Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2167 Attacking Pang Village

Chapter 2167 Attacking Pang Village
It stands to reason that the action tomorrow night should go to the most difficult place, that is, to attack the watchtower with Liu Ji, but, his psychological effect, he must be in this place, he looked at Liu Ji and asked, "Liu Ji, what are you doing?" Can one person blow up the devil's watchtower?"

"Yes!" Liu Ji said quickly.

"Well, go and deploy! You don't need too many people on your side. Half of the people from your company come here. After this place is delayed, you can blow up the devil's watchtower on your side!"

"Okay, Battalion Commander, then I will send half of the troops here, you have worked hard!" Liu Ji said.

"Well, go, remember, when you bring your troops over, you have to follow the direction we came. There are few people here, so it's a good ambush!" Yang Fei instructed again.

"Alright Battalion Commander, we know!"

In Yang Fei's mind, he kept thinking about how to fight the devils who came from Dongshangzhuang!
He looked at Zhao Zhuang in front of him again, and suddenly had an idea in his heart!
In this way, taking advantage of the night, they ambushed here. Although Pang Village is not a big village, as an outpost, there are naturally a lot of things stored in it.

A few days ago, the informant said that there were many trips just because the trucks came. It is conceivable how important Pang Village is to them.

Another said that if Pangcun missed, it would be a serious injury to the devil.

In Yang Fei's eyes, Pangcun's defense was densely arranged, but the devils moved slowly at night, especially when they were attacked, they did not dare to act rashly.Yang Fei was sure of this, that's why he dared to ask Liu Ji to draw an average force.

Everyone has a ration in their mouths, night after night, day after day, and at night, Yang Fei cheers everyone up.

The thin monkey looked at Yang Fei and said, "Battle Commander, during the day, we clearly saw so many devils dispatched, why don't we fight them?"

"Can you beat it? You have a lot of recruits here, I don't want these children to die in vain!" Yang Fei said.

"Tell me, where did the devil go?" Skinny Monkey asked again, "Many people have gone out from Pang Village!"

"It's hard to say, but our actions cannot be changed. If we bloom in Pangcun, the devils will definitely be caught off guard! You have to understand how important Pangcun is in the eyes of the devils. The geographical location here is suitable for defense. During the recuperation period, once the recuperation period is over, they will fight back crazily, we are inoculating the devils in advance and let them think about their way out!" Yang Fei said.

According to the original plan, when Liu Ji's cannons fired, it meant that the operation had begun, and it was planned to be at nine o'clock in the evening!
When it was nine o'clock, they heard a "dong" sound, which was so loud that the mountain where they were lying in ambush trembled.

"Damn, the howitzer is fierce!" Said the thin monkey, raised his head to look at the devil's watchtower!
"Look, Battalion Commander, the devil's watchtower has fallen! There are still three watchtowers. If we knock down all of their watchtowers, it will not be a problem for us to take down Pang Village!" The thin monkey said a little excitedly.

"Well, let everyone be careful, the devil will definitely come back for reinforcements!" Yang Fei said.


However, after waiting for a long time, the reinforcements of the devils were not seen, and the informants did not report the news for a long time.

But at this moment, Yang Fei heard gunfire in his ears, and the gunfire was not far away from them. The thin monkey listened to the sound, "It came from the northeast!" Yang Fei took out the map , marked the location on the map, "Regiment headquarters?"

"What? Regiment headquarters?" Skinny Monkey quickly looked at the map, "The devils are going to attack our regiment headquarters!"

"No wonder, this devil didn't come to rescue Pang Village, so they mobilized their troops to fight the regiment headquarters!" Yang Fei said angrily.

"Battalion Commander, let's go! Rescue the regiment headquarters!" said the thin monkey.

"Surround Wei and save Zhao, hehe, I want to see how powerful the devil is. Hurry up and notify Liu Ji, let him aim at the devil's watchtower, and beat me hard!"

Yang Fei ordered.


After a while, the sound of "dong dong dong" was heard. The howitzer hit Pangcun, and the flames burst out all over the place. The devil's actions were relatively fast, and he was ready for defense in a short while.

The machine gunners and bombardiers all arrived at their predetermined positions.

However, without reinforcements, they are relatively passive.

"We need to take down Pang Village as soon as possible, and tell Liu Ji, don't spare me the shells, hit them all in Pang Village, and blow up the devil's outpost!" Yang Fei shouted.


The power of the howitzer is naturally not too bad, and the casualties of the devils are also many.

"Block their way out! Slender Monkey, do you see the path ahead? If the devil wants to escape, he will definitely go there. Go over and stop me!" Yang Fei shouted.

Sure enough, the devils in Pang Village finally couldn't hold on, and they didn't even know who beat them.

Liu Ji, who was on the small road, suddenly shouted, "Hit me! Don't save me bullets!"


A shuttle shot out, and in the dark night, it looked like someone was setting off firecrackers.

Yang Fei rushed down the mountain with some people, "Go, follow me!"

"Da da da……"


Pang Village suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames!
Outside Pang Village, they also heard screams, and Liu Ji led the people, "Follow me!"

Pang Village is intertwined with flames, there will be a battle here at any time, this battle must be fought by them!And Yang Fei was not reconciled to be regarded as the battalion commander of the recruit battalion to guard the regiment headquarters, Yang Fei's eyes were red, and he showed no mercy when he saw devils!
After Liu Ji joined Shouhou and Yang Fei, the three laughed together.

"That's right, this battle was fought really well!" Yang Fei laughed loudly, and hurriedly asked someone to pack up the spoils, let's go back! "

"Yes!" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Shouhou and Liu Ji hurried to collect the spoils.

Half an hour later, they found that there was an arsenal here, and they couldn't take the contents of the arsenal.

"No matter what, everyone puts five guns on their backs, and fills them with bullets. After 10 minutes, I will blow up this arsenal!" Yang Fei ordered.

At this time, a small soldier suddenly rushed over, "Battalage! Battalion Commander!"

Yang Fei hurried forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Battalion Commander, the bandits have been attacked by the Japanese, and the bandits are retreating now!"

"The bandits were attacked?" Yang Fei looked at the soldier in surprise and asked again.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, the bandits had to take away the food not far away as agreed, but they suddenly encountered the little devil!" Xiao Bing said.

Yang Fei frowned, "Where are they now?"

"The bandits are now retreating to Heifengzhai, but the devil's firepower is fierce, and their casualties are also heavy!"

(End of this chapter)

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