Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2086 The devil is confident, everything is normal

Chapter 2086 The devil is confident, everything is normal

The journey went extremely smoothly, and Yang Hu led the soldiers who participated in the operation to the woods outside the little devil's camp.

To be honest, this forest is not very big, but compared to other forests, it is also not small.

It would take a day to run from one side of the forest to the other. From this point, it can be seen that the forest is not small at all.

Earlier, Yang Hu had sent soldiers to investigate the size of the forest.

After all, their action this time was carried out in the woods. If the terrain in the woods and the size of the woods were not investigated clearly, accidents might happen when they evacuated.

Only by clarifying the terrain of the forest and so on like now, can it be regarded as truly cutting off any accidents that may occur during the evacuation.

In this way, on the way of retreat after completing the task, they don't have to go through the thorns and start to clear the way of retreat again.

After entering the woods, Yang Hu ordered directly to the soldiers of the Qingfeng Mountain Independent Brigade behind him: "You guys, immediately deploy according to the predetermined location and wait for our arrival."



The two captains of the Qingfeng Mountain Independent Brigade who led the team immediately responded to Yang Hu's order.


Lei Ming nodded in agreement.

At this time, there is no longer any hesitation, just start to act. Anyway, before that, they had already deployed and issued specific combat orders. Now that they are leaving, what they need to wait is the start of the battle.

There is nothing to arrange at all, obeying orders and obeying orders is what they need to do now.

The soldiers of the Qingfeng Mountain Independent Brigade, who received the order, immediately started to act under the leadership of two of their squad leaders. Soon, these soldiers of the Qingfeng Mountain Independent Brigade disappeared in the into the woods.

"Let's act too!"

Watching the figures of the soldiers from the Qingfeng Mountain Independent Brigade disappear, Yang Hu said.


Lei Ming and the rest of the Longya team members nodded.

Immediately, they also started to move, and quickly moved towards the camp of the little devils.

Along the way, Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the team members were all very careful.

After all, this forest at this time is the training ground for these little devils special forces members, so, under such circumstances, who knows, whether the little devils have arranged secret sentries in it, etc.

If it was really the little devils special forces who arranged secret sentries here, then they might really be discovered. If they were discovered here, it would be a fatal blow to their entire sniper plan.

In the woods, as soon as the gunshot rang out, it was all over.

At that time, if the little devils in this camp are all alarmed, their sniper missions will all be over, and they will directly abort.

It is impossible to continue to complete the sniper mission.

After being discovered by these little devils, they will directly raise the highest level of vigilance, the highest level of vigilance. Even if they want to continue to complete the task, it will be very difficult.

So, at this time, they must be careful and careful.

Avoid all possibilities of being discovered by these little devils.

Of course, for such a situation, Yang Hu has arrangements, that is to send team members to investigate in advance.

Earlier, there were already two team members who came here.

Their task is to detect if there is any secret sentry of the little devil in the woods outside the little devil's camp.

If there is a secret whistle, I will come and tell them.

However, according to the stipulated time, the team members who came to investigate should have returned to report to them.

However, they have not come to report now, so, in order not to waste time, the sky is getting dark, so Yang Hu did not give the order to wait, but took Lei Ming and these team members, according to the scheduled route, slowly Sneak in slowly.

At this time, they are being careful.

Under such circumstances, while advancing, wait for the arrival of the scouts.

However, things have come to this time now, and the sky is about to get dark. The little devils should have no movement or arrangements.

Otherwise, their team members should have arrived by this time.

According to Yang Hu's thinking, since the team members are not here now, there should be no accidents.

If at this time, these little devils really arranged a secret sentry in the woods, then their team members should have returned long ago and told them about it.

Another point is that Yang Hu has incomparable confidence in their players.

He believed that the Dragon Tooth team members who had been specially trained in reconnaissance would not be discovered by these little devils.

Besides, the training methods of the little devils are more than one level worse than theirs.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for these little devils to find their special scouting team members.

As time passed, Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the team members behind them were getting closer and closer to the camp of the little devils.



However, at this moment, a burst of birdsong suddenly sounded.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the bird's cry, a smile appeared on Yang Hu's face immediately.


And the thunder behind him immediately uttered the same bird call.

This is the code, the content of the code is that there is no accident, everything is normal.

"Full speed ahead!"

As for Yang Hu, he immediately gave the order to advance at full speed.

Besides, the sky is completely dark now, they can't delay in the woods any longer, they must arrive at the designated place as quickly as possible to complete the arrangement.


Hearing Yang Hu's order, the team members immediately moved at full speed.

At night, it was extremely dark.

Even more so in the woods.

"team leader!"

Soon, the team member who made the cooing sound heard the movement and came to Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the rest of the team members.

"how is the situation?"

Looking at the player in front of him, Yang Hu asked directly.

"There is no accident, everything is normal, and there are no secret sentries from the little devils in this forest. Their sentries are just outside the camp and have not entered the forest at all. Judging by their appearance, they are extremely confident now. "

Hearing Yang Hu's words, the scout immediately reported.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Yang Hu immediately laughed. In his opinion, this is quite normal.

In any case, there is an alliance of little devils here, with so many troops, under such circumstances, if there is no main force, it is impossible to attack them.

These little devils of the Miyamoto United team, I believe they also thought of this, so ah, they will not set up a strong cordon at all.

Besides, the Hongshan area at this time is still under their control, and there are no other anti-Japanese armed forces, so they have nothing to be wary of at all.

This is a normal situation, exactly what Yang Hu thought!

(End of this chapter)

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