Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2109 Immediate pursuit, immediate pursuit

Chapter 2109 Immediate pursuit, immediate pursuit

When Yang Hu, Lei Ming, and the following team members just started to evacuate, the little devils in the camp finally reacted.

Looking at the rostrum at this time, the devil soldiers defending in these fortifications are still stupidly stunned.

Those who really reacted were those who were eliminated in the previous special warfare training selection.

In any case, these people, seeing the tragic scene in front of them during this sniping, were the least affected.

It's not like the rest of the little devils, who were hit like that and didn't react at all in place.

The reason is very simple, they were also shocked and hit, but, in the situation before them, they belonged to the middle.

Higher than ordinary soldiers, lower than the special forces such as Hideo Miyamoto.

So, in terms of psychological quality, the same is true, they have not been hit so badly.

For this result, it is unacceptable to be unacceptable, but the blow received is really not as big as the rest of the devils.

So, at this moment, the first thing to react is their full squad.

Cao Chang, the leader of the team, roared at this moment, with a face full of grief and indignation, he roared.

Looking at his appearance, one can imagine the pain in his heart.

In front of so many people, so many imperial soldiers, being sniped and killed the military chief, what a shame, this is a shame, an incomparably huge shame.

This is something that has never happened before, but in front of my eyes, it has become a fact, and it has become a fact before my eyes.

In response to this situation, they felt powerless at this moment.

Yes, only powerlessness, only frustration.

They knew in their hearts that even at this moment, if they reacted, what was the use of reacting, it was useless at all.

No matter how they remedy it now, how they are saving it, it will not work.

The military commander and others are all dead. No matter what they do now, even if they can remedy it and kill all the murderers, it will be useless. The shame is still a shame, and the death of an officer is still death. , can't survive at all.

It's that simple!

This point, at this moment, is very, very clear in their hearts.

It's too late, but even though I know it in my heart, I know what to do now.

No matter what, the immediate pursuit is the most important thing now.

The officer is dead, so immediately pursue the murderer and kill the murderer, which is the most important thing right now.

In this case, under the situation in front of them, they killed the murderer who killed the officer, and they could have an explanation for the higher-ups.

Otherwise, once someone from above comes and conducts a strict investigation, these people will not be able to get rid of their responsibilities.

Ordinary soldiers are okay, but they can't, because they are reserve special forces.

They knew in their hearts that the special forces were just experimented by their regiment leader, and the Ministry of the Army had not yet agreed.

At this time, if the people above know this situation, none of them, the special forces members participating in the training, will be able to escape and need to be interrogated.

If it is said that this special warfare training and so on was made some achievements by their regiment leader before and was known by the Ministry of the Army, they don't need to do this now.

The point is, this is not the case at this moment, but the Ministry of the Army does not know about this situation at all.

In this case, there will be a lot of articles in it.

Therefore, at this time, they couldn't just sit still.

After reacting, and knowing this in his heart, the captain of the elimination team immediately reacted, and he roared and gave the order.

"Hurry up and get the weapon, chase, chase, the first team, follow up immediately, look for clues, hurry up!"

The team leader at this time was not confused, he still agreed with the special operations, and directly asked the first team to immediately search for clues.

Even if there is no weapon in hand, at this time, it is necessary to pursue immediately.

Now, the clues are the most important. It has been so long since the gunshots rang out, the people who were killed must have evacuated.

If they evacuate, as long as they have been here, they will definitely leave clues. As long as there are clues, it will be easy to do. They have specially trained in this area before, so this elimination team The leader of the devil squad is still confident about this.

In an instant, the little devils of the eliminated team immediately started to act. The first team of more than a dozen people rushed towards the woods at the fastest speed.

When they were charging, they also pulled out the [-] bayonets from their waists for backup.

With no guns in hand, these [-] bayonets are their only weapons now.

Although bayonets are not as good as guns, they are better than nothing.

As for the rest of the devil soldiers in the elimination team, they turned around directly and ran towards the camp at the fastest speed.

They want to pick up their weapons and go after them as quickly as possible.

Besides, without weapons, no matter how many people they have, it is useless.

"Tap Tap!"


However, at this moment, there were a large number of devil soldiers in the camp. When they heard the movement, they rushed over with the guns in their hands as quickly as possible.

These soldiers are all responsible for the security of the camp, or soldiers who are resting and recuperating.

After they heard the gunshots, they immediately started to be on guard. However, without the order of the officer, they could not act without authorization. Besides, they knew that today was a drill, and it was possible if there was a gunshot. Besides, The gunshots are still their biggest cover, so ah, there shouldn't be any problems.

Of course, this didn't make them feel relieved, so they sent someone to take a look.

As for the soldier who came to investigate, he was shocked when he saw this scene from a long distance away, and he was stunned for a while before turning around and reporting.

In this case, it is a waste of time.

This is why these ghost soldiers are here now.

"Quick, quick!"

"Pursuit, pursuit!"


I know what happened, so these ghost soldiers know what to do now.

"Gun, here!"



Just in time, the ghost soldiers of the elimination team snatched the guns from the approaching soldiers and immediately started chasing them.

These people have priority in front of ordinary soldiers. On this point, Colonel Miyamoto had already given an order before, so there were no devil soldiers to resist, and they directly handed over the weapons in their hands.

"Baga, bastard!"

And the captain of the elimination team, after seeing the ten real special forces members who were still standing stupidly on the rostrum, cursed and finally entered the woods and started chasing them.

He knew in his heart that the ten special forces members above the rostrum had already been abolished.

Even Major Hideo Miyamoto, the leader of the special operations team, is dead, what can the team members do.

Faith collapsed, otherwise it would be strange!
(End of this chapter)

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