Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1880 Shrinking troops, sticking to it

Chapter 1880 Shrinking troops, sticking to it

What can they do now?

No, really not.

Therefore, at this time, they can only do it according to this least possible method.

In a word, if they are asked to send troops to Majiaji now, it is simply impossible and unrealistic at all.

If it is not clear whether it is a situation or if they continue to send troops, the final result may be that they have no troops to send at all.

As a result, more serious consequences may eventually be triggered.

This is not what Major Takeuchi and Nakajima Kojima want to cause serious consequences that neither of them can take responsibility for.

Major Takeuchi quickly conveyed Lieutenant Kojima's order.

Afterwards, martial law began in Qingshan City.

Although this kind of martial law was not carried out blatantly, everyone could see that there were teams of little devil soldiers on the road.

What does this represent, as long as you are not a fool, you will know it well.

Another point, that is, after seeing this scene, the common people went home as quickly as possible.

Anyway, now that there are so many little devils and traitors of the Imperial Association Army on the road, they won't stay around anymore.

Who knows if these beasts will take this opportunity to find trouble.

If these beasts are looking for trouble, then they are finished.

After all, they couldn't resist the oppression of these little devils and the traitors of the Imperial Association Army.

At that time, he will still be insulted, and even his life may be lost.

Therefore, it is better to go home quickly while these beasts are not looking for trouble.

Many people went home like this.

In the streets of Qingshan City, two-thirds of the people were missing without spending any more time.

For this point, these little devils actually expected it.

Even, it can be said that this is the result that these little devils specifically want.

After all, if there are too many people, there will be confusion and accidents will happen.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is better to reduce the number of people on the street.

Less good management.

If there is an abnormal situation, they can also deal with it as quickly as possible.

In fact, from this point, it can be seen that these little devils have already begun to take precautions.

Both Zhongzuo Xiaojima and Shaozuo Takeuchi thought in their hearts that there was a problem and an accident in Majiaji.

Does that mean that accidents may happen in Qingshan City and other places in Qingshan area?

After the Majiaji incident, Nakajima Kojima and Major Takeuchi were unwilling to let accidents happen in other places.

Therefore, when Major Takeuchi issued the order, the order of martial law and strict security in various places was also issued.

And it is still a death order, as long as any accident occurs, it will be suppressed immediately, and the accident must not be allowed to expand.

Even if you kill three thousand by mistake, you must not let one go.

This is what Major Takeuchi and Nakajima Kojima are thinking.

Although, Zhengjiabao is the most important and their foundation.

If accidents happened in all these places at this time, it would be of no use if they could defend Zhengjiabao or not.

Zhengjiabao is the most important, but the Qingshan area is equally important.

Once accidents occur in all places other than Zhengjiabao, then Zhengjiabao will be surrounded by heavy siege.

The end result of this is that it's all over.

There will be no surprises.

This is the real concern of the two of them.

And what they have to do now is to prevent it from happening.

They would rather let accidents continue in this Majiaji than let accidents happen in other places.

An accident in one place can be controlled so that the accident does not spread.

However, if you don't take precautions and put out the fire indiscriminately, when all accidents happen, it will be the time of extinction.

Once that time comes, even if you want to put out the fire, it will be impossible, and you will simply not be able to extinguish these raging flames.

The best way now is to prevent it before it happens!


At the same time, the Guizi second lieutenant in the Majiaji also received orders from the Qingshan headquarters.

When they saw the order in their hands, they were dumbfounded.

Really dumbfounded.

How could this be so?
how come?
The two of them couldn't believe their eyes.

I thought there would be reinforcements.

However, what is the fact now, there is no reinforcements.

Let them shrink their troops and guard Majiaji.

From this aspect, it can be seen what the difference between them, the second lieutenant officers, and the junior and middle officers is.

From the incident in front of him, what the second lieutenant officer thought of was to come to the reinforcements as soon as possible, and use the reinforcements to continue to solve the immediate troubles.

But, these majors and lieutenants, they don't think so.

The vision is different, the views are different, and the decisions made are also different at all.

Now is such a situation, such a reason.

It doesn't matter whether Xiao Mu and Second Lieutenant Xiao Lin in the Majiaji accept it or not.

This is true.

Anyway, the order has been issued, and it is useless for the two of them to oppose it now.

Even before the order is issued, it is useless at all.

Therefore, there is only one way in front of them now, and that is, obey orders!

"There is no way, execute the order!"


Xiao Lin and Second Lieutenant Xiao Mu nodded one after another with ugly expressions.

Since you can't resist, let's do things according to the order.

Soon, the orders of the two of Xiao Mu were also issued.

In the current Majiaji, there are more than 100 little devil soldiers left.

In any case, it was a squadron and a squadron before.

The squadron is not full, but the squadron is almost full.

It is normal for 80 people to die and more than 100 devil soldiers to remain.

Soon, these ghost soldiers also received orders.

They immediately began to shrink, stopped all searches, and retreated to the Ma family.

Although these little devil soldiers didn't want to do this in their hearts, they had no choice but to order.

Another point, that is, they couldn't figure out why there were no reinforcements, and why did the reinforcements go?
Why didn't the command send reinforcements to them?

This is also the question in the hearts of these ghost soldiers.

However, at this moment, no one can answer the question in their hearts.

For a while, outside the Majiaji, there were no more devil soldiers searching.

All the devil soldiers retreated into the Majiaji.


"Ha ha!"

As for the situation in Majiaji, Longya team members saw it very clearly.

When the Longya team member in charge of the investigation saw the actions of the little devils in Majiaji, he laughed disdainfully!

(End of this chapter)

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