Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 149 Victory Return

Chapter 149 Victory Return
Tonight, the little devils and puppet soldiers in the stronghold in the Lingchuan area, they are destined to have no sleep, and they will still sleep forever, never waking up!
Under the leadership of Yang Fei, the members of the Special Forces, carrying the momentum of tigers and wolves, killed all the little devils in the strongholds, and planted mines in all the strongholds. Once triggered, the entire stronghold will be instantly wiped out .

Anyway, the people who came from the stronghold would not be good people at all, they would definitely get involved with the little devils, and if they were killed by the bombing, they deserved what they deserved.

After Yang Fei and Yang Jun met, the two discussed that Yang Jun was in charge of the stronghold near Yangjiao Mountain, and their special warfare battalion was good at raids, so they were in charge of the distant stronghold.

This night, the night in the entire Lingchuan area was filled with bloody aura. The bloody aura set off the dark night, which was very strange and gloomy. They also hid, hiding in the nest and not daring to come out, because their noses had smelled the strong smell of blood, so they were afraid and remained motionless in the nest.

Time passed by so inadvertently, the sky slowly brightened, and the day drove away the night.

At dawn, a large number of armed people suddenly appeared at the entrance of Yangjiao Mountain, but all of these people were soaked in blood, and they walked into Yangjiao Mountain with tired faces.

They are the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion and the Guard Battalion who went out to execute the task of beheading the little devils and destroying the strongholds. They returned victorious, and finally at dawn, they destroyed all the little devils' strongholds and killed all the little devils inside. kill.

Look, every soldier carries several guns, grenade boxes and ammunition boxes on his back. Some soldiers hold two or three [-]-type light machine guns in their arms, and several soldiers carry a gun. Type [-] heavy machine gun, although the soldiers were tired, they were very excited and happy, because they not only killed the enemy, but also captured so many guns and ammunition.

What is the main composition of an army? It is soldiers and officers, but the most important thing is weapons, guns, and ammunition!
If you have a lot of elite and powerful soldiers in an army, if you have no guns and ammunition, then this army is a tiger without teeth, or a sick cat. Without guns and ammunition, what do you use to fight the enemy?

With both hands, unfortunately, this is a joke.

Why did their Wolf Warriors wipe out the little devils every time? Isn't it just these guns and ammunition?

Lei Zhan had been waiting at the gate of the camp early in the morning. He was waiting for the glorious return of the soldiers. He knew that his soldiers would not let him down. They would definitely wipe out the enemy and complete the task with honor. Therefore, he came early in the morning. At the gate of the camp, waiting for the return of the warriors.

A moment later, Yang Jun also brought the soldiers of the Wolf Fang Battalion together on the school grounds. They were also waiting to set off. Their task was equally arduous. The plan to go to various villages to train recruits was related to the entire Lingchuan The war situation in the region, and the fate of their wolf group.

Looking at the returning soldiers slowly appearing in sight, a smile finally appeared on Lei Zhan's face.

At the same time, Lei Zhan thought that his decision to form a special warfare battalion was correct and necessary, because an excellent special warfare unit could quickly and effectively complete the tasks assigned to them by their superiors in the fastest time.

It is the race against time that the special operators fight for, and the time they gain can reduce the loss of the battle and directly achieve the goal of victory in the battle.

Therefore, Lei Zhan decided in his heart that the special warfare battalion must be expanded, because in this era, the combat power and role played by the special warfare squad are much greater than those in the previous life.

The reason for this is that the war decision-makers of this era have not yet realized the importance of special operations, and even they do not know and understand special operations at all. The crushing of artillery fire, in this way of crushing, will win the battle.

However, he has a fatal flaw in this crushing battle, that is, the commander-in-chief of this army, as long as he kills the commander-in-chief, then this army is no different from a mess .

Just as Lei Zhan was thinking, Yang Fei and Yang Jun had brought the soldiers to his side.

"Reporting to the head, the special warfare battalion has successfully completed the task, please give instructions!"

"Report to the head, the guard battalion has successfully completed the task, please give instructions!"

Yang Fei and Yang Hu brought the soldiers to Lei Zhan's side, smiling and saluting loudly.

Yang Hu still stayed where he was indifferently.

When the soldiers behind them saw the battalion commander saluting, they immediately clattered and formed an extremely neat queue.

"Okay, okay, comrades, you have worked hard, you have won the honor of soldiers with your bravery, now, I am giving you a task, can you still complete it!"

Lei Zhan laughed loudly and shouted at the soldiers returning from the bloody battle in front of him.





Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers immediately roared, and their sonorous voices echoed in all directions at the gate of the camp.

"Okay, this task is, the kitchen has prepared meals for you, you go and destroy them!"

Lei Zhan laughed and roared again.




This time, when the soldiers heard Lei Zhan's words, they immediately burst out laughing. At the same time, they felt in their hearts that Lei Zhan, the head of the regiment, was really kind, amiable, and considerate.

Because of such a trivial matter, Lei Zhan's tall image was instantly established in the hearts of the soldiers. The soldiers admired and admired Lei Zhan, because with such a regiment leader, no matter how hard they worked on the battlefield, it was worth it.

"Okay, comrades, put the captured guns and ammunition on the school yard, and go to the kitchen to fight!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers happily rushed into the school field!

Then, under the surprised eyes of all the soldiers of the Langya Battalion and Yang Jun on the school field, a large number of guns and ammunition began to pile up.

A [-]-type light machine gun, a [-]-type heavy machine gun, and a large number of [-] caps, boxes of bullets and grenades, etc., etc., which surprised them, they did not expect The harvest of this night was so great, and so many guns and ammunition could be seized.

Seeing the happy and excited soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion, the soldiers of the Wolf Fang Battalion all showed envy in their eyes. They also want to become members of the Special Operations and return to the army with honor.

Yang Jun is in the same mood as the soldiers at this time, both excited and envious. Of course, the most important thing is that when he goes to the villages for training this time, he must take some light machine guns and heavy machine guns with him, so that the scene can be strengthened. In order to better stimulate the eliminated recruits to train hard.

Looking at the equipment in front of him, Yang Jun's eyes became brighter and brighter...!
(End of this chapter)

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