Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1885 Dragon Tooth Team Begins Action

Chapter 1885 Dragon Tooth Team Begins Action

The sleepy devil soldiers who were reprimanded and beaten did not dare to breathe, let alone resist, they could only endure it.

After all, they were just soldiers, and the people who beat them were the Sergeant Cao and the Cao Chiefs.

Therefore, they can only endure, and they can't even show a little bit of dissatisfaction. Otherwise, they will be the ones who suffer in the end.

It is even possible to lose your life for this.

Don't look at the military cao and cao chiefs, they are just a little older than them.

However, this little bit makes a world of difference.

These sergeants and cao chiefs are the closest people to these little devil officers.

After offending them, it will be really difficult after that.

Even if they lost their lives because of this, no one would reason with them, and death would be in vain!
Just relying on this point, these little devil soldiers will not resist.

The current situation in the Majiaji made them worry, but it hadn't reached the point where they felt fear and despair.

However, at this time, if you offend these sergeants and chief Caos, then it is really uncertain.

These sergeants and cao chiefs are likely to drive them directly into the abyss, leaving them in complete despair and fear.

This is not what these little devil soldiers want.

In this way, the situation in the Majiaji was rectified by the sergeants and chief Cao who came to inspect, and the situation became much better.

At the very least, these little devil soldiers who dozed off before didn't have to doze off anymore.

Of course, I dare not continue to doze off.

They believe that if they continue to doze off in the following time, it will definitely not end well.

Therefore, they dare not do this at this time!
Just like that, these little devils started to be vigilant again.

Compared with before, these little devil soldiers who started to be vigilant at this time are undoubtedly more attentive than before.

As for the effect, it can only be haha.

After all, attitude is attitude, and effect is effect!

Attitude does not represent results.

And the effect does not necessarily depend on the attitude.

However, the situation in Majiaji at this time is really special, and it is completely different from other places.

After all, in other places, nothing like Majiaji happened.

Majiaji is 100 meters away.


There is a cool breeze, and the wind is rustling.

It's just that the slight rustling sound at this time was not caused by the wind, but that there were six more figures here.

This rustling sound is the same as the sound of the wind, and people who are not very experienced will not be able to distinguish it at all.

These six people are the six special forces members of the No. [-] Dragon Tooth Squad.

Judging from their appearance at this time, they didn't look like they were going to fight at all, as if they were relaxing, they just walked slowly like this, slowly approaching Majiaji, which was 100 meters away.

A suit of night clothes, at this moment, indeed perfectly concealed them.

Even if they entered within 20 meters of Majiaji, the little devil soldiers who were on guard would not see them in the night.

This is the effect of night clothes at night.

As the saying goes, the night is dark and the wind is high to kill people.

At night, night clothes are the real weapon.

Especially for soldiers who operate at night, as long as they wear night clothes, they will definitely be blessed by the east wind.

Walking in the courtyard is the state of the six Longya Special Forces members at this moment.

That's right, they are truly skilled and courageous, and they really don't care about the little devils in the Majiaji.

If it is said that they are fighting in the daytime, then they must be careful, after all, they are all in the open, not only the fighting power, but also luck.

Bullets don't have eyes, and the bullets that fly randomly are not something you can dodge if you want to.

Therefore, compared to night, Longya players will be more careful during the day.

As for the big night, there is no problem.

Night is the time for the little devils to relax their vigilance, not to mention that the little devils are in the light and they are in the dark.

In addition, these little devils also encountered an accident in the Ma family collection today.

With their psychological blows, they will not be the opponents of the Longya players at night.

Besides, they were not fighting the little devils in the Majiaji in an open and aboveboard manner, but were killing them secretly.

Then there is nothing to worry about and be afraid of.

Assassination, especially the assassination of the little devil at this time, is really not challenging.

Although, in their hearts, they also wanted to fight with these little devil soldiers during the day and kill these little devils.

However, they had to obey the order, and besides, it was actually quite good to frighten these little devils at night.

They also like this very much.

Anyway, there is only one point to get to the bottom of, as long as these little devil soldiers can be killed, it is completely enough.

Their ultimate goal is to kill all these little devils, leaving no one behind.

"The mission is clear!"

The team leader Longya said as he walked: "The most important thing tonight is not to kill all the little devils in the Majiaji, but to use tonight's attack like the previous one. To scare all these little devils out of their wits, to scare them so much that they dare not stay here in Majiaji, and even to scare them so much that they will pee their pants when they hear the gunshots. That is, to scare them to the brink of collapse."

"Yeah, I got it!"

"For us, this is not difficult."

"Don't be careless, don't you remember what the chief instructor said to you, be careful... the boat capsizes in the ditch, and your sandals are wet!"

"Yes, yes, you must be careful!"

"Task second, safety first!"

"Haha, stop making trouble!"


Amidst the whispered jokes, the six Longya team members arrived 30 meters away from Maji's house.

"According to the original plan, act!"

Without any hesitation, under the leadership of this Longya team member, the other five Longya team members walked towards Majiaji like this.

They had already chosen the place to enter, and they had already chosen it before they acted, or even before.

Now that we have come to Majiaji at this time, there is nothing to hesitate, just start to act immediately.

With a distance of more than 30 meters, within a few seconds, they passed quickly and came to the most remote side of Majiaji.

This place was decided before, and it is also the weakest defense of these little devils in the Majiaji, so it is a good place to enter the Majiaji!

(End of this chapter)

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