Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 156 Chen Nie's Purpose

Chapter 156 Chen Nie's Purpose

Watching the guard battalion and sharp knife battalion leave, Lei Zhan turned his head to look at Yang Fei and Yang Hu who were waiting at the side.

The two stood together in front of the team, and immediately formed a sharp contrast. Yang Fei had a smile on his face, while Yang Hu had an indifferent expression, the kind of indifference that radiated from the bottom of his heart.

After letting outsiders see him for the first time, they don't want to get close to him, and don't want to deal with this kind of person.

"Yang Fei, I have a secret mission for you, you...!"

After Lei Zhan called Yang Fei over, he leaned on Yang Fei's ear and explained in a low voice.

At the same time, Yang Fei, who listened to Lei Zhan's order, had a wider smile on his face and a brighter light in his eyes.

Yang Hu, who was at the side, saw the two of them hooking their shoulders and backs, and the corner of his mouth twitched, showing a trace of disdain on his indifferent face.

"I'll leave this matter to you, I hope you won't let me down!"

After Lei Zhan straightened up, he said with a serious face.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the smile on Yang Fei's face disappeared, and he replied seriously, then turned around and left with half of the special forces members of the special forces battalion.

Seeing Yang Fei leaving, a smile flashed across Lei Zhan's face. He was actually very satisfied with his brother-in-law, and he always fulfilled the tasks assigned to him with all his heart and responsibility.

"Yang Hu, you take the rest of the special forces and stand by in the camp to deal with emergencies in order to avoid any accidents!"

Lei Zhan turned his head and said to the indifferent Yang Hu with a smile.


Yang Hu replied coldly, turned around and left the school field with the special forces members of the special operations battalion.

Seeing Yang Hu like a bird, Lei Zhan could only smile helplessly, and then Lei Zhan walked towards the back of the school field, because he still wanted to find Lei Ming and arrange the tasks in detail.

Lei Zhan came to the shooting training ground on the mountain behind the school grounds. As Lei Zhan expected, Lei Ming and eight special warfare snipers were training here. What they used was the FAC-50 sniper rifle.

Lei Zhan saw that each of the sniper team members held the FAC-50 sniper rifle in their hands, and their eyes were full of fire and heat, as if they were looking at their own women.

Seeing their attitudes towards sniper rifles, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction. After all, only when armed with sniper rifles can a sniper be truly on the battlefield—"Ghost!" "Reaper!".


Seeing Lei Zhan coming, Lei Ming quickly assembled with eight team members.

"Okay, you kid did a good job this time, okay, be considerate!"

Lei Zhan was beside Lei Ming, laughing and slapped Lei Ming's chest fiercely, and praised.

"Hey, Captain, can't you take it easy? It hurts so much!"

As soon as Lei Zhan took his hand away, Lei Ming pretended to cover his chest, and grinned.

Looking at Lei Zhan in front of him, Lei Ming's heart was filled with warmth. If it wasn't for Lei Zhan, he might be dead now. It was Lei Zhan who changed the fate of his brother and sister. In fact, Lei Ming had already He regarded Lei Zhan as his father, but he didn't show it.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Lei Zhan and Lei Ming like this, the eight snipers standing aside laughed.

"You boy!"

Seeing Lei Ming acting in front of his eyes, Lei Zhan raised his hand and rubbed Lei Ming's head a few times, his eyes were full of doting, he liked Lei Ming very much, because seeing Lei Ming, he thought of himself who had just joined the army in his previous life, Lei Ming's performance and everything are very similar to him in his previous life.

"I have a task for you. In the next few days, you should go to familiarize yourself with the terrain around Yangjiao Mountain, the forests and dry mountains near Yangjiao Mountain, and keep all these terrains in your mind. When the war comes in a few days, it will be up to you. , don't embarrass me, behave well, use the sniper rifles in your hands, drink the blood of the enemy, let the little devil see what a real sniper is, do you hear me!"

Lei Zhan said loudly with a serious face.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Lei Ming and the eight snipers replied with serious faces.

Afterwards, after Lei Zhan, Lei Ming and others introduced the FAC-50 sniper rifle in detail, and guided a few people, he got up and left the shooting training ground, heading for Dayangzhuang. For the issue of the [-]th Brigade, the [-]th Regiment, and the Seventh Battalion of Artillery, look at the origin of the Seventh Battalion of Artillery.

Sheep Horn Mountain Camp.

The recruit Xiao Zhang has already arranged for the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade, the [-]th Regiment, and the Seventh Battalion of Artillery Fire. According to Lei Zhan's instructions, he specially arranged a small yard for them. After all, the small artillery brought by the Seventh Battalion is still To place them, I specially found a yard next to the camp to place these small artillery.

At this time, in a room next to the artillery, there was a sudden sound of argument.

"Battalion Commander, do we have to carry out Commander Lu's order? If Commander Yan finds out...!"

"That's enough, shut up. Don't forget who promoted you all the way. It was Chief Lu. Otherwise, you would have been shot dead by Yan Laoxi long ago!"

Inside the room, Chen Nie was cursing at a captain in front of him with a ferocious face. At this time, his face completely lost the calm smile before, but turned ferocious, revealing his true face .


After hearing Chen Nie's words, deputy battalion commander Ma Chen lowered his head and sighed deeply, his face full of helplessness.

He really didn't want to listen to Chief Lu Bihelu's order and come to beat up his compatriots who were devils, but he had no other choice. After all, it was Chief Lu who saved him before, which filled his heart with contradictions.

"Okay, put away your appearance. I know how ruthless your hands were back then. You slaughtered so many people, and you are still pretending here. Hmph, you can do it yourself. I still want to pass on the information. If you dare to delay my affairs, the consequences, hum!"

Chen Nie's expression was unkind, and he glared at Ma Chen viciously. After warning, he turned and left.

After Chen Nie left, Ma Chen raised his head. Through Chen Nie's words, he thought of the past, and then smiled wryly.

"Slaughter, hands are very, ha ha!"

Ma Chen laughed at himself, and then his eyes became more and more determined, and at the same time he silently made a decision in his heart.


Lei Zhan has already arrived at Yang Wu's home, and is drinking tea with Yang Wu. Yang Xiaojing is not at home, and now Yang Xiaojing is very busy. The logistics of the Wolf Warriors and the clothing factory are all busy with Yang Xiaojing alone, which is a real big deal. People, can't rest.

"Uncle Yang, do you understand the [-]th Brigade of the Jinsui Army?"

Lei Zhan drank tea, smiled and asked the question in his heart. If he didn't ask clearly, he would not be at ease with the [-]th Brigade, the [-]th Regiment, and the Seventh Artillery Battalion. After all, those artillery are not just for fun. .


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Wu raised his head, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

"The [-]th Brigade is the commander of your grandfather's Third Army, the army under General Zhang Zhongwu..."

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(End of this chapter)

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