Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2091 Start preparing

Chapter 2091 Start preparing

At this time, the little devils in the camp were all eating breakfast.

Their tasks must be performed and started after breakfast.

Besides, if you don't have enough to eat, what can you do.

No matter what you do, you have to eat enough to do it, so that you have strength and energy. Obviously, these little devils now plan to do so.

Soldiers, eating will not waste too much time. For them, eating is like completing a task.

Eating dinner as quickly as possible and returning to their posts is the most important thing, and it is what they accomplish every day.

Time passed, and soon, these little devils all finished their breakfast and returned to their respective posts.

The first to start action was Major Hideo Miyamoto and his ten special forces members.

They came directly outside the resident tent of the eliminated team.

At this time, the team that was eliminated was also having dinner and had just finished gathering.

"Your Excellency, Major!"

The lieutenant officer who led the team immediately stepped forward when he saw Miyamoto Hideo, bowed to Miyamoto Hideo and said, "The elimination team is assembled!"

Yes, the name of their team is the elimination team at this time.

Colonel Miyamoto has already told them that before they failed, their team was called the elimination team.

If unsuccessful, then.Their team, called the elimination team, will not change.

There is only one way to erase the name of this elimination team, training harder, and only after becoming a special combat member can the name be erased.

Otherwise, it will continue like this. Anyway, without the order of Miyamoto, no one would dare to change it for them.

As for the officers of other troops, they will not be ignored.

However, Colonel Miyamoto had already told them earlier that he believed in them and would definitely succeed.

In this way, it also gave the devils in this elimination team a lot of confidence.

Originally, in the past, they thought they had no chance and had already been eliminated, but, they didn't expect Miyamoto to continue to favor them at this time.

Therefore, this gave them a lot of self-confidence in their hearts, and even raised their fighting spirit, feeling that they would definitely succeed.

They believe that as long as they continue to work hard, continue to train, and receive training from Major Hideo Miyamoto, it is only a matter of time before they succeed.

And the special warfare exercise that is about to start now is also a good opportunity for them to practice.

This, Major Hideo Miyamotojima told them yesterday.

So, after eating today, they will use the fastest speed to complete the assembly.

Otherwise, as before, after eating, they will wait for a while before going to perform their tasks.

It was because of Major Miyamoto's words that they became so active at this time.

Anyway, from this aspect, it can be seen that no matter who they are, as long as they are not in line with their own interests, they will not be so active. Only if they are in line with their own interests, they will be so active.

No, the elimination team in front of me is the best example.

"Ah, very good."

After Shao Zuo Miyamotojima nodded, he said: "Go and prepare immediately. This special warfare exercise will start soon. At that time, you must perform well. This time, we are teammates. The rest Our soldiers are the enemies who stand in our way, understand!"

"Hi Yi!"

Hearing the words of Major Hideo Miyamotojima, the captain officer bowed his head again to express his understanding.

Yes, this time the special warfare exercise is not limited to the likes of Major Miyamotojima Hideo and the like, but let all the little devils in this camp participate.

The open space in front of their rostrum is completely sufficient. Under such circumstances, the rest of the little devil soldiers can prepare and arrange here to fight against Major Hideo Miyamotojima and others.

So, they are full of confidence in this elimination team this time.

If they confront Major Hideo Miyamotojima and others, they don't have much confidence, and they will still fail.

However, it is completely different to fight against ordinary soldiers in the camp.

At that time, it will not be like this at all, and they will definitely let the ordinary soldiers understand what is the combat effectiveness of a real special forces member.

They, at this moment, are full of confidence!

This was also arranged by Miyamoto, and it was specially shown to Fujii Nakazuo, Nishirin Nakazuo and others.

Let them have a look, and really understand the difference between the special forces and ordinary soldiers. In this way, let them see the contrast and gap, so that they can really complete it and complete it wholeheartedly. Arrangement of plans and tasks too.

In this way, the final beneficiary is still Colonel Miyamoto.

In fact, for these things, Mr. Miyamoto has already planned in his heart. It can also be said that Mr. Miyamoto has already planned in his heart, and he has planned for a long time.

For these things, he already has a very complete plan in his heart. What is needed and what is missing now is how to implement and implement it.

Everything now, it is Mr. Miyamoto who is preparing for this matter!
Now it seems that the plan of Miyamoto Colonel was completely successful.

Of course, this success must exclude Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others.

If Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others did not appear in this Hongshan area, there would definitely not be any accidents.

The final winner must be him.

But now, with the arrival of Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others, everything is not so easy to talk about.

It's just that Colonel Miyamoto doesn't know this yet.

Of course, if he knew this, he would probably be directly pissed off.

After all, he has planned for such a long time, but it has cost him too much effort. Under such circumstances, he is determined not to allow his plan to fail. fail!

Under this premise, if Colonel Miyamoto found out, he would really be pissed off.

Success along the way, this kind of person is not easy to accept failure.

And accepting failure is not as simple as talking about it.

"Come on, let's go prepare too, it won't be long."

Seeing the elimination team leave, Major Hideo Miyamoto also said to the players behind him.


"Hi Yi!"

After hearing Miyamoto Hideo's words, these ten team members also immediately took command.

At the same time, these little devils in the camp, with a full brigade of troops, began to prepare.

Their brigade is the main force of this confrontation exercise!
(End of this chapter)

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