Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2021 Tracking Begins

Chapter 2021 Tracking Begins

This is a great opportunity. If they can grasp this opportunity, their credit for this mission will be greatly improved.

Of course, they didn't kill devils for the so-called credit, but this is related to the honor of a soldier.

And, the responsibilities on their shoulders.

Credit is not what they value, this honor and responsibility is what they want most.

Yang Hu and Lei Ming spent two hours planning in the office area before smoothing out the merger plan.

Although it is not difficult, the details must be done well, otherwise, it is really easy to have accidents above such details.

"Let's make the plan like this first. The two of us have to set off immediately. If we act now, we will be able to get outside Hongshan City before dawn, so as not to delay tomorrow's investigation plan."

Yang Hu said while rubbing his head.

Staying up late is not a good practice, but, the two of them must stay up late for this, otherwise the plan will not work.

Besides, what was staying up late to kill devils?

"Well, let's set off immediately, we can't waste any more time."

Regarding this point, Lei Ming was also very clear in his heart.

In this way, Yang Hu and Lei Ming, after explaining to the headquarters station, immediately started to act, and soon, their figures disappeared into the night.

time flies.

When the sky was just getting dark, Yang Hu and Lei Ming officially rushed out of Hongshan City.

And the soldier they stayed here before was still resting.

Of course, his task is to keep an eye on the guns and ammunition, not to detect the enemy's situation, so, under such circumstances, he can rest.


However, when Yang Hu and Lei Ming returned, the movement they deliberately made woke up the soldier who stayed behind. He turned over by himself, and the gun in his hand was aimed at Yang Hu and Lei Ming. The direction from which it came.

However, he saw the smiling Yang Hu and Lei Ming at a glance.

"Captain, you are back!"

Seeing this, the soldier who stayed behind was relieved.

Now that he was alone, he was really a little afraid of meeting the little devils.

Of course, it's not that he's afraid of the devils, but that he's worried about the arrival of the little devils, exposing them, and taking away the guns and ammunition, which will affect the next plan. This is what this soldier is most worried about.

Fortunately, Yang Hu and Lei Ming appeared beside him at this time.

"Well, don't go to sleep, there is still time until the sky really shines, you stay here and stare at Hongshan City, as long as there is any movement from the little devil, wake us up immediately, I haven't slept all night, sleepy very."

Yang Hu looked at the soldier who stayed behind, and ordered with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, don't worry, captain, rest, just leave this matter to me."

And this soldier also knows what he should do most at this moment.

So, take the lead directly.


Yang Hu and Lei Ming both nodded, and found a place to leeward, leaned on the ground, and fell asleep back to back.

Although both of them are special forces members who have received rigorous training, they will never let go of a few hours of rest.

After all, only by recharging your energy can you complete the task better. If you are in a bad state, it will really affect the progress of the task.

This point, in their hearts, is very clear.

Yang Hu and Lei Ming were sleeping, while the soldier was lying on the dry grass, fixed his eyes on the gate of Hongshan City in front of him, and began to monitor.

As long as there is any movement, he will report it immediately.

Time passed again.

And the sky is slowly getting brighter at this time.

Gradually, the sun rose.

And the gate of Hongshan City was slowly opened at this time.

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers of the Imperial Association Army came out, breathing heavily like this.

After wandering around outside, he returned to Hongshan City again.

Because the sky was just dawning, it was said that no one entered or left the city at this time.

Even the change of guards for these imperial association troops hasn't arrived yet, of course, they haven't arrived yet. If the time comes, they beasts, under the current situation, don't dare to delay at all of.

These imperial association soldiers knew very well that at this time, here, they could offend anyone, but they could only offend the little devils.

There is nothing wrong with standing guard properly, but if you don't even stand guard properly, then these little devils will never let them go.

Regarding this point, these traitors of the Imperial Association Army are very clear in their hearts.

Therefore, on this point, these imperial association troops absolutely dare not go beyond one step.

As time passed, this Hongshan city also began to be noisy for a day.

There were also more pedestrians on the road leading in and out of Hongshan City.


Looking at Hongshan City not far in front of him, those little devil soldiers sitting on the sidelines enjoying themselves, and the traitors of the Imperial Association Army who are domineering and domineering, this soldier who is watching is full of murderous intent.

For these imperial association troops and little devils, he wished he could immediately take a gun and kill them all.

However, he also knew in his heart that this was simply impossible.

Especially in the current situation where there are tasks like this, he is even more unable to do this, otherwise, it will really delay the plan.

So, at this moment, he can do whatever he wants, endure without saying a word, observe and monitor, and when the situation permits, he will kill devils and traitors!

Soon, the sun was rising, and the watchman felt that his whole body was warmed by the sun, and he felt very good.



However, at this moment, the roar of trucks and sidecar motorcycles suddenly came from Hongshan City.

Hearing this voice, the surveillance warrior immediately looked over with all his attention.

Soon, he saw the little devil's sidecar motorcycle and a truck roaring out of the gate of Hongshan City.

"Captain, captain, there is a situation, there is a situation!"

Seeing this situation, the soldier didn't hesitate, and came directly to Yang Hu and Lei Ming.


Yang Hu and Lei Ming woke up immediately after hearing the shout, and stepped forward to observe.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the truck and motorcycle of this little devil, Yang Hu and Lei Ming knew in their hearts, these little devils, started to act, then in the next time, they don't have to wait hard, just go Just get started.

"Go, bring your weapons and equipment, take a shortcut, and see where these little devils are going, and where their military base is."

Yang Hu's order was issued directly.


Afterwards, the three of Yang Hu who took out their guns and ammunition immediately began to cut corners, and began to follow the little devil's convoy!

(End of this chapter)

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