Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2043 Viper Miyamoto Colonel

Chapter 2043 Viper Miyamoto Colonel
This is a routine inspection, and it was done every time before.

Although there is no danger, they still have to check. After all, as the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If someone lurks in, it will be in real danger. At that time, only It only takes a grenade to kill all these officers, including their military chief.

If something like this really happened, then their loss would be huge, and it was still the kind of loss where there was no place to cry, a huge loss.

Therefore, under the current situation, routine inspection is essential, and it is also for precaution.

Besides, even if you go to check it like this, it doesn't matter, and it won't waste time. Their officers are all willing to wait for just a moment. It is to continue to do it.

At this time, General Miyamoto, after hearing the report of the second lieutenant officer, took Fujii Nakasa and others directly into the headquarters tent.


Undoubtedly, Yang Hu and Lei Ming, who had hidden themselves, also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that General Miyamoto, Fujii Zhongzuo and others entered the headquarters tent.

In any case, this is in the military garrison of the little devils, so, they are here, and they are psychologically suppressed.

It's just that they have strong adaptability and strong psychological ability, so at this time, they didn't show it.

If ordinary soldiers were allowed to enter this little devil's military garrison to investigate these situations, they would definitely be discovered immediately.

Soldiers with poor psychological qualities simply cannot complete such tasks.

Don't forget, this is entering the army camp of these little devils alone. There are no comrades-in-arms around you. Without your life-and-death brothers, comrades-in-arms who can block guns and bullets for you, what is in your heart? Feel what it feels like.

This is different from being on the battlefield. On the battlefield, no matter how fierce or tragic the battle situation is, you have your comrades by your side. Even if it is death or sacrifice, your life and death comrades can All the battles entrusted to you are by your side, so you will not be afraid.

But now, being alone in the military garrison of these little devils, it seems that there is a feeling that the whole world is an enemy. They are all enemies, and only you and yourself are companions. This kind of pressure is unimaginable. And know.

It's just that Yang Hu and Lei Ming at this time have undergone special training and experience, so ah, they don't have such a strong psychological pressure, because they have already controlled their psychology, so, In order to complete such a difficult task under such circumstances.

"Wait patiently!"

This is the only way they can do at this time.


At this time, Miyamoto Osamu had already brought Fujii Nakasa and others into the headquarters tent.

Still the same, Miyamoto sat at the top, followed by Fujii Nakasa and Nishibayashi Nakasa.

After that, it was the major officers one by one.

"Okay, gentlemen, today I will talk about the content of the meeting."

Colonel Miyamoto spoke first, his face was extremely serious at this moment.

From this appearance, it can be seen that what he said next must be very important, otherwise, at this time, his expression is definitely not what he is now.

Regarding this point, Fujii Nakazuo and others were very clear in their hearts. Normally, as long as Miyamoto Osamu showed such an expression, it was when he had important matters and plans to announce.

"Hi Yi!"


Therefore, Zhongzuo Fujii, Zhongzuo Xilin, and these major officers all sat in place, bowing their heads in congratulations.

They were serious and obedient, so let Miyamoto make the decision himself.

At this time, Yang Hu and Lei Ming, who were outside the headquarters tent, also pricked up their ears, and began to listen carefully to what Miyamoto said.

They have come here to listen to information, so, for what Miyamoto and the other little devil officers said, they must be kept in mind, no matter whether it is valuable or not, they must be written down, and when they go back , re-screening.


Mr. Miyamoto, who was inside the tent, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Remember the information I showed you before."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we all remember this!"

"Hi Yi!"


Zhongzuo Fujii and the others replied immediately.

"Since you remember, you should know that the Guanshan and Qingshan areas have no previous insurance. Although the final step has not been reached, the chaos has begun to emerge, and the most important thing is that the Guanshan area Lieutenant Commander Hamura, and Lieutenant Commander Kojima in the Gyeongsan area, according to their current practices, they simply do not have the ability to clean up the situation."

Miyamoto Osamu said with a serious expression: "You can think about it, this thing has happened for such a long time, if Hamura Nakazusa and Kojima Nakazusa had the ability to clean up this situation, such a thing would never have happened Yes, don't forget, the old boss of Lieutenant Commander Watanabe is the old boss of Kojima. From this point of view, he has the ability, otherwise, he would not be able to serve under Colonel Watanabe. But, At this moment, it seems that the situation in the Guanshan and Qingshan areas is very serious, and it is beyond their capabilities. Think about it, is this the situation?"

After finishing speaking, Miyamoto Colonel looked at Fujii Nakasa and the others.

"Well, this is the situation, Your Excellency!"



Fujii Nakazuo and the others who were in deep thought replied one after another.

In their view, this is the case, otherwise, how could such a thing happen.

Obviously, if they haven't dealt with it now, it means that the accident happened is beyond their ability.


At this time, the expressions of Yang Hu and Lei Ming outside the tent became extremely serious.

Although they knew about this situation before, and knew that Colonel Miyamoto had grasped the situation in Guanshan and Qingshan areas, but, Colonel Miyamoto knew this point too clearly and in detail.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

However, this is the fact, the fact that has happened, under the circumstances that they don't know, these little devils already know the situation in the Guanshan and Qingshan areas.

However, this just shows that this is the battlefield, this is the war, and no one can be fully sure that they can hide all the things and plans they have done.

The secret enemy is just like a poisonous snake, staring at you, as long as you dare to show a little flaw, then he will definitely kill you immediately.

Now, Colonel Miyamoto and his Miyamoto United team are just this poisonous snake that hides in the dark, does not make any movement, and is waiting for an opportunity!
(End of this chapter)

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