Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 151 Devil's Movement

Chapter 151 Devil's Movement
Afterwards, Mizusa Koi left Toshiaki Mukai on the spot, and he turned around to give the order.


Looking at Sora Koi who was walking outside, and looking at his back, Toshiaki Mukai suddenly showed strong hatred on his face, and his teeth creaked.

However, he just had no way to resist, so he could only suffer like this. The most important thing was that he didn't dare to resist at all.

Toshi Mukai knew clearly that the end of resistance would be death.

Suddenly, the anger in Mukai Toshiaki's eyes and the look of anger on his face receded slowly, replaced by a lustful look and the **** in his eyes. At this moment, appeared in his mind A figure appeared. This figure had a hot body and a beautiful face. Thinking of this person, Toshiaki Mukai's heart became hot.

This woman is, Miss Karina!

In fact, the real purpose of Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi for keeping Miss Karina in Lingchuan was for them to play, to play, to play with, and to blame them on the Yangjiaoshan Anti-Japanese Armed Forces after they were killed.

But the two of them have been busy arranging and building the stronghold, and haven't spared time yet. In addition, Miss Karina's personality is too strong. The two are afraid that Karina will act too aggressively, so they are waiting for the opportunity.

But unexpectedly, the time has not waited...

So, he is thinking now, anyway, he doesn't know what his future fate will be after Mr. Takamori wakes up, anyway, Mr. Takamori is still in a coma at this time, so if he doesn't go all out with him, he will play Miss Karina severely. After doing it a bit, he had enough fun, even if he was really punished by Takamori Takashi, then he would have no regrets. Thinking of this, Toshiaki Mukai walked towards Karina's residence not far from the infirmary.

At this time, Koi Sokazusa had arrived at the place where his elite brigade was stationed.

"Assemble, hurry up!"

Entering the camp yard, Xiao Jing Cangkong let out a yell without hesitation.

"Tap Tap!"

Then, there was the sound of orderly footsteps, and groups of little devils quickly gathered in the center of the camp, waiting for orders from Koizumo Koi.


Seeing the high-spirited imperial warrior with his head up and chest up, Xiaojing Sokong immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face. This is his elite combat brigade, the elite combat force of the empire, and the elite of his subordinates.

Soon, more than 1000 little devils had assembled, and the audience was silent, and the little devils were formally waiting for Koi Soku's order.

"You guys, work in a group of three, quickly go to the various strongholds in the Lingchuan area to work, lead the imperial warriors, and the puppet army to work, and will the villages and villagers in the Lingchuan area , As long as they are living things, they are all dead, and no one is left to work!"

Xiaojing Cangkong's face was cruel, and his tone was full of murderous intent, and he gave the order.

He wants to teach the stubborn anti-Japanese armed forces in Yangjiao Mountain an unforgettable and heart-piercing lesson. He wants to let the stubborn anti-Japanese armed forces in Yangjiao Mountain know the fate of resisting the Imperial Army of the Great RB Empire.

Since the stubborn anti-Japanese armed forces cannot be wiped out for the time being, they will start to massacre the civilians. Only after they are completely killed can the little devils mate, reproduce, and grow stronger on this land.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


Hearing the order from Koi Cano Zuo Zuo, groups of little devils bowed and hid one after another.

"Let's go to work!"

Afterwards, under the leadership of the squad leader and the squadron leader, groups of little devils rushed out of the camp to carry out their great mission.

"Jie Jie!"

Xiaojing Cangkong watched his elite team leave, and laughed cruelly.

"Lieutenant Commander, Lieutenant Commander's work!"

At this moment, a medical soldier quickly ran in from outside the camp. Seeing the small well in the camp was empty, the anxious expression on his face immediately turned into a smile.

"Well, what kind of work?"

Looking at the medical soldiers who ran anxiously, Koi Sora asked with a puzzled expression. At the same time, a bad feeling rose in his heart. He thought, it must be something wrong with Mr. Takamori Takashi again.

"Report without cheating Mas, Koi Nakasa, Commander Takamori Takashi is looking for you!"

The medical soldier quickly came to Xiaojing Sokong's side, saluted and bowed quickly.

"Yo Xi, it's the work of the chief, quickly open the way!"

When Xiaojing Sokong heard His Excellency Takamori Takashi call him, he let go of the uneasiness in his heart, and walked towards the infirmary with the medical soldiers in surprise, he was going to listen to Takamori Takako's teachings.

Three minutes later, Sora Koi rushed into the infirmary, and saw Colonel Takamori standing up and getting dressed, he immediately yelled in surprise.

"Wow, Kakaji, Your Majesty, your problem is finally gone, and yours is much better."

Hearing Soku Koi's cry of surprise, Takamori Takamori, who was slowly dressing, turned around slowly, and seeing Soku Koi with a surprised face, Colonel Takamori showed a smile on his pale face, He smiled and said, "Yoxi, Xiaojing-kun, mine, very well!"

"Ha ha!"

The two immediately looked at each other and smiled.


Suddenly, Grand Master Takamori looked outside with a puzzled face. He was puzzled by his two warriors. Why didn't Mukai Toshiaki and Noda Takeshi not come to see him, and suddenly wondered:
"Oi-kun, where are Mukai-kun and Noda-kun?"

Hearing Takamori Takaya's words, the surprised expression on Sosa Koi's face disappeared instantly, his face darkened, and he said in a low voice: "Mukai-kun is preparing for the massacre, Noda-kun..."

"Bagaya Road!"

Colonel Takamori Takamori cursed with an ugly face.

"I think Mukai-kun should be very sad now, ours, go and comfort him with his work!"

Afterwards, Colonel Takamori walked outside with the support of Soku Koi.

"Yosie, Miss Karina, your big one is good, your big one is Yossie, big one, for nothing, quack quack!"

"Ah! Let go of me, you dirty bastard!"

Colonel Takamori Takamori and Sora Koi had just walked out of the infirmary and were about to go to the headquarters when they heard Toshiaki Mukai's lascivious voice and Miss Karina's struggling voice from a room not far away.


Hearing this sound, Colonel Takamori's face suddenly drooped, and he walked towards the room where the sound came out with an extremely ugly expression.

Xiaojing Sokong's face was also very ugly. He didn't expect Toshiaki Mukai to be such a bastard. The massacre was not ready yet, and he started playing with women. Not only playing with women, he didn't expect to play with a foreign girl , this grade is really fucking too high.

(End of this chapter)

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