

That said, it is the situation in front of you.

From this point on, these little devils and beasts are still wary of this.

However, the opponent they met was Lei Zhan, so it is not yet known who will win this time.

"Eight Grid Road!"

"Hurry up, the Chinese are gone!"



At this time, the little devils and beasts who came to change the guard saw Lei Zhan and the others, their complexions changed instantly, they were angry in their hearts, and began to growl like mad dogs.




Moreover, these little devils and bastards, together with the traitors of the Imperial Association Army, directly fired warning shots.

They did this to tell the little devils and beasts nearby and the traitors of the Imperial Association Army that something had happened.

Hurry up and chase down these bandits from Qingfeng Mountain.

After all, they have been busy for such a long time just to kill all these bandits in Qingfeng Mountain.

However, at this time, the bandits in Qingfeng Mountain almost escaped under their noses.

So, under such circumstances, these little devils and beasts are extremely angry.

You know, this is a situation that these little devils and beasts absolutely cannot tolerate now.

So, under such circumstances, the little devils and beasts who saw this scene immediately went crazy.

Even the little devils and beasts around them became crazy at this moment.

At the first moment, they ran towards the place where the gunshots sounded.

Not to mention, the nearest ones, these little devils and beasts surrounded, and these traitors of the Imperial Association Army.

So, in the first time, these little devils and beasts led the traitors of the Imperial Association Army and completed the pursuit.


"Clap clap clap!"


At this moment, the gunshots from Sanba Dagai erupted immediately.





At this moment, the Qingfengshan righteous bandits who were not prepared in time began to suffer casualties.

"Oh shit!"

"damn it!"


Seeing this scene, the expressions of the three masters changed drastically.

This is their life and death brother.

However, he was beaten to death by the little devils here.

"Bastards of Gouyue, how can they react so quickly!"

"Grass, these beasts!"


Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan was furious in his heart.

He also didn't expect that these little devils and beasts would react so quickly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan directly ordered loudly: "You three, take your brothers and evacuate immediately, don't look back, evacuate immediately, I have a way to find you!"

"No, we can't do such a thing, we have to die together, we have to fight and fight together!"



The three heads of the family, at this time, do not allow this.

Even the rest of the bandits thought so too.

They can't leave their savior here and escape alone!

"Damn, you go, we have a way to distract these little devils, go, don't be so wordy, go!"

However, regarding this point, Lei Zhan was completely different.

He knew in his heart that these righteous bandits in Qingfeng Mountain had not received systematic training. Under such circumstances, if they stayed, more people would die.

Even, the hope of escape is even slimmer.

Once these little devils and beasts surround them, it will be really troublesome.

However, if there were only Lei Zhan and the Longya Special Forces members, they would have a chance, even a high degree of confidence, to get rid of these little devils and beasts, or hold these little devils and beasts back.

"Go, don't hesitate, you can only hold back here!"

"Come on!"


Yang Fei, Yang Hu and others, as well as the rest of the Longya Special Forces members, fought back at the little devils and beasts who were chasing after them, and at the same time roared at the volunteers from Qingfeng Mountain around them.

What they said at this time was merciless at all.

They told the truth directly.

In fact, this is the case at this time.

The bandits in Qingfeng Mountain are completely dragging their feet here.

Seeing this scene, the three leaders of Qingfeng Mountain, as well as these righteous bandits, their eyes were red and their hearts were sore.

They didn't expect that there would be such a person here to stop the little devils and beasts for their sake.

Moreover, the hope of this life is completely small.

You know, in the past, no one treated them like this, treated them so well.

"Okay, withdraw!"

"Get out!"


Although they didn't want to, at this moment, the three masters of Qingfeng Mountain could only bite their lips fiercely, bleeding, and gave the order to retreat.

They cannot hold back.

Even, if you want to survive, you can kill more little devils and beasts only if you survive.

At this time, if they were all here, then it would all be over.




Although I don't want to.

However, these bandits in Qingfeng Mountain knew that they couldn't waste time at this time.

They evacuated.

They were ruthless in their hearts, and vowed to exterminate these little devils and beasts in the future.

During the evacuation, they again lost several people.

"Longya, fight back!"

However, at this time, Lei Zhan directly raised the [-] cover in his hand, his eyes were full of killing intent, and he pulled the trigger in his hand.

"Longya, fight back!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"


Yang Fei, Yang Hu, and the rest of the Longya Special Forces members all had red eyes at this time, and started to fight back against the little devils and beasts who were chasing after them, as well as the traitors and beasts of the Imperial Association Army.

(End of this chapter)

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