Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2035 Convinced Mr. Miyamoto

Chapter 2035 Convinced Mr. Miyamoto

The battle ended quickly, and the final result was that [-] special forces members, including Major Hideo Miyamoto, killed all the little devils in this full-stacked team at the cost of minor injuries and a few serious injuries, and knocked down on the ground.

I have to say that judging from this situation, their combat effectiveness is indeed very good. Otherwise, the result would definitely not be what it is now. After all, their opponent is also a full-staffed fighter trained in special warfare.

Although they were eliminated during the selection process, their combat effectiveness is already much stronger than when the selection process started.

Even so, all the little devil soldiers in this full squad were also knocked down to the ground.

Originally, at the beginning, they were very unconvinced in their hearts. They always felt that they were eliminated and others succeeded. It was because they were unlucky and others were lucky.

But, now it seems that the 18 people who have passed the selection are really not as simple as talking about it, or they are stronger than them, and they are still stronger than them by more than one point.

Now, seeing the final result, they were immediately convinced in their hearts that being strong is being strong, and it was impossible for them to quibble about this.




Some of these little devil soldiers who were knocked to the ground cried out in pain, and some were panting heavily.

Although they are still unwilling, they are completely convinced and can only warn themselves in their hearts that they must work hard in the subsequent training and strive to succeed in the next selection that may appear.

In their hearts, at this time, they are all ready.

"Ha ha!"


"not bad!"

"Your Excellency, seeing this scene, my heart is suddenly enlightened, as if I saw another world."


At this time, Zhongzuo Fujii, Zhongzuo Nishibayashi, and the rest of the major officers around them were very happy in their hearts and directly expressed their excitement.

You know, they didn't have much confidence in this special operation before.

But now, after seeing this scene, they have completely changed their previous views, thinking that their previous thoughts and views were too one-sided, and they did not think deeply about this matter at all.

If they hadn't put their own opinions and dominance in it before, then such a thing would never have happened. After all, in the past, they were the ones who had their own preconceived ideas, so it only happened that they were controlled by themselves. Don't pay attention to it, or even misunderstand it.

Of course, at this time, it is not too late to know this and the importance of this special operation. So, at this time, they just let go of everything before. In front of him, he began to tell Mr. Miyamoto what he thought in his heart.

After all, under the current situation, it is necessary to make a statement, and there must be no hesitation. Now that it is recognized and successful, then it is time for the entire alliance to start implementing it. They can only welcome it, absolutely not If you refuse at this time, you will be a real fool.

They were all thinking in their hearts, who knows if Colonel Miyamoto is staring at them at this time, is he watching their current performance?

Therefore, at this moment, they must not have the slightest hesitation, and all express their views directly.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding this, Colonel Miyamoto had actually expected it a long time ago, and he was very clear about the faces of his officers.

Miyamoto also knew in his heart that it was not the officers under him who were like this, but all the imperial officers. It can be said that they were all like this. Without the drive of profit, how could they fight for the empire, just for the spirit of Bushido, for the sake of His Majesty the Emperor.

That is simply impossible.

That was just a slogan during the war, a slogan to mobilize and improve the morale of soldiers.

That's not what the officers are here for.

The real purpose is only driven by interests.

For them, China's rich and fertile vast area is a big cake.

And they, the military officers of the empire, came to invade and fight, and they were all here to share the cake. If they succeeded, their military exploits would be their status later, and they could get everything in exchange. This is the most important thing.

Without these things, if the empire wanted to fight in China, it would be impossible without sufficient benefits, and it could only be passive sabotage.

For all this, the Ministry of the Army had expected it long ago, so all the young officers who participated in the battle were young officers from the main combat faction.

Under such circumstances, those who are ambitious are the best.

Therefore, for these situations, Colonel Miyamoto had already expected them in his heart.

In the past, he still had no evidence that he could produce, and there were no real special forces under his command. It was useless to just explain to these officers what real special operations were. It can only be talk on paper.

It is simply impossible to be moved without interest. Don't look at him as a general officer, or as the military chief officer of this Miyamoto regiment, it is impossible at all.

But now, he has demonstrated the special operations to them, and according to their intelligence, they must be able to think of this step and the benefits it brings.

So ah, Miyamoto Colonel already knew all this in his heart at this time.

As long as the special operations team member is successfully trained, it means that he has succeeded in the first step, and the next step is when it is really implemented in the entire wing.

In the end, as long as it is successful, the combat effectiveness of his Miyamoto United will be directly improved.

At that time, once he returned to the frontal battlefield, that would be the moment when his Miyamoto unit showed its might and truly shocked the Ministry of War.

He wants these generals in the Ministry of the Army to take a good look at what is special operations, what is a beheading operation, and what is an elite special forces team, which can affect the direction of the entire battlefield.

At that time, he will use these facts to make the generals of the Ministry of the Army pay attention to this special operation, and when that moment comes, it will be the moment when he is promoted to a major general and his authority enters the Ministry of the Army.

After all, as for special operations, he knew that he was the only one who was best at the entire Ministry of War, so to speak, the entire imperial army.

Anyway, from his understanding, there are quite a few imperial officers studying in Germany.

However, he was the only one who was finally selected to study in the German Army Special Forces, so he held the initiative and he had the upper hand.

As long as he behaves well, he will benefit in the end.

On this point, Colonel Miyamoto at this time firmly believed in it!

(End of this chapter)

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