Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 187 Temple Shou 1 Wants Revenge on TZ-002 Bacterial Bomb

Chapter 187 Shousuichi in the Temple Wants Revenge on TZ-002 Bacterial Bomb

Gaoping Japanese Army Sakura Hospital.

At this time, Takamori Takashi was reclining on the hospital bed. He kept recalling the previous battle of Yangjiao Mountain in his mind. His mind was full of scenes of soldiers dying tragically. He hated and was angry in his heart, but now He really has nothing to do.

When he came to Gaoping, he brought a whole regiment of troops with him. Up to now, at the headquarters of Gaoping, his regiment has less than two brigades of troops, which can be described as a heavy loss.

"Jingle Bell……"

Suddenly, the phone on the table next to the hospital bed rang.


Hearing the phone ringing, Colonel Takamori resisted the discomfort in his body, sat up slowly, picked up the phone, and asked, "Moses, Moses!"

"Moses, Moses, you bastard, Takamori, are you working like a pig?"

Soon, General Shou of the Temple came roaring and yelling on the phone. Judging from the tone, General Shou of the Temple was extremely angry at this time.

"Hi Yi! Your Excellency General, I am going to report to you about the battle in Lingchuan!"

Hearing the scolding of General Kotobuki, Takamori's face was full of doubts, but he still calmly mentioned the battle situation in Lingchuan to General Kotobuki.

"You. Damn, don't report it. I already know everything about Lingchuan and I've done it. Commander Takamori Takashi, my, may I ask you, our invincible big RB imperial army, imperial warriors, why did you just I suffered repeated setbacks in LC County and suffered heavy losses! What is the reason for this? Please tell me!"

The incomparably angry roar of General Shou in the temple came again.

Hearing the extremely piercing voice on the phone, Takamori frowned, and took the phone away from his ears, and he didn't put the phone back to his ears until General Kotobuki finished his roar.

"Your Excellency, the Chinese Anti-Japanese Armed Forces, there is a military talent working. This guy has great military talent. No one in our empire can compare to this guy. On the battlefield, this guy's work There are too many intrigues, so the imperial warriors will suffer a lot!"

Takamori quickly explained to General Kotobuki in the temple, and mentioned Lei Zhan's military talent, praised him greatly, and put all the responsibility on Lei Zhan. What he meant was that it was not that our imperial warriors were not strong enough, but that the opponent's Commander is too badass.

"Bagaya Road! Xiao Takamori, I don't care what the reason is, anyway, I can't spare any extra soldiers to support you now, yours is in Gaoping, so you can do it yourself!"

General Kotobuki in the temple finished warning Takamori, and then hung up the phone.


Putting the phone on the table, Takamori sighed helplessly again. What can he do? Anyway, if he is not given the support of a winged force, as well as tanks and planes, he doesn't want to provoke the Wolf Warriors. I fought with Ray.

At this time, Takamori Takashi already had fear of Lei Zhan in his heart.

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as Takamori Takamori hung up the phone, Lieutenant Kawashima Yoshishita walked in with a telegram with an ugly expression on his face.

Seeing Kawashima Yoshishita's ugly face and the telegram in his hand, Takamori knew what was going on.

"I didn't expect that the Wolf Warriors had already telegraphed the battle situation in Lingchuan, Commander, everyone in China at this time already knew that we were defeated in LC County and suffered heavy losses. The prestige in the world has been severely trampled by countless people."

Kawashima Yoshishita walked into the ward and said with an angry face.

Takamori Takashi did not know what Kawashima Yoshishita said, but he was already a little disheartened at this time, and he didn't want to hear any more news about Lingchuan. Then he waved his hand at Kawashima Yoshika and said, "Go out Well, I know everything, let me be alone, by the way, you can ask Ms. Keiko Yoshishima to come to my place tomorrow!"

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the name of Keiko Yoshishima, a very beautiful figure with a very pure temperament appeared in Yoshika Kawashima's mind, and then Yoshika Kawashima bowed and left the ward to look for Ms. Keiko Yoshishima .

North China Japanese Army Headquarters.

"Baga Yalu! The Chinese people have a bad conscience, soldiers, mine, I need them now!"

General Toshiichi Terauchi is still angry now. In the entire North China battlefield at this time, facing the guerrilla warfare of the Eighth Route Army and the continuous fire in the base areas of the Japanese army, Toshiichi Terauchi no longer has any extra troops to support Takamori Takashi.

"Your Excellency, I heard that the Institute of Bacteria near Gaoping is about to complete the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb at this time. Why don't we wait a little longer? As long as the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb is successful, we only need to use the TZ-002 bacterial bomb. -[-] Bacterial bombs are thrown into Lingchuan, and all life in there will be destroyed, and by then, the anti-Japanese armed forces will naturally be wiped out!"

Looking at the frowning and sad-faced General Toshida Terauchi, Naozaburo Okabe expressed his thoughts directly. He was still looking forward to the successful research of the TZ-002 bacterial bomb.

"it is good!"

Hearing Major General Okabe Naozaburo's opinion, the gloomy eyes of Terauchi Toshiichi, who was originally very angry, suddenly lit up. He was completely dazzled by anger just now, and even forgot such an important matter.

Thinking of the TZ-002 bacterial bomb, Terauchi Toshiichi's gloomy eyes became brighter and brighter. He swore that he would take revenge fiercely. As long as the research on the TZ-002 bacterial bomb was successful, he would immediately order that TZ- - 002 Bacterial bombs were thrown into Lingchuan. He wanted to make the Lingchuan area completely devoid of people and grass within a hundred miles, so that the Chinese pigs and all life in it would be wiped out.

"However, it will take some time to work on the germ bombs. In order to alleviate the anger in my heart, you, order ten planes to go to the Lingchuan area to bomb the Lingchuan area. Even if the anti-Japanese armed forces cannot be killed, I have to let them Knowing the power of my big RB imperial army, the majesty of our empire on which the sun never sets cannot be violated!"

General Shou in the temple said with a sinister face.

"Hi Yi! However, Your Excellency, it will take more than ten days to mobilize the plane. After all, all major battlefields now need aircraft support to work. It will take me more than ten days to get the plane back. After all, we have too few airfields, if we have a large number of airfields, then we can completely bomb and destroy China!"

Hearing the order from General Kotobuki, Okabe Naozaburo reminded him.


When Siuchi Shouyi heard this, he nodded and stopped talking. After all, the soldiers in the North China battlefield are now in a tight situation, and he knows it.

LC County, Headquarters.

At this time, Lei Zhan was having a meeting with the battalion and company commanders of each battalion.

"We have captured LC County, but we have not eradicated the banditry in the Lingchuan area. If these scattered robbers and bandits are not eliminated, the people will never have a peaceful life!"

This meeting is aimed at the robbers and bandits in the Lingchuan area!
(End of this chapter)

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