Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1345 Stop Shooting

Chapter 1345 Stop Shooting
Stop shooting now, now!
These words stunned the devil officers who arrived at this time.

At the same time, these words also gave these little devil officers a bad feeling in their hearts.

Before that, they had a guess in their hearts.

However, because the temporary headquarters camp is just ahead, they dare not decide on such an important matter.

He could only maintain the firepower output and continue shooting and fighting towards the front.

Therefore, under such circumstances, even though they have a vague guess in their hearts, they are not sure and dare not test it.

Even, there is another thought in their hearts, that is, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake, and the big deal is that if you make a mistake, you will make another mistake and continue to make mistakes.

Anyway, just shirk it when the time comes.

So, under such circumstances, they suppressed the guesses and thoughts in their hearts.

However, when they heard the words of Major Kondo at this time, their hearts instantly exploded like thunder.

They knew that the previous speculation must be true, otherwise, such a thing would never have happened.

So, under such circumstances, these little devil officers all understood in their hearts.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


They didn't dare to hesitate, and after bowing to the leader to order, they turned around and ran towards the simple fortifications behind them.

In the past, if he didn't stop it, it was because the shooting from the opposite side was still incomparably violent.

Now, Major Kondo has arrived, if he doesn't stop it, then the matter will be really serious.

Therefore, under such circumstances, these little devil officers did not dare to hesitate at all, turned around immediately and gave orders.


And Major Kondo, who watched this scene, was still extremely angry at this time.

Because, the losses are all their imperial warriors, all their own soldiers.

You said, this makes Major Kondo, if he is not angry.

Let alone Major Kondo, even the officers around Major Kondo were gnashing their teeth angrily at this time.

However, at this time, it is not suitable for them to vent.

If this was the right time for them to vent, they would have exploded long ago.

They don't want this kind of shame.

However, at this time, whether they want it or not, this kind of shame has already been placed on their heads.

Therefore, under such circumstances, no matter whether they accept it or not, they must wait here patiently at this time.

Even if it is to be dealt with, it will have to wait for the order from Hamura Zhongzuo later, and deal with it as it should be.

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"

"Stop shooting!"


After receiving the order from Major Kondo, these little devil officers shouted and communicated.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"


After receiving the order, the light and heavy machine guns that were roaring furiously also slowly stopped at this time.

And these little devils who received the order were extremely puzzled in their hearts at this time.

Under such circumstances, they were a little confused, not knowing what happened.

However, under such circumstances, the superior has issued an order, and they just have to obey it.

Otherwise, the consequences are not something they can afford.

However, even though they stopped shooting, these little devils all looked at these officers at this time, and their eyes and faces were all full of doubts. They didn't know that this What happened, why is the order to stop shooting, it is said to be issued, it is issued, what is this for.

Of course, under the command of this situation, they can only wait instead of asking.

Otherwise, they will definitely be beaten.


"Eight Grid Road!"


Being watched by the imperial soldiers around them, these officers also shouted and cursed angrily at this time.

What can they do, they are just conveying orders at this time.

Besides, Major Kawaguchi is dead, and now Major Kondo is their boss.

After all, he is the Major of the Empire.

And they are just a few lieutenant officers.

"Da da da!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"


At this time, although they have stopped shooting.

However, the little devils in the opposite camp were still shooting.

After all, they received orders at this time.

The little devils on the opposite side did not receive the order to stop shooting at this time.

So, under such circumstances, the shooting is still going on.

"Da da da!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"


This dense rain of bullets, at this moment, is still like raindrops, the leaves fall and the branches break.

"Ba Ge Ya Lu, a bunch of bastards!"

But this situation made Major Kondo even more angry at this time.

After all, under the circumstances at this time, when the order is issued, one side stops shooting, while the other side is still shooting, is this considered a society?

Although, the other party did not order to convey.

But are they all a group of idiots? Under such circumstances, they don't know what happened, but they are all like idiots, shooting indiscriminately.

At this time, Major Kondo had a feeling in his heart, that is, he felt that the imperial soldiers of their Guanshan brigade were like stupid pigs at this moment.
Otherwise, how could such a thing happen at this time, like this.

"Your Excellency, this!"

At this time, these officers also returned, came to the side of Major Kondo, and asked in doubt.

At this moment, they didn't know what to do.

However, what they didn't know was that Major Kondo at this time obviously didn't know what to do.


At this point, there is no other way but to wait.

"Hi Yi!"


And these little devils around, at this time, can only take orders.


The shooting on the opposite side stopped, and the little devils in the temporary headquarters camp could completely hear it.

Under this situation, these little devils were also puzzled, not knowing what happened.

Even, they thought in their hearts that the enemy might have evacuated and fled.

And at this time, they couldn't stop shooting without an order.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, it would be hard to say.

This responsibility, when the time comes, they will not be able to bear it!
(End of this chapter)

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