Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 206 Rebellion?Shoot and kill!

Chapter 206 Rebellion?Shoot and kill!
Hearing the sudden sound of footsteps, Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion looked into the distance, and their eyes froze.

"National Army! What's going on?"

Feng Xiaoliu and the hunters of Fengjiazhuang looked at the same time, their faces were also full of doubts, it's really lively here today, wave after wave with guns.

Lei Zhan looked at the rapidly approaching National Army, a sneer appeared on his face, and now he understood what was going on.

If his prediction is correct, the person who came must be the national army from the [-]th Regiment's Independent Battalion, and the person who came was not good!
Especially when I saw Qu Zhen trembling with fear on the ground, this guy had completely stopped trembling at this time, and even raised his head to see the arrival of the national army, a sneer appeared on his face , and this sneer was aimed at the soldiers of the special warfare battalion.

"Haha, you're done, you're done!"

Not bad as Lei Zhan expected, after Qu Zhen confirmed that the people who came were from the national army, he immediately stood up on the ground, and laughed and mocked Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the special warfare battalion.

Seeing Qu Zhen's appearance, Lei Zhan once again showed disdain. In his eyes, Qu Zhen is just a clown.

"I.****** uncle, have a good laugh!"

Seeing Qu Zhen who was laughing wildly, Yang Fei didn't hesitate at all, he came to Qu Zhen in two steps, and kicked Qu Zhen out with one kick.

At the same time, a bold guess appeared in his mind, that is, the Independent Battalion of the 19th Regiment of the National Army seemed to have colluded with the little devil.


"Don't move, throw the gun on the ground, put your head in your hands, squat down, or you will shoot!"

As Lei Zhan expected, the incoming national army directly surrounded them, and all the regular rifles were safety-loaded, and the cold muzzles were aimed at them.


Without the order from Lei Zhan, the soldiers of the Special War Battalion directly raised their submachine guns and aimed at the surrounding national army.


At this time, a captain officer who saw the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion raised their guns walked out of the National Army camp. He drew out his pistol and fired a shot at the sky in order to frighten the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion.

"Put the gun down!"

However, in the face of the captain's pretentiousness, the soldiers of the special warfare battalion were unmoved, and all looked at the nationalist troops around them with a sneer.

Without Lei Zhan's order, their guns would never be put down, especially Yang Fei, holding the crooked handle directly, blocking Lei Zhan behind.

The hunters in Fengjiazhuang were startled again, what's going on, why are their own people beating their own people.

In fact, looking at the unmoved soldiers of the special warfare battalion, the National Army officer was already a little timid, especially when he saw the corpses of the devils on the ground, he felt that this group of people in front of him was not easy to mess with.

But because of the order of the master, he couldn't retreat, so he could only bite the bullet and go up.

"Haha, Third Master, you're finally here. You almost scared my brother to death just now. Look, my brother is so useless that he peed out of fear!"

Seeing the arrival of Zheng Kang, the third in charge of the old mountain, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, immediately recovered his "heroic qualities", came to the side of Zheng Kang, the third in charge, and pointed to the piss on his crotch shamelessly.

But at this moment, Zheng Kang didn't pay attention to Qu Zhen at all, but stared at Lei Zhan closely, because he felt Lei Zhan's selective and devouring gaze, and Lei Zhan's gaze made his heart tremble suddenly .

"National Army! Independent Battalion?"

At this time, Lei Zhan spoke, his tone was full of disdain and ridicule.

"Yes, let your men put down their guns, otherwise, they will be executed on the spot!"

Although Zheng Kang was afraid, what he showed was still very strong and his attitude was very firm.


Hearing his words, Lei Zhan had a playful look on his face.

"The reason?"

Lei Zhan asked a little puzzled.


Lei Zhan's question immediately confused Zheng Kang, yes, the reason.

Seeing the silent Zheng Kang, Qu Zhen immediately became a little anxious, and quickly said: "The reason, hum, the reason is that you brought troops to attack Fengjiazhuang. Look, how many people died, ah, you butchers, Executioner!"

Who would have thought that Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, could say such a shameless reason, such a shameless reason for not going offline, this is a shameless one.


Hearing Qu Zhen's words, Zheng Kang nodded quickly, that's the reason.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what they said, Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Wolf Warrior Battalion immediately burst out laughing, and looked at the National Army with guns in disdain.

Feng Xiaoliu's face was already full of anger at this time, he clenched his fists tightly, wishing to go forward and kill Qu Zhen immediately, he did not expect that they would be so shameless and turn black and white so badly.

"Haha, you made me believe what a dog traitor said, are you a pig or am I a pig?"

Looking at the officer in front of him, Lei Zhan smiled disdainfully.

"Hmph, he's not a traitor, he's our insider inside the devil."

Zheng Kang said with a serious face, and then he waved his hands to the people behind.

Immediately afterwards, a soldier took off his military uniform, walked towards Qu Zhen, and handed him the general uniform.

"Haha, I'm a soldier of the national army. I'm an undercover agent on the little devil's side. Look, who am I!"

Qu Zhen laughed, while wearing the military uniform, he looked at Lei Zhan with disdain and said, he knew that as long as he put on the clothes of the national army, Lei Zhan would definitely not be able to do anything to him, and he was completely safe.

Zheng Kang on the side also looked at Lei Zhan with disdain. He thought that Lei Zhan's mind was too simple, and he couldn't compete with the national army who were bandits like them!
However, things will never develop according to some people's ideas. Hearing their words, the disdain on Lei Zhan's face disappeared instantly. Qu Zhen who was wearing the national army uniform.

"Crack. Crack. Crack!"

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan pulled the trigger in his hand with a murderous expression.


Qu Zhen screamed, the arrogant smile on his face hadn't disappeared, and a lot of blood holes were punched out of his body by the bullet.


Lei Zhan didn't stop until all the bullets in the bastard box in his hand were cleared.

Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, slowly fell to the ground with a look of disbelief on his face, and he went to see the King of Hades with full of hope and arrogance.


Seeing Lei Zhan who shot and killed Qu Zhen without hesitation, and Zheng Kang who was spattered with blood, a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face, and he couldn't say a word at this moment, he didn't Thinking that the eighth road in front of him was so powerful, he beat Qu Zhen to death without the slightest hesitation.

"Hmph, what are you? You're just a little captain. If you want to find trouble, let your regiment leader come to me in person. Remember, my name is Lei!"

(End of this chapter)

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