Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 1998 Yang Hu's Squad Begins Operation

Chapter 1998 Yang Hu's Squad Begins Operation


All parties are waiting.

Whether it's these little devils, or Yang Fei and Yang Hu who are in Guanshan Qingshan Hongshan, at this moment, they are all waiting, waiting for the right time to come.

On Yang Fei's side, there is a week before the action, and they still have a lot of time to prepare.

This week's preparation time is already enough, even if the recruits arrive, it is enough.

However, the time on Yang Hu's side is different.

Yang Hu and the others have different tasks, so they don't have a week at all.

They are ordered from the street at the end, to start preparations immediately, planning detailed plans.

After that, they started to act, scouting the terrain, and seeing what these little devil officers were doing.

Moreover, it is also very important to build a sniper position based on the situation from the investigation.

If these things can't be done, sniping is empty talk, everything is empty talk.

Therefore, preparatory work before the sniping needs to be done, which will take a long time.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers on Yang Hu's side did not have a one-week interval at all.

After they have made a plan, they must act immediately, and there is no delay at all.

In this way, Yang Hu and Lei Ming, as well as the rest of the soldiers and team members, worked out the sniper plan together.

It took a full day to formulate this killing plan.

Don't think that sniping is easy, if you think sniping is easy, then you are really wrong.

Sniping, but it takes a long time to prepare in advance.

When carrying out sniping, it is also necessary to prepare according to each situation.

Therefore, this sniper killing is not simple at all. On the contrary, it is more complicated than fighting on the battlefield.

More importantly, for sniping, as long as you choose the sniper position and enter the sniper position, you must be patient, endure the loneliness, and wait in the sniper position motionless like a poisonous snake.

Wait for the right moment to arrive, and prepare to deal the fatal blow to the enemy.

Therefore, a sniper is like a poisonous snake ready to hunt, standing still and always ready, as long as the prey comes, he will act immediately and kill him with one blow.

Therefore, a sniper can be compared to a poisonous snake in the dark.

It can also be likened to the fact that the sniper is like a hunter preparing to hunt.

Anyway, if you want to become a qualified sniper, you must endure loneliness, loneliness, pain, and all kinds of negative situations when you are waiting for a sniper.

Itching, pain, etc., in these situations, in a specific sniper position and sniper situation, even if there are mice and snakes getting into the pants, it is absolutely impossible to move and deal with it.

It must be motionless to ensure the success of the sniper mission.

So, under such circumstances, if you want to become a truly qualified sniper, you must endure these things.

The most important thing is to have a strong will and perseverance, as well as an extremely strong psychological quality!
So, looking at it from these aspects, a sniper is not as simple as imagined. Find a place, lie there, pick up a gun, wait for the target to arrive, pull the trigger, and kill!

Impossible, it is not as simple as imagined.

It takes a lot of preparation to get to the moment when the trigger is finally pulled.

It is impossible for untrained soldiers and fighters, even if they are experienced fighters on the battlefield, to directly become a qualified sniper.

Although there are accidents in everything, there are always one or two geniuses who can learn without a teacher.

However, this kind of situation can only happen if it is truly one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand.

It is simply impossible for any fighter to achieve such a level.

So, the moment the sniper pulled the trigger, he had already made enough preparations before.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to reach the moment of pulling the trigger directly.

So, don't think that sniping is easy, and don't think that snipers can do it easily.

Back to topic.

Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the rest of the fighters and team members in the Hongshan area spent a whole day, and based on the previous intelligence and the situation of the scattered little devil headquarters in the Hongshan area, They made detailed little plans.

After the small plan was formulated, Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the rest of the soldiers immediately started to act without the slightest hesitation.

Through their investigation, there are at least sixteen major officers in the Miyamoto Regiment.

There is one Dazuo officer, two Zhongzuo officers, and the rest are all Shaozuo officers.

So, under such circumstances, the fifty soldiers and team members under Yang Hu had to be divided into sixteen teams.

These sixteen squads are going to focus on the officers from the sixteen little devils, including the major officer, of course, including the major officer.

In this case, there are three people in each team.

A three-person sniper squad can be established.

An observer, a master sniper.

As for the other one, it is logistics, doing a good job of retreating forward routes, etc., alerting the situation, etc.

Therefore, at this time, for this operation, it is completely possible and very good for these three people to form a team.

Therefore, after making a plan, Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others immediately started to act.

Lei Ming and Yang Hu brought a soldier, the first team, and they were targeting the Miyamoto team's team leader, Miyamoto Osamu.

Whoever entrusts this matter to them can't complete it in their current team.

Only handing it over to Lei Ming, the ace sniper of the Dragon Tooth Special Forces Brigade, is the safest and safest.

The rest of the goals are to be handed over to Longya's team members, the Zhongzuo officer, to Longya's team members.

As for the major officer, it was handed over to these soldiers.

Of course, ten Longya players led ten teams.

The remaining five teams are composed entirely of soldiers.

Of course, as long as General Miyamoto and the other two lieutenant officers can be killed, even if two of the other major officers slip through the net, there is no problem at all.

It is simply impossible for a major officer to command a wing.

So, under such circumstances, the arrangement plan of Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others is absolutely foolproof.

Of course, the plan was completed, and they all came to their respective mission locations.

However, this sniper position is not so easy to find. After all, these little devil officers don't know where their range of activities is.

So, under such circumstances, after they came to their respective places, they still need a few days to investigate. Only when the investigation is clear can they choose a sniper position and finally start to snipe the target!

(End of this chapter)

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