Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1893 The little devils who were awakened one by one

Chapter 1893 The little devils who were awakened one by one

Koji thought in his heart, if he told Xiaxia not to get up, then he must be joking with him, otherwise, there has never been such Xiaxia before, he would not do this, he must be joking with him.

As for Koji, he also wanted to tease Xia Xia, so he wanted to pinch Xia Xia's nose to see if Xia Xia would wake up or not.

Koji thought in his heart, as long as he pinched Xia Xia's nose, Xia Xia would definitely get up immediately and catch him without a fight.

You know, the two of them are very good partners, they can talk about everything, and they are also from the same hometown.

This also caused, in this squadron, only the two of them are the closest.

Even on the battlefield, several times, it was because of the mutual help of the two that they survived on the battlefield.

So, the relationship between these two little devils is very deep at this time.

Otherwise, the two of them could even go to pee together in the morning.

These things, from this aspect, can be reflected.

That's why Koji was willing to play tricks on the next one.

Otherwise, who would mess with his companions when he was holding back his urine.

Without emotion, it is impossible to do this.

However, just when Koji pinched Xia Xia's nose, his complexion changed instantly.


Yes, the next nose, Koji's first feeling is that the nose is very cold.

Although it is not as cold as ice cubes, it is not far behind.

What exactly happened here.

Kouji's expression changed, at this moment, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

"Next time, get up, next time, what's wrong with you!"

Koji poked his nose in a panic, but he lost his breath.

This situation made Koji's worried heart sink to the bottom.


At this time, Koji, whether he accepts it or not, the fact has already happened.

Although he couldn't believe it in his heart, this was the truth.

At this moment, he was no longer breathing.

Hao Er felt very uncomfortable in his heart, he didn't think about why he was breathing well when he was sleeping last night, but he was not breathing at this time.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Koji felt.


"Next time, what's wrong with you!"


Koji, who couldn't bear the grief in his heart, finally screamed out, and the voice was full of grief.


"What's wrong!"


This time, even the rest of the little devil soldiers who were sleeping soundly in the room were woken up directly.

The three little devil soldiers who were woken up immediately stood up, looked at Koji in confusion and asked, "What's the matter, Koji?"

"Yeah, Kouji, what's wrong?"

"What do you call out so early in the morning?"

Looking at it like this, the three little devil soldiers who were woken up were very dissatisfied.

Judging from their tone of voice, at this moment, all of Koji's complaints were complaints.

It seems that Koji disturbed their sleep and affected their rest.


"Look, the next one is dead, the next one is dead!"

However, at this moment, Kouji didn't have the heart to say anything else, so he directly told the news of the next death.

After all, this matter cannot be concealed, and there is no need to conceal it. Besides, he is also very puzzled at this time. He must ask, what is going on, and how could such a thing happen at this time? matter.

He also asked the companions around him if there was anything going on last night, and if they knew about it.


"how is this possible!"


The three little devil soldiers who woke up couldn't believe this at this time.

All three of them exclaimed.

After all, the next night was fine last night, why did the next one die when he woke up today.

"Under the well, under the well, what's wrong with you, under the well!"

It wasn't until this time that the second little devil soldier next to him found the outermost little devil soldier, who was also motionless.

How similar is this situation to the next one?

As for Koji, seeing this scene at this time, he couldn't believe it, but he knew in his heart that if he was dead and motionless next time, then he must be dead in the well now, and there was no movement at all.

"Under the well, under the well, he is dead too!"

Believe it or not, until this time, the other three little devil soldiers have also discovered this fact, so they must accept it.

But is this so easy to accept?

Everyone died, how did they die.

You know, there was nothing wrong last night, what happened.

The accident was no longer an accident, but a fright.

Even, the situation in front of him is about to turn into panic.

It doesn't matter whether they believe it or not, it's all true.

When they first arrived yesterday morning, they had already received a big blow.

But now, it was another blow.

How does this make them accept it in their hearts.

It is impossible not to be frightened.

The officer died yesterday.

The companion was found dead this morning.

What exactly is going on.

The situation is unknown.

The more fear of the unknown, the more frightening and uncomfortable they feel.

No matter when it is, the unknown is always scary.

Now these little devils, the situation they are encountering is like this.



Anyway, the two or four of Hao who were in the room at this time did not dare to say a word.

They stare and stare, you look at me and I look at you, and the eyes are gradually full of fear.



At this time, in the next few rooms, there were also unbelievable cries, and there were also frightened cries.

And the cry that came at this time made the two or four of Hao at this time even more frightened in their hearts.

At the same time, they knew in their hearts that the same thing happened next door.

Things got serious this time.

Without a sound, the companions died like this. Why?
If they don't find out these things clearly, then they will never be at ease.

Anyway, as long as they are in this Majiaji, they will live in incomparable fear.

This is the current fact, and it is also the most worrying and fearful thing in the hearts of these little devils.

However, since it is a fact, it has to be accepted.

This is the situation of the little devils in the rest yard of Majiaji.

These little devils who had a good rest last night received a gift that they will never forget this morning.

I rested last night and woke up with a fright today.

This gift, at this time, is also the only one.

It's a complete mess!
Anyway, the little devils in this yard are really messed up at this moment.

Unknown things made them very afraid.

Not only them, but even Xiao Lin and Second Lieutenant Xiao Mu in the next yard were awakened at this time.

The two of them were also awakened by these calls directly from their sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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