Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2145 Getting Ready

Chapter 2145 Getting Ready

For this situation, they have been investigating for a long time.

The contradictions among these little devil soldiers are also well understood at this time.

This elite team is entirely the confidants of Major Fukushima Ietsu and Major Yako Yazaki, a team they completely rely on.

They have been given great rights and great advantages. Among all the troops in the Zhengjiabao sequence, this team in training is completely number one, and they are all number one in terms of treatment and so on.

So, this has formed the little devils in this team, they are so arrogant and arrogant now.

After the conflict with the guarding soldiers, they beat them violently. They didn't dare to shoot them, but they still dared to hit them with guns. Under such circumstances, they beat them countless times at the beginning.

In the end, they couldn't fight directly, so they went to the headquarters to file a complaint. However, Major Fukushima Ietsu and Major Dazhao Yazi in the headquarters ignored one of them.

Even the original words of Major Fukushima Ietsu and Major Yako Dazhao are: "They are all soldiers of the empire. When you fight, it depends on who has the best ability. If you can't win, don't talk nonsense, if you can't do it, who can you blame!"

Anyway, Major Fukushima Ietsu and Major Yako Dazhao gave the green light to this elite team.

Otherwise, they would have been punished long ago for ignoring the rules. On the contrary, there is no such thing here.

And the little devil soldiers guarding, after seeing this situation, they also stopped looking for it at the officer and reported it, because it was useless, on the contrary, they would still be scolded.

So, under such circumstances, they are not fools. In order to protect themselves, they just pretend to be invisible. As long as they are soldiers of this team, they will let them go immediately. There is nothing to say, let them go, We don't automatically seek trouble.

In this way, the elite soldiers of this team became even more arrogant. Of course, when they saw these guarding soldiers, they didn't bother with them and let them go. Their goal was also directly achieved. In such a situation Under such circumstances, they were happy in their hearts and satisfied their own vanity. Therefore, under such circumstances, they did not continue to trouble these guard soldiers.

If you get what you want, what trouble are you looking for? The devil soldiers in this elite squad are also clear in their hearts.

It's okay for them to cause trouble temporarily for their own convenience. Major Fukushima Ietsu and Dazaki Yako and others will not punish them.

But, if they make a serious mess themselves, don't let go, and keep making troubles for these guard soldiers, it will definitely not be the current situation, and what awaits them will be the punishment of the headquarters.

This point is beyond doubt. Although they are elite, they are not all fools.

So, under such circumstances, they can only do this to achieve their own goals, which is completely sufficient.

There is no need to continue to look for trouble, it is simply unrealistic, it is completely spoiled, and you are looking for trouble.

Yang Fei and others, who had been observed for so long, took this opportunity for their actions.

If, without this opportunity, they go directly to attack, even if they want to carry out an assassination, then they can break through the first defensive circle, and it is still a silent slope.

But, if you continue to attack Zhengjiabao, if you don't enter Zhengjiabao to attack from inside and outside, if you carry out a strong attack, the losses you will suffer will undoubtedly be huge.

Such a loss, under the current situation, they couldn't bear it at all.

Under such circumstances, even if the Zhengjiabao was finally taken down by the troops that had just been trained, more than half of the soldiers would die.

Enemy, these little devils have such a big advantage, and there is even a small military fortress like Zhengjiabao, so, under such circumstances, it is impossible to attack by force.

Only when there is really no way in the end, they will attack by force.

The last step, storming, is not possible now.

And the appearance of this elite squad of little devils completely gave them a good opportunity.

As long as they can seize this opportunity, they can save a lot of effort.

In this way, at the cost of small casualties, the Zhengjiabao can be taken down.

All in all, compared to these, the one in front of you is the real good way. In response to this situation, they have formulated a complete plan against the team of little devils. In this way, they can To take down this devil's elite team, to take down this best opportunity completely.

Get it in your hands, so the big plans can start straight away.

At this time, as the sky began to darken, Yang Fei's plans were all arranged.

The soldiers also started to move, and everyone took their positions.

Five miles away from the devil's first defensive circle was a not-so-small forest.

This forest is where this elite devil squad trains every day.

That's right, in the surrounding area, there is only this forest, which is a good place to train.

Although, Major Fukushima Ietsu and Major Yako Dazhao didn't know about special warfare training, and they didn't know how to do special training.

However, they knew in their hearts that their troops were not suitable for night warfare, jungle warfare, or forest warfare.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen training in this area. Under such circumstances, training in the woods is of great benefit.

As for the night battle, the little devils in this elite team also often train in the woods at night.

Therefore, after such a long period of training, their combat effectiveness has also improved rapidly.

Under such circumstances, if a soldier who doesn't know this devil squad goes to fight them, the result will definitely not be very good.

Of course, this does not include Yang Fei and others.

Because, at this time, Yang Fei and others already had a very detailed understanding of these little devils.

After monitoring for such a long time, if these little devil soldiers were not cleared up, they would be fools.

For the Longya players who have undergone the most rigorous training, it is more than enough to deal with this so-called elite devil squad.

Therefore, under the final order and plan, the Longya members of the first team, a total of 20 people, led the top fighters selected during training, 100 people, to carry out this mission.

These one hundred top fighters were completely selected during recruit training.

What's more, their hundred top fighters were led by these Longya players for special warfare training after the recruit training was over.

Although it hasn't been long, compared to the training of these little devils, their training is really too advanced.

So, the combat power is not bad.

Under such a detailed plan, as long as this devil team dares to appear in the woods tomorrow, there is only one result waiting for them, which is death!

(End of this chapter)

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