Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2153 End the battle in an instant

Chapter 2153 End the battle in an instant
The previous plan was like this. When these little devils were almost trained, the opportunity came, and they sent out a signal to start acting.

And the signal of this action, in the woods, the best and most suitable is the sound of birds.

Therefore, the vanguard soldiers, after hearing the bird call, their hearts instantly became excited.

Now these little devils in front of them have started to take a nap. This is indeed a good opportunity for them, and they must seize it.

Under such circumstances, if these little devils had stood guard, it might have brought them a little bit of trouble, but it was impossible in the present situation.

Even if there are sentries, for them, the one in front of them is also a good opportunity.

Besides, if a few sentries can cause them any trouble, just touch them quietly, kill them, and it's over.

As long as these devil sentries are not alarmed and they are not allowed to send out signals, then there is no problem.

So, anyway, no matter what the situation is, this is a good opportunity for them to come.

What does sleep and rest represent? It represents their combat effectiveness, which has already dropped a large part.

Even if they were awakened, they would not be able to react at all since they had just woken up from their sleep.

If you are awakened in a deep sleep, it is basically out of a state of confusion and confusion, and it takes a few minutes or 20 seconds to react.

The quality is good, the shortest time is 20 seconds reaction time.

However, there are a few who can react within 20 seconds.

Don't forget that no one can predict what can happen within these 20 seconds.

Usually, when you look at 20 seconds, it will pass quickly.

But, at this moment, when life and death are about to be divided, this is not the case anymore.

In 20 seconds, the fighters who attack suddenly can do a lot of things.

So, on the battlefield, don't underestimate a minute, even a second.

As long as you underestimate this second, or think that you can't do anything during this second, then you are wrong, you are not too far away from death, it is right in front of you .

Chances are, the gunshot rang out, bang, and you died straight away.

This is possible on the battlefield.

Besides, on the battlefield, the death of soldiers can only be imagined by you, and there is no battlefield that cannot do it.

Stray bullets, stones, fragments, etc. are the deadliest things for soldiers!
But in front of him, the situation is so different.

The reaction time of 20 seconds is impossible for the little devils in this team.

From the way they sleep now, without a trace of vigilance, one can fully see what kind of state this is.

So, if you want them to react within the 20 seconds, and respond to the battle with the Longya team members, it is simply impossible.

Besides, when the Dragon Tooth team members and the 20 vanguard soldiers had surrounded and rushed up, under such circumstances, even if they could respond within [-] seconds, it was completely impossible.

Regarding this situation, the Longya team members and the two hundred vanguard soldiers were not worried at all.

There are only more than 100 people in this full-stacked team of devils, and this is still under the condition of expansion.

As for them, more than 200 people came this time, which is enough to look down on them.

Of course, it's mainly because of the big plan. Only in this way can they complete the big plan.

For those who entered Zhengjiabao, one more soldier entered would provide more security.

In view of this situation, Yang Fei sent these people to them and allowed them to enter the Zhengjiabao, which also gave them a good guarantee.



Finally, after the cooing sound stopped, a large number of figures suddenly appeared in the woods beside the rest of these little devils, and all of these figures had three-eighth caps with gleaming bayonets in their hands.

In just the blink of an eye, they rushed in front of these sleeping little devils.

For such a situation, they had already discussed it in secret, and they should just follow the plan.

The little devils who were sleeping couldn't react at all at this moment, so they let these two hundred vanguard soldiers come close to them.



Of course, it doesn't mean that none of these little devils reacted.

Although the movement of the vanguard soldiers has been suppressed to a very low level, there are still movements when they come to these little devils. This movement can completely wake these little devils up.

So, at this moment, many little devils woke up immediately.

However, at this time, it is useless for them to wake up, their faces are full of confusion, their eyes are full of doubts, and they don't want to understand at all, and they don't see clearly what happened in front of them.

It was at this moment that the standing vanguard soldiers squatted down one after another, grabbed the heads of these little devils as fast as they could, and slammed them to the side.




The sound of bone cracking and bone breaking came instantly.

This time, a large number of devils in this team died.


"Eight Grid Road!"

"What are you doing!"


There were also quick-response devil soldiers who got up in a jerk. Their faces were ferocious, and they began to question with fear in their eyes.





However, what responded to them was nothing but the gleaming bayonet, which directly pierced into their hearts and penetrated their bodies.





Just like that, these quick-response little devils also died with unwillingness and doubts on their faces.

They couldn't figure out at all, how could such a thing happen, what happened.

It was fine before, but after a good night's sleep, it became like this.

Could it be that this is a dream?
However, the severe pain in the body, and the feeling of blackness and blurry in front of their eyes reminded them that this was real, what had happened, and they were about to die.

The final result is that these little devils, full of doubts, unwillingness, and anger, lost their lives.


"Damn beast!"


As for the vanguard soldiers, they were very excited about this situation.

These beasts have caused such a big slaughter on the land of China, and it is too cheap for them to kill them so happily.

However, for the sake of the big plan, there is no way, it must be done.

"Clean the battlefield immediately, take off all the clothes of these devils, rest well, and enter Zhengjiabao in the evening!"

The moment the vanguard soldiers ended the battle, Captain Longya, who led the team, came over and ordered with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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