Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2025 It is not easy to see at a glance

Chapter 2025 It is not easy to see at a glance

Anyway, in the previous battle, 100 of them were in the mountains and forests, and they dealt with these 18 people, and they were the ones who lost in the end.

That's right, they were the ones who failed in the end.

Even, in the battle in the mountains and forests, they were all killed directly under different circumstances, and they were all killed together.

Therefore, regarding this situation, these little devil soldiers who were eliminated were very clear in their hearts.

From the time before, they have already started guessing. If this continues, the future of the 18 people who will succeed in the end is definitely very bright.

It is already so powerful at this time, what kind of situation will it be like to go to the battlefield.

After all, if you want to be promoted to an officer, you need military merit.

And if you want to gain military merit, strong combat power and military ability are the most important and prerequisites. With these things, you can want more military merit and then you can be promoted.

So, at this time, the little devil soldiers who saw this scene by the side felt only envy, deep envy.

At the beginning, maybe they still had jealousy in their hearts, but at this moment, even this jealousy in their hearts has been wiped away by themselves.

Because, they know in their hearts that if everyone wants to be on a parallel line, then there may be jealousy. After all, there is a possibility of surpassing, even jealousy is normal.

However, at this time, it is completely different.

Their strength, fighting power, etc., have truly surpassed themselves, and surpassed by more than one grade, so, under the current situation, even if they still want to be jealous in their hearts, they are not jealous at all. Woke up.

If they are not above the same level, they will not know the gap, and even in the future, their battle cooperation and so on will not have any intersection. In this case, even if they want to be jealous and surpass, they will not have any chance up.

Just like that, the little devil soldiers next to them looked enviously at Major Hideo Miyamoto and led the seventeen special forces behind him to the headquarters tent in the center of the station.

For the envy of the soldiers around him, Major Hideo Miyamotojima was very clear in his heart, but he didn't want to say anything. In his opinion, this was normal.

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

Soldiers all worship and respect the strong, and this is the reason now.

But Shao Zuo Miyamotojima and others, for this, at this moment, they are completely accepting it.

The strong are to be respected and admired by the weak.

And their bushido spirit pays more attention to this one!
Soon, under the leadership of Miyamoto Hideo, he arrived outside the headquarters tent in the center of the station.

As for Miyamoto and others, they were all standing in the tent at this time, looking at the topographic map in front of them and the sand table next to them.

The terrain above the sand table is clearly displayed at this time, and a flag is also planted.

From this point, it can be seen that this Colonel Miyamoto is not an easy person, and he is a really capable person.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be such detailed things in the headquarters tent.

Although, it doesn't matter whether these things seem to be available or not, after all, the Hongshan area is under their control at this time.

But, if there is a battle, the situation will be really different.

When fighting, the difference between having these things and not having them is that they really grow bigger.

This thing can only truly show its great effect when it is in battle.


At this moment, the voice of Major Miyamoto Hideo came over.

"Come in!"

Hearing his nephew's voice, Colonel Miyamoto spoke directly without pausing.

Soon, Major Hideo Miyamoto led the seventeen special forces behind him into the command tent one by one.

As for Fujii Nakazusa, Nishibayashi Nakazuo and others, after hearing the voice of Miyamoto Hideo, they all turned around immediately, and looked at Miyamoto Hide and others who entered the headquarters tent.

Of course, their gazes at this time were all scrutinizing gazes.

After all, they didn't agree with this special operations team. Besides, can the special operations team really play such a big role? Regarding this place, they have doubts and doubts in their hearts, so they say Ah, at this time, under the current situation, they will directly use the gaze of scrutiny.

Even, at this moment, they all thought of an old Chinese saying, that is: "It's a mule or a horse, you'll know if you pull it out for a walk!"

For the scrutiny of Fujii Nakazuo and others, Miyamoto Hideo didn't care at all.

Besides, don't look at his low rank, but he is a nobleman with a very powerful background.

The major officer is just a starting point for him, and the middle officer officers on the opposite side are completely irrelevant in front of him.

What he wanted was the opinion of his uncle and grandfather, as well as the opinion of the Lu department.

As for the officers of the Miyamoto Regiment, they are not in his eyes.

As for the eighteen special forces behind him, it would be okay if they had not received training before.

However, it is completely different now. They have received special warfare training, have strong mental abilities, perseverance, etc. Compared with them before, at this time, they are really completely reborn!

Of course, strong psychological endurance does not make them lawless. This point is very clear in their hearts.

After all, an officer is an officer, and the biggest of them is nothing more than Chief Cao.

If you want to be promoted to an officer, there is really a long way to go!
Therefore, in front of these military officers, they can't make a big deal, and they can't bear the consequences of making a big deal.

However, at this time, their performance was to look forward and look down slightly, waiting for the next lecture or order.

"very good!"

First of all, Colonel Miyamoto said with a smile on his face.

As for Fujii Nakazuo and the others, their faces became serious at this time.

They are all soldiers, they are all officers, they are all elite officers who can sit in combat troops and fight on the frontal battlefield. I can see clearly.

First of all, the first feeling is that it is powerful.

As for the single-round soldiers, they had never encountered such a powerful soldier before.

Then there is the group, which they can also see.

However, don't underestimate this point, it is completely enough for now.


This is the evaluation in their hearts. However, at this time, what they are most looking forward to in their hearts is the performance of these eighteen special forces members. They want to see what is the strength of these special forces members. place.

This is the most important thing at this time, and it is also what they most want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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