Chapter 2151
Among them, it has always been like this, the biggest responsibility is borne by the military chief.

Small responsibilities are generally not involved in them. Anyway, if there is an accident, as long as Dazhao Yazi Shaozuo survives, then the role of the chief military officer of Zhengjiabao can only appear on him .

Therefore, this is something that is beneficial to him. Under such circumstances, since it is beneficial to him, he will definitely not oppose it. On the contrary, in his heart, he still supports this matter very much. ah.

Everyone wants to be a military chief, and no one wants to be a deputy, because the deputy is too tired, and everything needs to be solved by the deputy. Official.

Looking at it this way, the freedom of military chiefs is much greater.

This has always been what Dazhao Yazi Shao Zuo wanted most in his heart. He also thought that he could still be free as an officer.

He looks pretty good now, but he is not as free as an ordinary captain officer. Too many things have been entrusted to him by Fukushima Jiayue.

"Don't worry, Da Zhaojun, there will be no problems, you have to believe in the power of the empire!"

Major Fukushima Ietsu said to Major Dazhao Yako with a smile.

Consolation is what he can do now, anyway, after working together for so long, he is quite satisfied with this Dazhao Yazi Major.

Although his vision and vision are not good enough, his ability to handle affairs is still good, which saves him a lot of time.

This is also what he hopes for!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have kept this Dazhao Yazi Shao Zuo by his side.

"Yes, I see, Fukushima-kun."

Regarding this, Major Dazhao Yazi could only bow and nod.

Anyway, the chief military officer said so, he had better obey now, in this case, he will still have a chance in the future, so, for him now, it is better to wait.

For him now, if he takes a step forward, it may be an abyss, but if he takes a step back, it is really a vast sea and sky, and it may also be a good opportunity.

Since this is the case, at this time, why not do it.

He's not a fool, he won't do things that are thankless.

"Ah, very good!"

Major Fukushima Ietsu is still satisfied with Major Dazhao Yako's attitude.

Afterwards, the two started their normal work.

Major Dazhao Yazi didn't care, but this Major Fukushima Ietsu really didn't care about this matter.

In his senses, that's it, the soldiers of the empire are invincible, even though the situation on the frontal battlefield is not very good for them.

However, there will be no problems in the garrison area outside the frontal battlefield.

Formed Chinese soldiers and troops are all on the frontal battlefield, around the garrison and other areas, basically some guerrillas, or anti-Japanese squads and so on.

Are such people, these people, a threat to them?

Obviously, there is no, there is no threat at all.

Under such circumstances, what did he have to worry about? There was nothing to worry about.

Since there is nothing to worry about, then he will not continue to waste time on this matter, because it is not necessary at all.

Zhengjiabao, everything is as usual, the things and tasks they carry out every day.

However, what these little devils and Major Fukushima Ietsu and the others didn't know was that outside their first defense circle, there were already many people they didn't know about.

After these people came here, they immediately hid themselves and hid themselves directly.

Don't let them find out at all, if this situation is known by this Fukushima Jiayue, he will definitely let him slap him in the face severely, and completely overturn his previous statement. .

However, it is a pity that at this time, it is impossible for him to know about this situation.

In Lei Zhan's plan, Yang Fei and the others, aiming at the situation of Zhengjiabao, made a surprise attack. Only in this way can they pay the smallest price and get the biggest gain.

Otherwise, if you plan to do something, just attack directly.

The reason for formulating the plan is to ensure that the soldiers will sacrifice less, and under such a premise, to complete the task.

Anyway, at this time, the plan for Zhengjiabao has officially started. They will never let go of the supplies and ammunition of this devil brigade.

This is what happened in Zhengjiabao.



The little devils in this team started their training immediately after entering the woods.

As usual, shooting training, confrontation training, terrain training, etc., these are all training slowly one by one.

Under such circumstances, they proceeded smoothly without any abnormalities in the middle.

And these Longya players and selected vanguard fighters hiding in the dark are all patiently watching these little devils in front of them and performing.


In their view, the training of these little devils in front of them is no different from performance.

Although the training they conducted themselves is also like this, but the effect and process are definitely not what they are now.

how to say.

A very simple matter.

For the little devils in front of them, their training has already been regarded as a task by them.

Yes, it has been regarded as a task by them.

It's not about training to make yourself stronger and improve your combat effectiveness. It's already a daily task.

In this way, the so-called training has no effect. They are all thinking about finishing the bullets in their hands and completing the training subjects. In this way, they can go back and continue enjoying.

In this case, the training effect is minimal.

Although it can bring about a certain improvement, it is minimal.

So, in the eyes of the Longya team members and the vanguard soldiers, the little devils in front of them were completely performing.

Regarding this situation, these little devils didn't know or feel it.

One of the most important reasons is actually the instructor's reason.

It was nothing more than a captain officer who led the training of these little devils.

Even he himself doesn't know what advanced training is, etc., counting on such an officer, one can imagine what kind of effect these devil soldiers will get during training.

It can be said that there is no effect, but it's just that they themselves have begun to swell.

Otherwise, it would definitely not be the current situation, and they would not behave like this in front of other devil soldiers.

Compared with them, the training received by the soldiers in the Guanshan area is completely different.

Their instructors are all Longya Special Forces members trained by Lei Zhan and Yang Fei and Yang Hu personally.

The difference is clear at a glance!
(End of this chapter)

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