Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2189 Playing Chess

Chapter 2189 Playing Chess
Seeing Yang Fei's appearance, Yang Hu felt that something was wrong, so he quickly grabbed Yang Fei's hand, "Do you want to do something again?"

Yang Fei was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook his head, "I said instructor, don't be nervous, I, Yang Fei, do things properly!"

After saying that, he stood up, "Da Guang, let's go, let me piss with me!"

Da Guang followed Yang Fei to stand up, and the two walked behind a tree. Yang Fei saw that the trainer Yang Hu hadn't followed, and said, "I said Da Guang, how did I treat you?"

"Okay, you are very good to me!" Daguang said.

"In this case, you go to Xigou now!" Yang Fei said.

"What am I going to Xigou for?" Daguang was a little surprised.

"I looked at the map. If the observation group came, they must be going to Changping County. There are several roads to Changping County. It is impossible for us to come here. I understand that the group leader is also an old fox. Leave all the meat to the first and second battalions, let our newly formed battalion drink the northwest wind here, it is obvious that you look down on us!"

"Battalion Commander, what on earth do you want me to do in Xigou?" Da Guang asked directly.

"The road passing us is not easy to walk. The observation group will definitely take the main road. Now you go to Xigou to see whether the people from the first battalion or the second battalion are there, and then draw their defense map for me. I'd rather Let's see if the first battalion commander Hu Dahai is the best, or the second battalion commander Shen Gouzi!" Yang Fei smiled triumphantly.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Saying that, Daguang tried his best to avoid everyone's gaze, and then left.

When Yang Fei returned to the trench, Yang Hu asked, "Where is Da Guang? What did you ask him to do?"

"Ah?" Yang Fei deliberately pretended to be confused! "That guy is shitting, and he won't be back for a while. By the way, instructor, you said that the devil came here by surprise, is it true?"

"Who knows, I'm talking about the battalion commander, how about... let's set up the defenses as the devils will come, how do you say?" Yang Hu asked.

"If this devil's observation group really comes, I think it should come in a car. Let's set up mines below, haha, enough for the devil to drink a pot!" Yang Fei laughed, although he knew that the devil might not Go through here.

"Then let's arrange it now, before the devils come over, let's arrange it!" Yang Hu said.

"Don't worry, instructor, this is just a possibility, what if the devils don't come?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Not coming? What if you come here without preparation?" said the trainer Yang Hu.

"Okay, okay, if you think you will come, let someone prepare it, okay?" Yang Fei said.

"Battle Commander Yang, we are a team. With your attitude, I don't think we can get along well!" Yang Hu was a little angry. He hated Yang Fei in front of him. Big, but he can't change all his carelessness, how many times, because of his attitude, he has indeed lost many opportunities!
"Haha!" Yang Fei laughed suddenly, "All right, all right, I'll listen to you, I'll let Skinny Monkey bury the landmines now!"

It's not that Yang Fei doesn't understand that the relationship between him and Yang Hu must be eased now. Although he also knows that this instructor is dispensable to him, he can't change the problem of establishment.

The thin monkey led the people to plant landmines on the road below!
Yang Fei hurriedly asked the rest of the people to prepare all the grenades. If the devil's observation group did not follow the usual path, he would definitely make them unable to eat.

Yang Hu looked at this, and felt that it was right to do so.Even if he knew in his heart the attitude of the superiors towards them, he couldn't say it well or badly, he could only say it in two words of caring.

When it comes to taking care, this means more. It may be interpreted as caring. I am afraid that this newly formed battalion will not be able to defeat the vicious Japanese devils. There is no one left, and we must fight until the last moment!
It has been a long time since the mine was buried, and Yang Fei was lying in the trench, "I've been living this day, even if I'm just waiting for the fire every day, don't let me be idle, I feel that the cocoon on my body is idle!"

Yang Hu smiled, "Battalion Commander Yang, why don't you have some fun?"

Hearing this, Yang Fei got up immediately, "I said man, am I Yang Fei that kind of person? All I have in my head is Marxism-Leninism! I won't go to that kind of feasting and feasting place unless you tell me! "

"Haha, where did you go, I mean, find some hobbies of your own. Such as reading books, such as playing chess!" Yang Hu said.

"Reading?" Yang Fei said dismissively, "Don't mention this to me, I just read when I know a few words? I know how to play chess. I can play chess when I was three years old. Invincible in the world!"

"Just blow it!" Yang Hu said.

"Why? Why don't you believe it?" Yang Fei asked.

"I don't believe it!"

"There is really no chessboard, otherwise, I will let you taste the strength of Lao Tzu!" Yang Fei said.

"Why look for a chessboard?" Yang Hu smiled.

"How do you play chess without looking for a chessboard?" Yang Fei asked.

"I can make you a chessboard right now!" Yang Hu said.

"Haha, if you can make a chessboard, I will call you a big brother!" Anyway, Yang Fei doesn't believe in Yang Hu, making a chessboard?He is a carpenter?

"You don't need to call me big brother, how about this, if you lose, just say one thing, it must be something that others don't know about you, yes, let's call it the truth!" Yang Hu said.

"Hehe, okay, what if I win?" Yang Fei asked.

"Then I'll tell you the truth, what do you ask, what will I answer!" Yang Hu unconsciously scribbled a few dirty words.Don't say it, it's really cool to say it!
"Hahaha!" Yang Fei said with a smile, "Okay, I think it's okay! Instructor, I think you should be ready to tell the truth now!"

As he said that, Yang Hu drew a chessboard on the ground, using pebbles and even leaves as chess pieces. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so Yang Fei asked the two squads to guard and watch the enemy's movements. This class is to watch them play chess. He has to show his chess skills in front of them. Anyway, what he said just now has been blown out and can't be taken back. But the literati in front of him, can he possibly play chess?
I don't know, but he thought, [-]% won't, and he wants to get close to himself!

He smiled and looked at Yang Hu, "Instructor, you go first, I will let you take three steps!"

"Don't mind, I can go first!" After saying that, Yang Hu made a head start!

(End of this chapter)

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