Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1940 The unknown is the most feared

Chapter 1940 The unknown is the most feared

It is unrealistic to think that all the people in Zhengjiabao will resist these little devil soldiers.

This kind of thing must not be rushed.

Need to take it slow, rise in waiting.

In that case, the remaining Zhengjiabao people might start a second riot.

For the second time, destroy the little devils in Zhengjiabao.

As a result, it brought even greater losses to the little devils in Zhengjiabao.

No matter what, the remaining Zhengjiabao people who survived at this time are now alive and will not die.

At the very least, Major Daze and the others will not kill them in a short time.

As long as they are not killed in a short period of time, then this will give them a chance.

Opportunities are waiting slowly under such circumstances.

Although opportunities can be created, they are also artificially created.

But ah, here, it doesn't work at all. The surviving Zhengjiabao people don't have the ability to create opportunities at all.

They simply do not have the means to create opportunities, and opportunities.

So, as long as they are alive now, they will have a chance in the next time.

Waiting for the opportunity to come, I believe that among the remaining Zhengjiabao people, there must be someone who can seize this opportunity and give these little devils and beasts another fatal blow.

Of course, even if they can't give these little devils a shot, they can still kill them.

At the very least, it can cause certain damage and damage to these little devil soldiers.

In this case, it is completely enough.

Now, all they have to do is survive, survive.

That's the most important thing.

There is a saying that is true, only if you are alive, you will have greater opportunities.

When you die, there is nothing left.

Only by being alive can we wait slowly and wait for a better opportunity to come, so as to start fighting and cause harm to these little devils.


At this time, Shao Zuo Osawa, looking at the scene in front of him, snorted coldly, and directly directed at the remaining [-] little devil soldiers around him, he ordered again: "Go forward and check immediately, leave the minor injuries, and kill all the serious ones." Drop, as for the rest of the people, all form a team and implement numbering, each person is only allowed to eat one meal a day, if you can't eat enough, you can just starve to death, execute!"

Major Osawa's tone was extremely cold, without the slightest emotion at all, at this moment.

From this point, it can also be seen that this time, he was really angry in his heart.

The death of more than 100 imperial soldiers made him angry and murderous.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't kill them at this time, he would have ordered again to kill all the people in Zhengjiabao who were alive in front of him.

However, he couldn't do this at this time, he could only endure, endure.

If he couldn't bear it, he couldn't get so many people, and the plan couldn't be completed.

Therefore, even if you want to kill, you need to wait until the plan is completed immediately before doing it.

At that time, he will really not care about this.

At that time, he will kill all the remaining Zhengjiabao people in front of him, leaving no one behind.

Didn't you see now, he was already venting.

It can be seen from his order.

Those who have the labor force will stay, and those who do not have it will be killed.

This time, so many people died again.

The death of so many people was enough to temporarily subside the anger in Shao Zuo Osawa's heart.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


These little devils and sergeants at the side immediately took orders.

Their complexions are also ferocious at this time, and their eyes are full of killing intent and anger.

Riots, they had never encountered before.

Therefore, when the riots just started, they were almost scared out of their wits.

How could such a thing happen?

So, how could they, who were frightened, miss such a good opportunity at this moment.

Now that the order has been issued, there is no need for them to hold back the people of Zhengjiabao.

These Zhengjiabao people dare to scare them, then they will take revenge at this time.

Just now, it really scared them, almost scared them to pee.

A riot of thousands of people is such a big scene, they have never experienced it before.

First of all, there are only a few dozen soldiers.

If dozens of soldiers all rioted, they would be able to drink a pot.

Not to mention the thousands of people in front of us now.

Almost, if the heavy machine guns and light machine guns did not start to suppress, then the few of them would definitely be scared to pee.

Thousands of people, the momentum alone can crush them to death.

Fortunately, Shao Zuo Osawa directly issued an order to suppress them, so that they could not make a fool of themselves.

Therefore, at this time, their intention to kill the people of Zhengjiabao is extremely serious.

If possible, they really don't mind, killing all the people in Zhengjiabao.

However, Shao Zuo Da Ze's order was not to kill them all, so they did not dare to kill them all.

So, now it is better to follow the order and kill all the seriously injured Zhengjiabao people.

Besides, the fact that those who were not injured are not killed now does not mean that they will not be killed in the future.

In the future, they will have a lot of opportunities to rectify these Zhengjiabao people who did not die and survived.

Besides, what tasks they will perform next, these lieutenant officers are also very clear in their hearts.

Under such circumstances, in the next time, even if they don't use any means to kill these surviving people, then their chances of surviving are also very low.

"Let's go, according to the order of Your Excellency Major, start searching the group!"


After receiving the order from Major Osawa, the second lieutenant hesitated and thought about it for a while, and the second lieutenant officers immediately turned around and gave the order.

"Hi Yi!"


These little devil soldiers who were on standby at any time, at this moment, directly bowed to take orders.

In the previous scene, they completely saw what they saw.

They were also terrified in their hearts.

They are soldiers, and now that the order is given, it's time to kill for revenge.

Soon, these little devil soldiers who received the order immediately started to act.

And these surviving Zhengjiabao people on the square, after seeing this scene, became more nervous and fearful.

Because, at this time, they still don't know what these little devil soldiers will face in the next time when they arrive.

The more this unknown situation, the more fear they felt in their hearts!
(End of this chapter)

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