Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 216 The Arrangements of the Hunters

Chapter 216 The Arrangements of the Hunters
Just as the soldiers stopped in place and put their trophies on the ground, hunters came up to Feng's village, and behind them were the soldiers left behind by Lei Zhan.

"Captain Lei, hurry up and enter the village, the food has already been prepared in the village!"

Uncle Feng took his head and came to Lei Zhan and the soldiers, and said with a smile.

"Head, the people are so enthusiastic, us?"

The left-behind soldiers came to Lei Zhan and said embarrassedly that they knew the discipline of the Eighth Route Army in their hearts, so they were afraid that Lei Zhan would blame them.

Seeing the appearance of the soldiers, Lei Zhan laughed, patted the soldier's shoulder skillfully, and said, "I see, I understand, haha!"

Lei Zhan didn't mean to blame the left-behind soldiers. After all, this matter was out of their hands. Facing the enthusiasm of the fellow villagers, even he couldn't refuse. Otherwise, getting along with the fellow villagers would not be so good in the future. .

"Uncle Feng, I am here to represent our soldiers, thank you, thank you for your hospitality!"

Lei Zhan came to Uncle Feng's side, held Uncle Feng's hand, and thanked him.

"Look, Captain Lei, what are you talking about? We are a family, so don't talk to each other as a family. Hurry up, go to the village and eat, the soldiers are exhausted!"

Uncle Feng heard Lei Zhan's words and saw some tired soldiers beside him, so he hurriedly said.

After that, Uncle Feng led Lei Zhan and the soldiers to the village.

"Yang Jian!"

At this time, Lei Zhan called out to Yang Jian behind him, and gave Yang Jian a wink. Immediately, Yang Jian took his place and followed Uncle Feng to lead the soldiers into the village.

"come here!"

Afterwards, Lei Zhan looked at the excited Feng Xiaoliu beside him, motioned, turned and walked to the side.

Feng Xiaoliu saw what Lei Zhan meant, stopped, scratched his head in doubt, and followed Lei Zhan's footsteps.

After Lei Zhan brought Feng Xiaoliu to Zhuangzi's side, he sat on the boulder beside him, looked at the bloody land not far away, frowned, and began to think.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

Feng Xiaoliu came to Lei Zhan's side, looked at the pensive Lei Zhan, and asked.

"Xiao Liu, do you want the Feng family village to become stronger?"

Lei Zhan still stared at the blood-stained land ahead and said.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Feng Xiaoliu's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately replied: "I want to, Captain, even dreaming!"

What Feng Xiaoliu said was the truth, especially after experiencing the devil's raid, he understood one thing, only by arming the hunters in Zhuangzi, can he survive better in this troubled world go down.

"Okay, I will leave all the guns and ammunition captured this time to your Zhuangzi. Your task is to arm all the hunters in Fengjiazhuang and wait for orders!"

Lei Zhan's face was serious, and he said seriously, after all, this matter is not a trivial matter. There are still many risks in handing over the equipment of a battalion to a Zhuangzi like this.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Feng Xiaoliu's face turned red immediately, and he clenched his hands tightly, he was excited and excited.

"Don't worry, leader, I will definitely complete this mission successfully!"

Feng Xiaoliu promised.

Hearing Feng Xiaoliu's assurance, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction. In fact, he still trusts the hunters in Feng's Village. After all, the people in Feng's Village are all named Feng. The descendants are all relatives by blood.

Not only this aspect, Lei Zhan also found a kind of spirit in the whole Zhuangzi, that is unity, unity like wolves.

Unity is strength. When fighting, when the enemy is strong and we are weak, relying on the team spirit of uniting and fighting, there is more than half of the possibility of turning defeat into victory!

"In addition, I left a company of troops in the Laolu Mountain to help you, teach you how to use firearms, and the skills of jungle warfare, so that you can quickly become stronger."

Lei Zhan smiled and continued.

If this matter is completed beautifully, then Lei Zhan plans to develop other villages in this way, and all the people will become soldiers. If this is the case, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to the little devil.

"Thank you, Commander!"

Hearing that Lei Zhan was going to leave a company of troops for Fengjiazhuang, Feng Xiaoliu immediately became excited, stood at attention and saluted, thanking Lei Zhan.

"Also, we can't eat this meal for nothing tonight. After it's over, you can go to Yang Jian, get the money from him, and make up for all the livestock and other things that the people paid for."

Lei Zhan said seriously, after all, in this war-torn era, livestock are the treasures of the common people, and Lei Zhan felt very sorry for causing the common people to lose so many livestock because of their war against wolves.

Not only this, the Eighth Route Army has the discipline of the Eighth Route Army after all, and no exceptions can be made casually!

"Here, Captain, you...!"

Just as Feng Xiaoliu wanted to object, he was interrupted by Lei Zhan's loud laugh.

"Haha, well, let's go, enter Zhuangzi, and eat meat!"

After the matter was discussed, Lei Zhan pulled Feng Xiaoliu, who wanted to object, into Feng's mansion, and started a feast of meat.

Two hours later, it was already dark. After the soldiers had eaten their fill, under the leadership of Lei Zhan, they bid farewell to the people of Fengjiazhuang. Zhan took the soldiers and left.

The hunters in Fengjiazhuang shed tears when they saw Lei Zhan and the soldiers leaving. Lei Zhan treated them so well, he not only saved them, but also gave them money and guns, which made them very happy. thanks.

They knew very well in their hearts what a gun represented in this troubled world. With a gun, they had the hope of survival and the capital to survive.

In particular, Lei Zhan will leave a company of soldiers to help them train.

They have no way to repay this kind of great kindness, they can only bless Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors in their hearts.


Lei Zhan took Yang Jian and the soldiers on the way back to Dayang Village. The faces of the soldiers were full of satisfaction. Of course, they didn't drink the wine, they drank water. Will the little devil come to retaliate? If he drinks too much and is attacked by the little devil, then he will suffer a lot.

Lei Zhan decided to camp in Dayang Village tonight, after all it was so late, it would be very inconvenient to hurry back.

After arriving at Dayang Village, the faces of the soldiers were filled with grief again. The village, which was originally good, is now empty and desolate.

It's all to blame for the damned devils and beasts. If it weren't for them, the people of Dayang Village would definitely be living with their wives and children on the kang, instead of the current separation between man and nature.

For the rescued young men and women of Dayang Village, Lei Zhan did not let them follow tonight, but let them stay in Fengjiazhuang. After all, they have been hit so hard and they still need someone to enlighten them.

(End of this chapter)

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