Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1990 Rough Plan Customization

Chapter 1990 Rough Plan Customization

After all, in thinking, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed.

The entire office is very quiet at this moment, and if a needle falls to the ground, the sound can be transmitted.


After 10 minutes, Yang Hu spoke directly.

At this time, he is completely different from before. At this time, his eyes have completely lit up and started to glow.

Sniping, sniping, Yang Hu thought for a while, this is indeed a good plan and method.

Especially in such a situation against them, even more so!

Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to compete in military strength, which is not realistic at all.

They are full of fights and calculations, they only have more than 50 people now, and the little devils are the strength of a regiment.

Although, it is not a full-staffed regiment, it is still a regiment, and even the soldiers of these little devils are at the regiment level.

As for them, although their combat effectiveness is not inferior to these little devils, the gap in numbers and strength is really too big, it is simply a world of difference.

Therefore, it is impossible to fight head-on to contain them.

In this case, there is no other way to do it.

And sniping, at this time, is a very good way!

After all, when it comes to sniper killing, they don't lack snipers at all.

All Longya players have been training sniper tactics when they started training.

So, at the end of the final training session, all the Longya players, the worst one, were sharpshooters.

Moreover, he is also a sharpshooter who has received training in sniper tactics.

In this way, it can be called a sniper.

So, in this operation, the ten Longya players brought in are ten snipers.

Don't forget, if snipers manage funerals on the battlefield, if they are used well, the power they display is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Even, snipers can truly dominate the direction and fate of a battle.

This sentence is true, absolutely not false.

Because, on many battlefields, snipers are the ghosts on the battlefield, and the God of death on the battlefield.

If they really made a move, and made a move at a critical point, it would truly dominate the success or failure on the battlefield.

There is no doubt about this.

After all, before they came to the Guanshan Qingshan and Hongshan areas, they were really tested.

Snipers, on the battlefield, are really so powerful that they frighten the enemy.

At this time, Lei Ming could think of this, firstly because of his intelligence, and secondly because he was a sniper.

One of the number one sniper in the Longya Special Warfare Brigade, other than Chief Instructor Lei Zhan.

So, at this time, because of these two reasons, he thought of this.

Even, this point, at this moment, even Yang Hu didn't think of it.

Otherwise, after Lei Ming raised this point, Yang Hu's heart immediately brightened.

It's not that there is no way, it's that he didn't think of it at all.

Looking at it now, this method of sniping is very good, and can directly ignore the huge gap in troop strength.

However, the method is a good method and can be adopted directly.

However, how to operate it still needs to be carefully planned.

After Lei Ming finished speaking, he stopped talking.

He knew that as long as he made this opinion, it was completely enough.

After that, the specific plan still needs to be discussed with everyone.

After all, he doesn't have the ability to complete the current killing plan by himself.

"So it is!"


At this time, the team members and soldiers who were sitting and waiting also understood.

None of them are fools. As long as they calm down and think about it at this time, they will know what the reason is.

Sniping, what is involved in this, and what effect will it play.

These, as long as they think about it, with their intelligence, they can definitely think of it.

Now, no doubt, they have thought of this.

Sniping is indeed a good way.

However, how to operate it is a big problem and a difficulty.

"Okay, Lei Ming's opinion, you should all be able to think of the key points!"

At this moment, Yang Hu came back to his senses and said.


"We know, Captain!"


Hearing Yang Fei's words, the team members and soldiers all nodded to express their understanding.

"It's good to understand, then, next, let's discuss the next action plan around this key point raised by Lei Ming!"

Yang Hu said: "The opinions and key points are very good, and they are opportunities, but how to succeed, implement, etc., this requires a comprehensive plan, do you understand!"




The team members and soldiers nodded.

This point, in their hearts, at this moment, is very clear.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start!"

Yang Hu nodded without any further hesitation.

Lei Ming also nodded, everyone discussed and discussed, and he had no objection.

After all, no matter how good the plan, no matter how good the idea is, if it is not perfected and supplemented, it will be useless and useless.

Therefore, he will not have any objections, on the contrary, he is still very much in favor at this time.

In this way, under the leadership of Yang Fei and Lei Ming, the soldiers and team members started discussions one after another, and expressed their thoughts, plans, and opinions on this sniper kill in their hearts.

The time during the discussion passed quickly.

Half a day passed like this. The real thing is that the passage of time is ruthless.

Time is like this, no matter who you are, he will not stay for even a minute of time for you.

During this half day, Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the soldiers didn't stop at all. They were discussing, discussing, and making plans all the time.

However, along with these, there are also overthrows and restarts.

A perfect plan, a plan without omissions, is not so easy to plan.

So, under such circumstances, it took half a day for Yang Fei, Lei Ming and others to roughly formulate this plan.

Probably, it has already been formulated.

In other words, the most important thing has already been formulated. In the next time, as long as they fill in the information based on the information in the Hongshan area, deduce possible accidents, etc., and think of ways to deal with it, etc. wait.

It is enough to get these things done, and it can be said that it is a very complete plan.

Of course, after completing the plan, they can still report it to Lei Zhan in Guanshan Command.

Let Lei Zhan show them to analyze whether the plan is feasible or not.

Only in this way can it be finally implemented.

After all, the task this time is too important, so they really can't help being sloppy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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