Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2045 Also For You

Chapter 2045 Also For You

These little devils and major officers in the headquarters tent thought of the meaning of what Miyamoto said and the form on the frontal battlefield.

It has to be said that at the beginning, they really didn't think of this. The war has already progressed to this moment, and it is no longer the time when it just started before, and it has been advancing all the way.

So, under such circumstances, they can’t use the kind of thinking and persistence they had when they first came to China and the beginning of the war. If they still don’t make changes now, they still use the previous one. If you think about it, then their final result may not be very good.

Thinking of this, the major officers who had figured it out all turned their eyes to Colonel Miyamoto. The meaning and meaning expressed in the eyes were already very clear and obvious.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Colonel Miyamoto here, he nodded and laughed.

Regarding this, he was very satisfied in his heart, don't look at these people in front of him, they are all major officers, not very powerful, but, in his next big plan, these people are really indispensable s help.

Mr. Miyamoto said with a smile: "It seems that at this time, you have already figured this out."

"Hi Yi!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"


These minor officers, after hearing what Miyamoto said, bowed their heads again to express their understanding.

"Well, you are as smart as Fujii-kun."

Grand Master Miyamoto said with a smile: "I am very happy that you can think of this, but in the next time, you also have to work hard, otherwise, in this big plan of mine, don't waste it. This point, I hope you understand, don't think I'm cruel!"

Speaking of this, the ruthless look in the eyes of Colonel Miyamoto disappeared once again.

There is no one simple person who can sit on the rank of the chief officer. If these minor officers in front of him really delay the plan of the chief officer, the chief officer will really be merciless.

Don't forget, what is on his mind, his ambition is not so simple.

This matter, this big plan, is related to the key to his entry into the Ministry of War, and he will never allow the slightest problem to arise.

Absolutely will not allow any accident, even a little bit, at this time is not acceptable.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Miyamoto said, Fujii Nakasa and the others understood it very well. They were not surprised. They already had an understanding of Miyamoto's plan. Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If If it can be completed, it will be of great help to them in the road to officer promotion. So, let alone Miyamoto, as long as this plan starts, they will definitely not let this plan begin. Big plans come up with any surprises.

After all, this is also related to their own promotion path.

What does the promotion of the rank represent?
It represents the improvement of their status after returning to China.

In their view, the rank of Zhongzuo at this time is simply not enough.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, we understand in our hearts, please rest assured."

"Yes, Your Excellency, don't worry!"


As for these major officers, after hearing the threatening words of Miyamoto, they did not dare to continue sitting, but got up directly, bowed their heads again and assured them.

Besides, there is no simple guy who can be a major officer, so, under such circumstances, they also understand very well in their hearts that if Miyamoto's plan really succeeds, they will also Those who get a lot of benefits, at least, the rank of lieutenant assistant cannot escape, and they will definitely be promoted.

If they can be promoted to the rank of Zhongzuo, then they will be satisfied.

Besides, this Chief Miyamoto was originally their military chief officer, and it was their duty to obey the orders of the military chief officer.

Besides, this is not without benefits. If the game is blamed by the Ministry of the Army because of this plan, they will have no responsibility. The biggest responsibility and risk bearer is still their Colonel Miyamoto.

They are just a group of people who follow orders and do things, and they don't have much relationship at all.

"Well, that's fine!"

Miyamoto nodded solemnly, and said: "Since this is the case, the matter has been settled like this. In the next time, I will tell you about my plan, so that you have an idea in your mind, and at the same time Be mentally prepared."

After Miyamoto finished speaking, his eyes swept aside again. The Fujii Nakasa and others who were watching all lowered their heads and bowed again.

"You have also seen the situation in Qingshan and Guanshan, and you have already figured it out in your mind. In the next time, let's wait and see the changes and the development of things."

Mr. Miyamoto said: "I know, you definitely don't think this way in your heart. You will definitely think that in the next time, since it has been discovered, the most important thing to do is to rescue immediately. I What I want to tell you is that if you think this way, you are wrong, and you are still wrong."

When it came to the Miyamoto Commander here, his tone was extremely serious: "Although they are both imperial troops, they are still different. Don't forget, Guanshan has Yucun Zhongzuo, and Qingshan has Kojima Zhongzuo. They are the ones. The military chiefs in the two regions, if they didn't ask for help, we couldn't act one by one, otherwise, even if we helped them, it would also make the embarrassment of Hamura and Kojima. It can’t be wiped away, so let’s say, you understand, if they don’t ask for help, we can’t take the initiative to rescue, unless they really can’t pass on the news of asking for help, we can go to rescue.”

Grand Master Miyamoto expressed his opinion.

"Actually, it's not just because of this reason. Even though they are both lieutenant officers, their old bosses have already paved the way for them to become senior officers. They are both lieutenants, Fujii-kun You are also Zhongzuo officers, but you are also different, there is a big gap."

Miyamoto said with a serious face: "Of course, don't be unhappy. They have old bosses, old officers, and you have them too. That's me. I will not give up on you, and I will pave the way for you. Officer Dazuo, It's not even the end, don't forget, what is my big plan, as long as it is successful, I have 80.00% confidence that I can enter the Ministry of the Army, and when I enter the Ministry of the Army, then you will definitely be promoted as well, So, for the next plan, you have to complete it wholeheartedly, and you must not carry a single bit of it. This is also related to your road to promotion. I say this, do you all understand it! "

Speaking of this, Colonel Miyamoto emphasized his tone.

"Hi Yi, Your Majesty, we understand!"


At this time, Fujii Nakazuo and others all got up, bowed their heads again and promised!

(End of this chapter)

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