Chapter 166
Hearing the order from Ichiro Miyamoto, the little devils immediately dispersed and slowly searched for the convoy of the Murakami Squadron.

These four or five hundred little devils are very vigilant, vigilant and vigilant, searching and searching, and they are very experienced at first glance.

More than 30 little devils who took the lead in front came to the first truck, and one of them, Cao Chang, made a gesture to the several little devils around him to investigate.

The five little devils got the order, nodded, and quickly scouted towards the first truck.

These little devils moved very quickly. After a few tactical moves, they searched the first truck and found that there was no problem and it was very safe.

Then these little devils made a gesture to Cao Chang behind, saying that it was safe and that they could move forward.

What they didn't find, however, was a large number of grenades strung together with thin strings next to the truck's wheels and under the canvas.

Seeing the safe leader Cao Chang, the little devils next to him continued to move forward.

Behind the little devil Cao Chang, three or four hundred little devil troops, all holding guns, aiming around, slowly followed behind the leading devil Cao Chang, they were responsible for firepower, not for investigation.

In the following time, the little devil investigated the remaining five trucks in turn, and they did not find a hidden Chinese pig.

There was no ambush by the Chinese pigs around, so their vigilance had been completely lowered at this time.

"Ah! Baga!"

Suddenly, Chief Cao, who was leading the investigation, uttered an angry roar with disbelief in his tone.




After seeing the scene in front of the first truck, the little devils next to Devil Cao Chang exclaimed and roared at the same time. They saw a pile of corpses ahead.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant Commander, work safely, but the front, the front...!"

After seeing the tragic scene in front of the car, the devil Cao Chang climbed into the truck in shock and anger, and yelled towards the back.


Before the devil Cao Chang could finish speaking, he heard a harsh clicking sound from under the canvas of the truck he was holding.

Hearing this voice, his face instantly turned pale, and his face was filled with horror, because he was very familiar with this voice, and this voice was the sound of their commonly used sweet potato grenade.


Before the devil Cao Chang could react, the grenade hidden under the canvas of the truck exploded.

In an instant, Cao Chang, the devil who triggered the grenade, saw his head blown out in an instant, and then his entire upper body was blown to pieces, his intestines and internal organs flew around, and his only two remaining legs were exploding. Under the impact force, it continuously flew towards the distance.

The little devils next to Chief Cao were also blasted out screaming, and their consequences were no better than Chief Cao.

"Boom boom boom!"



The moment the first grenade exploded, there was no time for the three or four hundred devils behind the devil Cao to react. At this moment, under their horrified and frightened eyes, they were instantly shocked by the violent explosion. shrouded.

"Boom, boom!"

These three or four hundred little devils didn't even make a sound of screaming. They were instantly blown to pieces, blown up, and some of them were even reduced to powder.

"Baga! Ah! Gaba!"

Koi Cano, Zhongzuo, Miyamoto Ichiro, and the little devils around them were completely stunned by what they saw.

They saw that the head of their devil Cao Chang was blown up by the first bomb, and after his body was shattered, their three or four hundred imperial warriors were instantly shrouded in the flames of the explosion, and their figures completely disappeared.

Even if there are figures that appear, they are the stumps and heads that were blown into the sky.

Because the distance was far enough, Koizo Koi, Ichiro Miyamoto and others were only staggered by the impact of the explosion.

Then, they felt a rain of blood falling from the sky.




A bunch of things that Xiaojing Sozo and Miyamoto Ichiro didn't know flew towards them, and they immediately hit their faces and bodies, making them extremely embarrassed.


At this time, Cao Chang, a devil next to Zuo Xiaojing, suddenly yelled in horror.




At this moment, the sound of terrified screams can be heard endlessly.

Among them, Zhongzuo Miyamoto Ichiro screamed even more terribly. At this time, he was almost scared to pee his pants. Even in the Nanjing Massacre, he who killed so many people without being afraid, actually frightened here. Almost scared to pee.

At this moment, they all knew what was calling on their bodies and faces.

These things were all blown up by artillery fire, the stumps, internal organs, and bloody intestines filled with feces of their big RB empire warriors.

These things were all on their faces and bodies. At this moment, they had a Christmas of flesh and blood. This was a wonderful Christmas that they had never experienced in their entire lives.

"Bagaya Road!"

Xiaojing Sokakazuo's face was pale and livid, and he felt extremely fearful at this moment, but when he saw the scene where the imperial warriors were blown into nothingness, his heart was full of overwhelming anger and murderous intent.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing Ichiro Miyamoto, who was trembling with fright, Sozo Koi became even more angry, and kicked Ichiro Miyamoto out.

"Your work, shameful work, your work, shameful work for His Majesty the Emperor, your work, is it the work of my big RB Empire warrior, Lieutenant Assistant, mine, it seems that you are the work of a pig, Baga Yalu!"

Koi Sokakasa's face was extremely ugly, he pointed at Ichiro Miyamoto who fell on the ground and cursed, and then strode to his side.


Xiaojing Cangkong gave him several big mouths and slaps on his face, then he seemed to have lost his anger, turned around and looked at the convoy of the Murakami Squadron that had ended in the explosion and was in ruins.

Most of the people around Xiaojing Cangkong were frightened and stupid at this time, and they all stood still, not daring to move, and they even had the idea of ​​retreating in their hearts.

Miyamoto Ichiro was slapped several times in the face, and sat on the ground without saying a word, unable to get up.

Koi Cangkong stared angrily at the convoy that had turned into ruins and was still smoking gunpowder. Among them, his nearly [-] imperial warriors who were shrouded in artillery fire had completely disappeared and were completely blown into powder. A huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and it was impossible for the convoy behind to pass here, so they had to move forward on foot.

Xiaojing Sokong turned around and was about to give the order to move on, but when he saw the officers in distress behind him, Xiaojing Sokong felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured into his heart, and he hesitated at this time After a while, should we cancel this attack plan!

(End of this chapter)

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