Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2143 Excitement and plans of the two

Chapter 2143 The excitement and plans of the two
Yang Hu and the others have no extra guesses about the matter in the Miyamoto United team. Besides, they have more important tasks for them to do. After completing the sniper mission, there is no time to continue. Wasted to Miyamoto United.

Anyway, as long as Miyamoto and others died, the camp would be over, and even in their camp, the same thing and situation would be the same.

So, under such circumstances, they should complete other important tasks. There is no need to waste any time here with the little devils in the Miyamoto United camp.

Under such circumstances, wasting time with the little devils of the Miyamoto United team is irresponsible for the big plan.

As Longya players, they are all elite players. In such a matter, would they make such a mistake? Impossible, they would never make such a mistake.


Miyamoto United.

The soldiers in the regiment and the sergeants and cao chiefs were all stabilized by the words of Takahashi, and they lost their previous thoughts.

They have to seize the opportunity and work hard for themselves, so they don't have time to continue doing other things.

At this time, Major Takahashi and Major Liuhua had already returned to the headquarters tent.

"Haha, Takahashi-kun, you are really hiding something deep!"

As soon as he entered the headquarters tent, Major Liuhua complimented Major Takahashi.

To be honest, he really did not expect Takahashi Major's performance before, not at all.


Hearing what Liuhua Shaozuo said, this Takahashi Shaozuo also laughed. At this time, he was very proud of himself, and said: "Actually, I didn't think of this matter. Do you still remember?" I don't remember, when Colonel Miyamoto spoke before, he often used this method to tell us junior officers about opportunities."

Major Takahashi, in the past, also looked at the cremated Miyamoto and others, and he thought of this Miyamoto. During the meeting in the previous conference room, he often told them such things, Now, after he thinks about it, and thinks about the current situation in the alliance, it can be said that.

You know, when Colonel Miyamoto told them at that time, their blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and they felt that there was a chance, a great chance.

Although, in the end, they were still second lieutenants, but in the final analysis, it was indeed a good idea.

So, under such circumstances, Major Takahashi thinks that this point can be taken advantage of.

After he thought about it, he did it. Obviously, the effect was good.

When Colonel Miyamoto said these things in the conference room, even they couldn't hold back, let alone, at this time, told these soldiers and the sergeants, they couldn't help it even more. It works well.


Hearing Major Takahashi's words, Major Liuhua pondered for a while, and realized that this was really the case.

During the meeting in the conference room of the command headquarters, they did hear such words from Mr. Miyamoto a lot.

After hearing it at that time, I did have fantasies in my heart, to be promoted to major, to lieutenant, to major, and so on.

However, as time passed, they also thought about it. There are such simple things there. Without that ability, how could they get to that point.

But now, the situation in front of me is not the case.

Those of them who are military officers have never said such things to these soldiers before.

These soldiers and military commanders had never heard of such a thing before, but now they heard it for the first time, and they would definitely believe it.

Besides, looking at the situation in the wing now, the officers are indeed all dead, and there are a lot of opportunities in front of them.

Although this opportunity is illusory, it is indeed a real opportunity.

Looking at the soldiers and military commanders before, the reaction to what they heard and the way they reacted shows that they have really begun to believe.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be still standing in the open space in front of the rostrum at this moment. This is completely believing, and they haven't digested this yet.

"Indeed, this method is a great temptation for the soldiers and others at this time. They can't help it when the delicious food is in front of them. But, Mr. Takahashi, the two of us really have the ability to be able to Appointment?"

At this time, Shao Zuo Liuhua was vetoing his own ability.

After all, he has just been promoted to a major officer, and has not yet established a real connection with the headquarters. If he reports it rashly, who knows if the headquarters will accept it.

Therefore, Shao Zuo Liuhua was worried.

"Ha ha!"

Shao Zuo Takahashi laughed and said: "Mr. Liuhua, this is not the case. Think about it, what we need now is time, not anything else at all. Besides, we are qualified to report anyway. Anyway, we It has been reported. As for whether the headquarters agree or disagree, it has nothing to do with us. So, what we need now is time. Besides, when we form our own squadron, as long as we can With the soldiers of the squadron under control, it is no small matter to suppress the rest of the soldiers in the camp, Mr. Liuhua, do you think about it?"

Major Takahashi had his own plans, so he wasn't worried about this at all.


Hearing Major Takahashi's words, Major Liuhua nodded in agreement. He thought in his heart that this is really the case. As long as they can form their own squadron soldiers, it is true that the two of them rely on the soldiers of these two squadrons. It is easy to completely control the situation of this alliance.

"The most important thing right now is to form a squadron of soldiers."

Shao Zuo Liuhua said: "When forming a squadron of soldiers, the appointment of officers in the squadron is just a matter of the two of us. Among them, the sergeant and chief Cao, as well as the second lieutenant and captain, also need a lot of people. .”

"That's right, as long as we put down the officers in our squadron, the rest of the soldiers and Sergeant Cao will have more trust in this."

Major Takahashi said: "Now, what we want is stability and time. As long as we have time, I believe that Mr. Liuhua, this major officer, the two of us, can still be fully competent."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Liuhua Shaozuo suddenly laughed.


Major Takahashi was right. At this moment, the two of them were only thinking about themselves, and consolidating their status as major officers was the most important thing for the two of them at this time.

As for the others, they will not care about them all!

(End of this chapter)

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