Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2056 Step 1 successfully completed

Chapter 2056 The first step was successfully completed

Originally, after seeing the stranger's figure, because they were far away and couldn't see clearly, these little devil soldiers in the fortifications were all nervous.

Under the current situation, who can come to them? Could it be that those people who are hiding in the dark are going to attack them. Thinking of this, these little devils in the fortifications all began to panic. tensed up.

After all, they are no longer little devil soldiers fighting on the frontal battlefield, and they can no longer maintain such a fearless mentality on the frontal battlefield.

After retreating from the frontal battlefield and coming to such a place, my mentality has all changed, and I no longer have the same mentality as before.

So, at this time, facing such a thing, they already have fear in their hearts.

This can be clearly seen from their nervousness.

If there was no fear in their hearts, then at this time, they would definitely not be so nervous in their hearts.

"Ready for battle, alert!"

Moreover, the little devil outside led the team, Chief Cao, and directly issued a warning order.

At this time, no one dares to gamble, they can only prepare for battle, just in case.



The nervous little devil soldiers who heard the order did not hesitate at this time, and immediately prepared for battle.

As long as these people appearing in front of them are enemies, then these little devil soldiers will definitely not hesitate to shoot at this moment.

Don't underestimate the soldiers who are nervous and fearful. Their counterattack is undoubtedly fatal.

As time passed, the figures on the road got closer and closer.

And these little devil soldiers who were nervous and afraid also discovered the identity of this figure at this time.


Seeing this scene, these little devil soldiers were truly relieved in their hearts.

One's own people, one's own people.

Scared to death, scared to death.

These people who came here are our own people, so good!
Undoubtedly, at this time, the little devil soldiers in the fortifications all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the identity of the visitor.

Even, there are some little devil soldiers, at this moment, they still have a feeling of being born after a catastrophe.

is it so serious?

Undoubtedly, under this situation, under such a situation, it is completely so serious. The little devil soldiers in these fortifications dare not gamble at all under the current situation.

Fortunately, things are not as they imagined, not as serious as they imagined!
At the same time, at this time, Zhang Chu and Chen Shuo had already approached the fortification of the devils with more than fifty vanguard soldiers behind them.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding the reaction of these little devils in the fortifications, Zhang Chu and Chen Shuo were very clear in their hearts, but they were more disdainful.

They didn't expect that these little devils here would be afraid.

The two of them were thinking in their hearts, and they didn't know what Captain Yang Fei had done to these little devils to make them so fearful and nervous.

However, even if they don't know, it's completely conceivable in their hearts at this moment.

After all, in the training they received before, there were many ways to influence these little devils without fighting them.

Let these little devil soldiers fall into fear and panic. In this way, after the battle begins, the fate of the little devil soldiers with low morale can be imagined.

The two of them knew in their hearts that Captain Yang Fei must have used such a method against the little devils in Majiaji, otherwise, these little devil soldiers in Majiaji would definitely There will be no such performance.

This is completely different from their fearless performance on the frontal battlefield.

However, the more this is the better, the more they are able to use the least cost and the fastest speed to kill the little devils in the Majiaji.

Soon, Chen Shuo and Zhang Chu led the soldiers behind them outside the devil's fortifications.


The devil Cao Chang, who was in the fortifications, jumped out of the fortifications and came to Zhang Chu and Chen Shuo.

He bowed and paused, then asked: "Your Excellency, please advise."

Facing the officer, the little devil Cao Chang was very respectful and did not dare to be slighted.

"Well, I came to support you under the order of Major Murakami."

Zhang Chu smiled and said his reason for coming.

"Hi Yi!"

In response to Zhang Chu’s words, the little devil Cao Chang immediately bowed and hid, and ah, his heart was also excited at this time.

There is support, support is coming.

Although it is only the strength of a small team, the role it will play will be huge, and it is absolutely possible to change the situation in front of it.

"Where is your Excellency the Major?"

Zhang Chu didn’t talk nonsense and asked directly.

They are all a group of dying little devils, little beasts, there is no need for him to waste time here with them, it is better to save time.

"Hi, Your Excellency, Your Excellency Major is currently in the headquarters office, and we are now on guard here in accordance with Your Excellency Major's deployment and orders."

Cao Chang, who led the team, replied directly after hearing what Zhang Chu said.


Zhang Chu nodded. It was similar to what he thought. The officers of these little devils had no good way to deal with the situation of Majiaji at this time.

Zhang Chu asked again: "have the people in the dark appeared? Do you have any clues? Besides, how is the situation now?"

Three questions were asked in a row.

"This, none."

The little devil Cao Chang who led the team, at this moment, just told the truth and didn't dare to hide it.


Zhang Chu pretended to be satisfied and nodded, and ordered: "You lead the way immediately and take me to see Your Excellency the Major. In addition, my team here has taken over. The order given to me by Major Murakami is to help you defend, on the front line, So, your team can go back."

Zhang Chu waved his big hand and ordered directly.

"Hi Yi!"

For this, the little devil Cao Chang who led the team would not hesitate at all. He knew very clearly that if something unexpected happened, then they who were in the fortifications outside Majiaji would not hesitate. They are definitely the ones who will die immediately. Since there are orders and people from above come, then there is no need for them to continue to defend here. It is better to leave it to them.

Looking at their appearance, you can tell that they are the elite of the empire, and they are not comparable to them at all. With the support of these people, maybe they are here in the next time, and they are really foolproof.

"Your, withdraw immediately."

Cao Chang, who led the team, ordered immediately.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi!"


The little devil soldiers who heard the order in the fortification immediately left the fortification and began to change their defenses.

"Your Excellency, please."

As for this little devil Cao Chang, he started to lead Zhang Chu and Chen Shuo.

Next to it, more than [-] sword fighters took over all the fortifications outside Majiaji, as well as the open and dark posts.

This, for the vanguard soldiers, is actually very simple, and there is no challenge at all. They have all trained during training, and this is just the most basic.

They took over here, which means that the first step has been successfully completed, completely cutting off the eyes of the little devils in this squadron outside the Majiaji.

Without this, they will be like blind men in the Majiaji. Even if there is a fight, they will never think of the reason.

Under the leadership of this Chief Cao, Zhang Chu and Chen Shuo, with the remaining 20 leading soldiers behind them, once again headed towards the headquarters of the little devils in the depths of Majiaji.

As for outside the Majiaji, the soldiers who saw this scene also immediately started to act without the slightest hesitation!

(End of this chapter)

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