Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 218 Su Yunuan

Chapter 218 Su Yunuan

Hearing the order, Yang Fei immediately stood at attention and saluted, and ran out of the city with a few soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion behind him.

At the same time, Yang Fei is very supportive of Lei Zhan's order. After all, there are a lot of beggars in the county. If they all gather for drills, there must be a lot of soldiers. After all, it is also solved The survival of beggars.

So, this is a plan that kills two birds with one stone!

After Yang Fei led the soldiers away, Lei Zhan stopped, turned around, and looked at the girl behind him with a calm expression. Lei Zhan wanted to see what this girl wanted to do!
Su Yunuan, who was following behind, saw the soldiers behind Lei Zhan leave, and after Lei Zhan stopped in place to wait for her, a sense of disdain suddenly rose in her heart. Men are like this, and now I can't help it Alright.

Su Yunuan's eyes were full of complacency. She thought that Lei Zhan couldn't bear it anymore. After seeing her appearance, she wanted to get her. No, she sent all his men away.

After all, when she was lurking in the national army, every high-ranking military officer she met was like this. All the high-level officers were like this, not to mention how unbearable the low-level officers were.

Lei Zhan didn't show any other attitude, he just looked at Su Yunuan who was approaching so calmly, and at the same time, he was thinking about the identity of Su Yunuan in his heart.

"Hi, my name is Su Yunuan, thank you for saving me!"

Soon, Su Yunuan came to Lei Zhan's side, said with a smile, and at the same time stretched out a white hand like jade to Lei Zhan.

Seeing Su Yunuan's fair skin, Lei Zhan's vigilance instantly increased. At the same time, he thought in his heart that the identity of the person in front of him was definitely not simple.

"You're welcome, this is what every Eighth Route Army soldier should do!"

Lei Zhan raised his hand not to hit the smiling man, stretched out his hand, held Su Yunuan's little white hand, and said with a smile.

After holding Su Yunuan's hand, Lei Zhan directly ignored the soft, soft and warm feeling from Su Yunuan's hand.

Because Lei Zhan used a lot of force, at this moment, he felt that the bones in Su Yunuan's hands were very hard.

The handshake was only for a moment, and Lei Zhan didn't have the slightest nostalgia. In such a moment, Lei Zhan was sure that Su Yunuan in front of him was not an ordinary person.

Su Yunuan didn't notice Lei Zhan's temptation at all, and was still thinking that Lei Zhan was still pretending at this time, and hadn't shown his lust.

Could it be that Lei Zhan wanted to find a place where no one was around, so he showed it, Su Yunuan thought, and after thinking of Lei Zhan's identity as the Eighth Route Army, Su Yunuan suddenly realized that the discipline of the Eighth Route Army is very strict, and it is impossible for Lei Zhan to It is directly shown here, not to mention that the headquarters has already been reached, and there are Eighth Route Army soldiers on guard and patrolling.

"I have nowhere to go, Brother Balu, I escaped from Gaoping."

After that, Su Yunuan began to complain to Lei Zhan, sobbing pitifully one by one:

"My family is in a big town near Gaoping. My father was a wealthy businessman. The traitors of the puppet army valued my family's wealth, attracted the little devils, and killed our whole family. Only I escaped under the guard of my family.

In order to protect me, all the servants died. I heard from them that here in Lingchuan, there is a team that specializes in fighting little devils, which is your famous wolf warrior group. Therefore, I fled to Lingchuan and wanted to join the Eighth Route Army Team, fight devils with you to avenge our family's blood.

Please, as long as you can help me kill the devil and avenge my family, I agree with whatever you say, and I can marry you! "

The more Su Yunuan said, the more pitiful she became, with a pitiful look, and as she spoke, she leaned towards Lei Zhan, grabbed Lei Zhan's arm, and leaned on Lei Zhan's shoulder, Started sobbing.

Feeling the fragrance from the people around him, Lei Zhan sneered in his heart. With the appearance of this woman in front of him, if she is an ordinary person, and Su Yunuan's beauty is alluring and pitiful, she might really believe it. , and put on the set.

But who is Lei Zhan?

However, Lei Zhan really wanted to see what purpose this Su Yunuan had, so Lei Zhan patted Su Yunuan on the shoulder and pretended to say softly: "It's okay, now that you have arrived at the territory of the Eighth Route Army, you are just home." Yes, our Eighth Route Army will definitely kill more devils and avenge the tragic deaths of the common people."


Hearing Lei Zhan's consolation, Su Yunuan hummed softly. At the same time, she laughed heartily in her heart. Lei Zhan said so and comforted her. What does this mean? set.

After all, when she was carrying out missions before, many officers who were older than Lei Zhan all bowed down under her pomegranate skirt, without exception, he believed that Lei Zhan, a small Tubalu regiment leader, was also no exception. of.

Su Yunuan thought in her heart that Lei Zhan may have some fighting skills and is very tough, but the more this kind of person, the less resistant he is to beauties.

Su Yunuan knows Chinese history very well, like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, who is invincible in the world, and he worshiped under Yu Ji's pomegranate skirt.

How many Chinese emperors and generals in ancient times were defeated by beauties.

The more people like Lei Zhan, the more unable to resist the temptation of the beauty, after all, the land of gentleness, the tomb of heroes!
Therefore, at this time, Su Yunuan already thought in her heart that it was only a matter of time before Lei Zhan could escape from her palm and bow down under her skirt.

At this time, Su Yunuan felt more confident about the plan to slaughter the wolf.


Lei Zhan doesn't know Su Yunuan's thoughts, but Lei Zhan can also guess in his heart. Regarding the matter of beauty tricks, Lei Zhan has already thought of a countermeasure in his heart. The next step is to find out Su Yunuan's true nature. identity and purpose.

He might as well play with Su Yunuan now to see who is more skilled and what the result will be, we will wait and see!

Afterwards, Lei Zhan lifted Su Yunuan up on his body, pretended to have gentle eyes, wiped away Su Yunuan's tears, and led Su Yunuan towards the headquarters.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's scene, Su Yunuan became even more proud of her tenderness towards her. Although her face looked pitiful, the depths of her eyes were full of pride.



When the guard at the gate saw Lei Zhan coming, he immediately saluted!

But when they saw the pitiful beauty beside Lei Zhan, both of them showed doubts. They didn't know that Lei Zhan had brought such a beautiful big girl there.

At the same time, the two secretly gave Lei Zhan a thumbs up, thinking in their hearts, the head of the group is worthy of being the head of the group, he is good at killing devils, and this one is also good.


After Lei Zhan nodded with a smile, he led Su Yunuan into the headquarters.

"Captain Lei!"

The moment Lei Zhan brought Su Yunuan into the headquarters, Dayang girl Karina's surprise voice came!
(End of this chapter)

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