Chapter 2098
This battle plan is to eliminate the little devils. It was discussed before, and it was done in accordance with the order of Miyamoto Hideo.

Undoubtedly, at this time, their method is very good, attracting firepower in the early stage, and charging all in the later stage, directly hitting the devil soldiers in this fortification by surprise.

When they were smashed with mud, the fighting power of the little devils in the attacking team could not be seen.

However, when they rushed into the fortifications and started to really flex their muscles, they instantly knew how powerful the eliminated team was.

The little devil soldiers in this elimination team, no matter what, they have all received special warfare training, and the fighting skills in them are completely trained and can be used now.

So, after being approached by them, these ordinary little devil soldiers are really no match.

In an instant, many little devil soldiers in the fortifications were directly knocked down to the ground.

Faced with this situation, more devil soldiers in the fortifications rushed over.

In fact, at this time, even if they don't rush over, there is no other way at all.

Even at this time, the lumps of mud in their hands have become waste, useless at all.

The scene was in chaos. Their people, as well as the people from the rushing team, were all fighting together. Under such circumstances, how could the mud ball be smashed down? Their own people were all hit, and the loss outweighed the gain.

Under such circumstances, the little devils in these fortifications can only go to fight in close quarters, and there is no need for these mud balls at all.

"Support, support!"



It's chaotic, the fortifications are really in chaos at this time, and a large number of devil soldiers in the defense and alert fortifications are directly called over to provide support.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with their defensive line. As long as they don't get confused, things like this can't happen now.

However, the chaos in front of them caused the defense line of the little devils in this fortification to collapse immediately.

Anyway, the one in front directly collapsed.

Although the defensive line behind the rostrum has not collapsed, some soldiers have begun to be attracted by the scuffle.

And, some have already gone to support.

They don't want to fail at this time, and they don't want to be defeated. After all, before the battle started, the officer they led had already ordered them.

Therefore, if the current situation happened, it would be impossible for them not to support it.

However, what they didn't know was that their leading officer shook his head helplessly after seeing the scene like this.

They are actually very clear in their hearts, as long as such a thing happens, as long as the attacked team enters the fortification, then they will lose and fail.

Regardless of whether they are willing to accept it or not, it is the result, they lost.

If the attacking team doesn't enter the fortification, then they still have a chance.

However, as long as they entered, they would be finished, which they could tell at a glance, not to mention the chaos now.

The current scene, as long as it is not a fool, any officer can see it.

If it is on the battlefield, with weapons and ammunition in hand, it is possible to change the situation of the battle, but this exercise battle in front of you is simply impossible.

Without weapons in their hands, their ordinary soldiers would not have any advantage at all except in numbers in hand-to-hand combat.

Not only them, but also Miyamoto Osamu and Fujii Nakasa who were on the rostrum at this time.

"Hehe, the overall situation is settled!"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Colonel Miyamoto nodded with a smile.

"Yes, the overall situation is settled!"

Fujii Nakasa also nodded with a smile, and he agreed with this.



Lieutenant Commander Xilin and the rest of the minor officers also nodded at this time. Obviously, they also had the same opinion and had seen through it.

"If there is no chaos and the attack team does not enter the fortifications, there is still hope, but now that they have messed up their positions, there is already chaos, and everything is over!"

Fujii Nakasa began to analyze: "The current situation is already like this, I am afraid that in the next step, it will not be what it is now. Don't forget, Shima Hide-kun and his team have not shown up yet. , their next step will be the rostrum where we are, haha!"

When he said this, Zhongzuo Fujii started laughing immediately.

In fact, at this time, Fujii Nakasa, the reason why he laughed outright, was entirely because he saw hope in this special warfare method, and now it was really confirmed.

This made him happy.


Zhongzuo Xilin and the others, no matter whether they admit it in their hearts or not, it is a fact.

"Ha ha!"

Undoubtedly who was the happiest at this time, Mr. Miyamoto, who also laughed heartily.

After all, Hideo Miyamoto was trained by him himself, so if they can do it, his face is very bright.

"Next, just wait and see!"

After Miyamoto finished speaking, he stopped talking, but began to wait with a smile on his face.

Undoubtedly, Fujii Nakazuo and the others were full of anticipation on their faces and hearts at this time.

If it becomes a reality and everyone participates together, the contribution will definitely be great!

"Ha ha!"

Yang Hu, Lei Ming and other team members in the sniper position in the woods are very clear about the movements of these little devils.


Things have developed to this point, they directly pull the bolt, load the bullets, and prepare to aim at the devil officer and others on the rostrum, and kill them immediately when the time comes.

As for why they didn't aim directly now, it was because these devil officers had all survived on the battlefield. If they were aimed at them now, some devils would probably feel the danger.

The intuition of life and death is there.

Believe it or not, there are.

At the very least, Yang Hu and others have saved themselves several times because of their intuition.

Therefore, they can only continue to wait now.

However, they believed that the moment of sniping was not far away!

At this time, the 11 members of Hideo Miyamoto, who had disappeared before, were also behind the podium at this time, and their figures appeared at the edge of the woods.

The opportunity for them to appear was just when there was chaos in the fortifications in front of the rostrum.

It has to be said that the opportunity they seized was very correct and very good!
(End of this chapter)

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