Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1933 The order is issued, Daze decides

Chapter 1933 The order is issued, Daze decides

After the two thought about it, Shao Zuo Fukushima gave Shao Zuo Osawa instructions again.

After all, in his eyes, for this mission, he just gave orders, but he didn't want to be the real executor and supervisor.

Because he is the chief military officer here, it is impossible to waste all his experience on this.

If he is going to complete the plan with his own hands, what are the officers under him doing? Let them eat and eat.

Therefore, Major Fukushima has already made a decision in his heart.

He didn't want to waste any more time on such tasks and plans.

Especially when it came to the things he thought about before, he was thinking in his heart, if what he thought before would become a fact, then he would have to worry about his own future at this time. Plan well, plan well.

Although in such a matter, if it happens, he has no right to speak.

But ah, it's good to do some preparation in advance.

In this way, even if the things he was most worried about happened, he would not be overwhelmed and flustered.

As the saying goes, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Major Fukushima believes that as long as he prepares well at this time, things will turn around.

The big aspects will not change, but if he is well prepared, then he will take the initiative, at least not passive, and lose too much.

So, for this reason now, he can't waste all his time here.

He needs to let his subordinates share the burden and give him extra time.

In this way, he would have time to plan carefully what to do next.

"Don't worry, Fukushima-kun, just leave this task and plan to me. I will definitely complete it. Please rest assured that if there is really no task, then I will also be able to do it in Zhengjiabao." I'm sick from time to time, haha."

After hearing his words, Major Osawa laughed again and said.

In any case, this task is also what he is most willing to do.

After completing this task, plus the previous military achievements, it is enough.

"Well, that's good, that's good!"

Major Fukushima nodded with a smile and began to drink tea.

In his mind, at this moment, he was thinking about how long it would take for the things he was worried about to happen after the plan and mission were completed.

Although he didn't want such a thing to happen in his heart, some things couldn't be changed just by thinking about them.

Under such circumstances, he can only let nature take its course, and get the greatest benefit from it.

Another point, that is, he thought in his heart, it's better for such a thing to happen as late as possible.

The later, the longer he has to prepare, and, in the end, he will get more.

While thinking about things, both Major Fukushima and Major Osawa did not speak.

After all, they already had their own missions, and they just waited for the order from the Gyeongsan headquarters.

Therefore, under such circumstances, they should think about it first.

Think about what they should do in the next time.

time flies.


While Major Fukushima and Major Osawa were waiting, a report came from outside the tent of the temporary headquarters.

"Come in!"

Soon, Major Fukushima's voice was also transmitted from the tent of the temporary headquarters.

At this time, Major Fukushima and Major Osawa, who were in the tent, knew clearly.

Now that there is a report, it must be news from the headquarters.

At this time, if the Gyeongsan headquarters transmits the news, there will only be two aspects.

The first is to agree with everything they reported before.

The second is to reject everything they reported before.

However, at this moment, both Major Fukushima and Major Osawa have an answer in their hearts, that is, under such circumstances, the Gyeongsan Command will definitely agree to their plan.

After all, no matter what, the plan they thought of at this time was the most suitable plan for the current Zhengjiabao.

Therefore, there is not much turmoil in the hearts of the two of them now.

On the contrary, it is still very calm.

They have this confidence.

If not, then they would really be a big fool.

Besides, can a big idiot become a major officer? It's impossible!
"Your Excellency, the command has sent an order."

The person who came was the Chief Cao in the communication tent.


Major Fukushima nodded, received the telegram, and looked up.

Yes, the content is almost the same as he thought.

Gyeongsan Command has agreed to their plan, and told them that it will be implemented immediately, and troops will be sent to help them on the same day.

Even in this telegram, Lieutenant Kojima praised them well, saying that their plan is very good, good, very good.

For Zhengjiabao, just implement their plan. As long as this plan is successfully implemented, it will be absolutely foolproof.

"Ha ha!"

After reading the telegram in his hand, Major Fukushima immediately burst out laughing.

"Fukushima-kun, look at you, this time the plan is set like this, there will be no accidents, haha!"

The Major Osawa next to him immediately laughed when he saw Major Fukushima who was laughing.

A smile, at this time, represents the success of the plan.

If the plan hadn't been successful, they wouldn't have smiled at all at this time.

"That's right, Osawa-kun, Lieutenant Commander Kojima has agreed to our plan, and you see, he even praised you."

Major Fukushima smiled and handed the telegram to Major Osawa.

"Yosie, Yossie!"

Major Osawa, who received the telegram and read it, also became excited at this time.

In his heart, it is very good to be praised by a lieutenant officer, and also his immediate superior, the military officer.

You know, most people don't have such an opportunity.

"Mr. Fukushima, since the headquarters has made a plan and issued an order, let's execute it."

When the telegram arrived, Shao Zuo Osawa couldn't wait.

After all, this time the plan was executed by him.

"Well, just make up your own mind, Osawa-kun, I have already entrusted you with all this, and you can carry it out yourself."

Major Fukushima nodded.

Since Major Osawa is willing, he has no reason to refuse.

"Well, the plan is set like this, and I will implement it!"

At this time, Major Osawa said with a serious face.

It can be seen that he is very serious about this matter at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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