Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1927 The pride of Major Osawa

Chapter 1927 The pride of Major Osawa

This little devil, Shao Zuo Osawa, just wanted to make a good face in front of Shao Zuo Fukushima. This time, through this plan, he really got his wish.

He knew very clearly in his heart that according to the arrogance in Fukushima's heart, when he reported to Lieutenant Kojima, he would definitely not tell him that this plan was made by himself, but would say that this plan was made by Osawa. Major thought.

In this way, it is completely enough. Since he has a good face, he can also perform well in front of his old chief. Similarly, this is also a good credit.

Although the credit is not very great, but it is very good to add up.

This, is the thought in the mind of Shao Zuo Osawa at this time.

Seeing Shao Zuo Fukushima leave, this Shao Zuo Osawa didn't say a word, no longer said more, just poured tea by himself and started to drink.

It can also be said that it is beginning to taste beautifully.

Anyway, what he wants has already been achieved, and now he is waiting for the best.

Anyway, the overall situation of the Zhengjiabao is decided by the Fukushima Shaozuo, and he is not needed.

It can't be said that he can't be used, but that he can't be used for the time being.

After all, in this Zhengjiabao, this Fukushima Major is the real military chief, and he is just an assistant.

Tell me about Major Fukushima.

At this time, Major Fukushima walked out of the temporary headquarters tent and came to the tent next to the headquarters tent.

The tent they carried this time was not very big, so a special tent was needed to place the radio station.

When he came to this tent, Major Fukushima entered the tent without stopping.

"Your Excellency Commander!"

"Your Excellency Commander!"


After seeing the arrival of Major Fukushima, the little devil communication soldiers in this temporary tent immediately got up and bowed their heads in salute.


Major Fukushima nodded and asked, "How is the preparation of the radio station, can you directly contact the Gyeongsan headquarters now?"

"Hi, Your Excellency!"

The little devil Cao Chang, who was in charge of the radio station, walked out directly, came to the side of the Fukushima Major, bowed his head and said: "The radio station is ready, and you can contact the Qingshan headquarters at any time!"

After arriving here, they immediately set up the radio station, without the slightest pause or carrying.

Therefore, it is possible to fix all the radio stations at such a fast speed.

These little devil communicators knew very well what their responsibilities were.

If in the shortest possible time, they can't handle it well and can't contact the headquarters, then they really can't bear this responsibility.

Therefore, for this task every time, they dare not have any slack.

"Okay, contact the Gyeongsan headquarters immediately, I want to generate electricity."

Hearing this, Major Fukushima nodded in satisfaction and ordered.

"Hi Yi!"

After receiving the order, the little devil Cao Chang personally came to a radio station, sat in front of the radio station, turned on the radio station, and began to wait.


Seeing this, Major Fukushima immediately began to talk about the content of the telegram: "Your Excellency Commander, our department has already captured the Zhengjiabao, and now..."

Major Fukushima told his plan, as well as Major Osawa's plan, and asked Chief Cao to record it and send it to Qingshan Command.

I asked Lieutenant Kojima in the Gyeongsan Command to finalize the implementation of their plan.

You know, under the current situation, if the plan is not approved by the Gyeongsan Command, they cannot implement it.

If there is no consent and it is carried out rashly like this, it is hard to say what the final result will be. Anyway, everything may be all right, but if there is an accident, it is hard to say. Once the responsibility is pursued, they will bear the responsibility Sorry.

Therefore, after they have a complete plan, they need to report it first. Only in this way is the safest way.

Although this Fukushima Major is the highest military officer in the Zheng Family Fort, he can make a decision, and he still needs to ask for the consent of the Qingshan Headquarters, Kojima Lieutenant Commander.

In this way, under the nagging of Major Fukushima, the little devil Cao Chang sent his and Major Osawa's plan to the Gyeongsan headquarters.

Then in the next time, all they need to do is wait.

Waiting for the final order from Gyeongsan Command.

"Your Excellency, it's all done."

Inside the tent, the devil Cao Chang got up directly after sending the telegram, and reported to Major Fukushima.

"Well, just wait! Report to me as soon as the order from the headquarters comes."

After Fukushima nodded, he turned and left.

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the order, the devil Cao Chang immediately bowed to accept the order.

Now that the message has been sent, there is no need for Major Fukushima to wait here.

Because, he knew in his heart that it would take time for the Gyeongsan headquarters to receive the telegram after it was sent out, and Lieutenant Commander Kojima also needed to think according to the plan.

After all, a complete plan cannot be implemented just by talking about it.

And their plan is even more so.

If you want Zhengjiabao to be truly safe, you must set up strongholds around it.

In this case, they will need more troops.

As for this force, they don't have it now, they only have the force of two full squadrons.

Therefore, once the plan is finalized, it still needs the Gyeongsan Command to send troops to support it.

Only in this way is the safest and best plan.

However, at this time, Major Fukushima believes that this plan is very good, and after seeing this plan, Lieutenant Kojima will definitely agree to it in the end.

In the final analysis, the most important thing is their mission this time, as well as these munitions and ammunition supplies.

That's the real priority.

For these things, it is necessary for them to send more troops.

In this way, Major Fukushima left the radio tent and returned to the headquarters tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, Major Fukushima saw Major Osawa sipping tea with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Major Fukushima couldn't help shaking his head in his heart.

This Daze, really is.

"Fukushima-kun, how are you doing?"

Seeing Major Fukushima walk in, Major Osawa immediately asked with a smile.

"The telegram has been sent to the Gyeongsan headquarters. The next thing is to see when Lieutenant Kojima will reply to us. Just wait."

Major Fukushima said: "However, I believe that His Excellency Kojima Nakamura will definitely agree with your plan."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Major Osawa burst out laughing instantly.

What is what he wants, this is what he wants!
(End of this chapter)

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