Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2213 Relics

Chapter 2213 Relics

For this reason, Liu Ji also specially found a platoon to protect the safety of these experts.

The platoon leader is Shi Zhuzi. Shi Zhuzi is definitely the one who has a grudge against Yang Fei and Liu Jizhong. In a previous battle, a battalion commander and a company commander saved the life of a soldier. This person is Shi Zhuzi. Shi Zhuzi secretly He vowed to be good to the battalion commander and the company commander for the rest of his life, even if it cost him his life, he would not hesitate to do so. In this way, when this order was conveyed to Shi Zhu, Shi Zhuzi immediately stood at attention, "Please rest assured, the company commander, it will definitely be done!" Good job!"

Yang Fei also called Liu Ji aside, "As soon as these experts came, my heart was relieved. In this way, apart from simple eating and drinking, other things that can satisfy them are all satisfied!"

Liu Ji nodded, "Our army doesn't have any good food and drink, just simple things!"

"Well, yes!" Yang Fei said.

As soon as these experts came, they couldn't wait to go to Wenfeng Temple to have a look, which attracted the attention of the people in the village, and they followed these experts to Wenfeng Temple.

And these experts asked Shi Zhuzi to send all the people away with secret instructions.

One of the Japanese experts pretended to be a Chinese archaeologist, Yang Jiang, and said, "We will carry out everything here for the time being, and you are guarding at the gate of the temple now!"

Shi Zhuzi nodded and led the man to the gate of the temple.

"Mr. Kato, do you think this temple is really what we are looking for?"

"It has to be, no, you have to call me Mr. Yang now, my name is Yang Jiang!"


Several people looked at their work permits, one was Yang Jiang, the other was Huang He, and the other was Hua Feng.

The three called out several times in a row, and then started working here, "Remember, if there is an inscription here, you must tell me, the inscription should be accurate!"

"Okay Mr. Yang!" After saying that, Huang He left and went to other temples.

Originally, Wenfeng Temple was not big, and there were only a dozen temples in total. Out of the bronze bell in the east and the leather drum in the west, the main room was a temple of Tathagata Buddha. It was called "Laixian Tower". Compared with other ordinary temples, except for the clay sculpture of Tathagata Buddha, there are eighteen arhats on both sides. These eighteen arhats are all majestic and lifelike.Although it is very old, it is still relatively intact.

Out of the main room, there is a Bodhisattva temple to the east, in which there are four Bodhisattvas, including Avalokitesvara and Mahasthama.To the west is the Xingxiu Building. In addition to these, there is a stone tower behind the main room.

The stone pagoda is called Wenfeng Pagoda. Wenfeng Pagoda is tall and has a stone gate to enter. After entering, the stairs are relatively steep. Yang Jiang climbed up here. There is an inscription on each floor. There is no way to recognize clearly.At the top, there are some rakshasas on it, with a stone disc in the middle, an oil lamp on the disc, and hollow peep holes around it. After he went down, he didn't know what to do.

After a while, Hua Feng came over, "Mr. Yang, after walking around this temple, I generally feel that this temple is relatively simple. As for the inscription, there is one, but this inscription has been inlaid into a floor tile. This way please.

Following Huafeng, Yang Jiang came to a shabby house that was about to collapse. The house was in disarray, no one cleaned it, and it was already like this, "Look!"

Following Huafeng's guidance, Yang Jiang squatted down and began to read slowly with a magnifying glass. Some inscriptions were blurred, but he still understood the general meaning.

"It seems that we have found the right one. Shao Zuo Dongyun's information should be correct!" Yang Jiang said.

"If this is the case, wouldn't we be able to find the relic?" Huafeng said happily.

"Well, yes, it seems that these temples were built later. The initial layout of the temple should be in these places. From here, to the west house, don't look at it is a bit dilapidated, here is what we discovered. The work has begun!" Yang Jiang said.

"It looks like we have to borrow some shovels from Balu!"

Hua Feng said.

"Yes, it seems that we should really do this. Go, you go find the platoon leader and ask him to bring some heads, shovels and other tools!" Yang Jiang said.


With that said, Hua Feng left.

Huang He came from other temples, "Mr. Yang, I found a strange layout here!"

Yang Jiang looked at him, "Hurry up!"

"Most of the south side of this temple was built after the Tang Dynasty, while the places on the north side seem to be built in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. It seems that this temple can stand here, and many people should have a comparison here. Deep understanding!" Huang He said.

"How do you say that?" Yang Jiang asked.

"Mr. Yang, I studied archaeological history at university. I have also been to some temples in Northeast China. Although there are not many temples, I know a lot. It seems that according to the hints in ancient Chinese history, the remaining relics , there must be a part here!" Huang He said.

"Yes, I think so too. Starting today, no matter what, we have to dig down!" Yang Jiang said.

"No, Mr. Yang, it's not digging down!" Huang He interrupted immediately, "According to the information obtained from Northwest China, the relics are usually under the pagoda, and there will be an underground palace under the pagoda. This temple happens to have a pagoda. We will All you have to do is remove the treads and dig down!" Huang He said.

"Remove the tower?" Yang Jiang was a little surprised, "Since there is an underground palace, I think there will be doors around the tower, and the inside of the door is the passage leading to the underground palace!"

"Mr. Yang, do you have a general idea of ​​how high the underground palace is?" Huang He asked.

"Although I'm not sure about this, I can be sure that it won't be too high!" As he spoke, Yang Jiang pointed outside, "This temple is a little north of the village, and the terrain is also higher. The strange thing is that it is not built on the mountain, look here!" Yang Jiang said, "The soil quality here was added later, what does that mean?"

"Mr. Yang, what do you mean, they deliberately filled this place up?" Huang He asked.

"Yes, that's what it means!" Yang Jiang said, "If we want to know what happened here, we just need to go out and look at the soil layer. When Huafeng comes over, let him take a look. After all, he has studied geology. Learned!"

"Yes, that's great!"

As the sky gradually darkened, Shi Zhuzi mobilized the whole village to find dozens of hoes, dozens of shovels, and dozens of foreign picks.

(End of this chapter)

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