Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1947 This Is the Situation of the Zheng Family Fort

Chapter 1947 This Is the Situation of the Zheng Family Fort
Time passed, and the final thing, the final result, had become a foregone conclusion.

After the construction of Zhengjiabao drew an ending, the people in these Zhengjiabao.

More than [-] of them survived. Under the order of Shao Zuo Daze, these little devils directly massacred them with machine guns and killed them outside Zhengjiabao.

This is the Zhengjiabao, the fate of these common people.

Also now, Zhengjiabao is very quiet, there is no reason for the noise.

Why there is no sound, the root cause is that in Zhengjiabao, there are only these little devil soldiers stationed here, as well as Shao Zuo Da Ze and Shao Zuo Fukushima and others.

The innocent people among them have been brutally slaughtered by them.

This is everything that happened before Zheng Jiabao.

Major Osawa showed his ruthless skills in this matter.

For the sake of plans and missions, they were truly unscrupulous, killing everyone in Zhengjiabao and fulfilling their plans and missions.

Zhengjiabao, a small military fortress, has been built.

However, all the people in Zhengjiabao died because of this small fortress, leaving no one left.

Nine out of ten of those who died of exhaustion were beaten to death.

In the end, those who survived were directly massacred by these little devils and beasts with machine guns.

The situation in Zhengjiabao is one such situation.

After completing this plan, Major Osawa and Major Fukushima really felt relieved.

As for the accidents that occurred before, the death of soldiers, etc., these things, the guilt in them, disappeared with the completion of the plan and mission.

Shao Zuo Osawa thought right from the beginning, as long as he can complete the plan and task this time, if there are no accidents in the plan and task, all the mistakes he made before can be written off.

Therefore, in this matter, he took this as the principle and acted in this way.

And the final result was so good, the plan and task were completed, and as for the guilt, it was written off.

At the very least, Major Fukushima didn't even mention this matter.

If he didn't mention it, it means that there is no need to report this matter to Lieutenant Kojima.

Even if it is reported to Lieutenant Commander Kojima, it may change a bit, and it will not be said that such a result was caused by his command error.

Major Fukushima is likely to change his statement, saying that these soldiers were broken when they were carrying out their plans and missions.

In this case, there will be no one to pursue the responsibility of Major Osawa.

Besides, the plan and task have been completed, and Lieutenant Kojima will not pursue or convict anything in this matter.

In a word, plans and tasks are the most important.

As long as it can be completed smoothly, Nakamura Kojima will not pursue such a small matter.

Yes, it's the little things.

In his eyes, except for plans and tasks, which are big things, the rest, other than plans and tasks, are small things.

The reason why the Zhengjiabao is so quiet and there is no sound is that.

Time passed like this, Shao Zuo Osawa and Shao Zuo Fukushima, who were in this Zhengjiabao, have been idle in this Zhengjiabao since they completed their plans and tasks and had nothing to do at all.

At this time, their only task is to take care of the ammunition supplies in the Zhengjiabao in this Zhengjiabao. Nothing can happen. This is the mission of the two of them.

For the rest, Lieutenant Kojima has clearly told them that without your affairs, the most important task of the two of you is to guard the Zhengjiabao so that there will be no accidents in the Zhengjiabao.

As long as there are no accidents in Zhengjiabao, then you are the greatest contributors.

These are the exact words given to the two of them by Kojima.

So, at this time, Major Osawa and Major Fukushima did exactly this.

Because of this, they have a lot of time.

During such idle time, the two of them couldn't help turning their eyes to the frontal battlefield.

Even though the two were just smiling major officers, they had nothing to do with them on the frontal battlefield, and they shouldn't be the ones to worry about it.

But, just because they were idle, they added the guesses of the two before, so at this moment, the two of them started to deduce the frontal battlefield.

Of course, it was also a consideration for the future of the two of them.

After all, the two of them had to stop thinking about what happened on the frontal battlefield.

This is something that can't be helped. The two of them, at this moment, also feel persecution in their hearts.

The two of them are also afraid at this time. If they don't make plans and considerations earlier, in case something happens or an accident occurs, then it may be too late to find a solution and find a countermeasure.

After all, opportunities never wait for anyone, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

Besides, the two of them are idle now and have nothing to do, so they can only do this matter and try to think of some countermeasures and methods as much as possible.

When the difficulty, the last step that you don't want, comes, you don't panic, there is nothing you can do.

As for the rest of the little devil soldiers, they just don't have this idea.

They are just ordinary soldiers, so, the most important thing is to stand guard.

They are the ones who are really not qualified to think about this matter.

The Zhengjiabao incident just passed day by day.

Because of the construction of outlying strongholds outside Zhengjiabao and the blockade of these little devils, no one really knows what happened to Zhengjiabao and the surrounding places.

Of course, it is not without speculation.

But, there is only one result of their final guess, that is, all the people in Zhengjiabao and other places have died, and no one can stay.

If there were people in Zhengjiabao and other places, such a situation would never happen.

However, the current situation has already happened, and no one can change it.

Coupled with the blockade of these little devils, it is even more impossible for the situation to spread.

The rest of the people knew that something went wrong in Zhengjiabao, and all the people were killed by these little devils.

However, no one knows exactly what happened in Zhengjiabao.

Besides, this is exactly the strategy of these little devils, so they won't let the news about Zhengjiabao be passed on.

Here at this time, it is too important for them, but it is related to their lifeline.

Under such circumstances, how could they take the initiative to leak it? Impossible!

After all, once it is leaked, it will really be a hidden danger for these little devils.

They don't want to expose, but they don't want hidden dangers.

However, these little devils probably couldn't think of anything, even though they were keeping it secret, at this moment, they were already being targeted by the members of the Longya Special Forces Brigade.

Moreover, at this time, members of the Longya Special Forces Brigade, the first team, had officially entered the Zhengjiabao area.

(End of this chapter)

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