Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2244 The Cruel Little Devil

Chapter 2244 The Cruel Little Devil
"How about I spare your life?" said the devil.

He also knew in his heart that it was very easy to kill this little soldier, but he couldn't get the information they wanted.

Right now, information is the most important thing. If you get the information, it's not too late to kill it.

"Forgive me? I'm afraid it's not that simple?" the little soldier said.

At this time, Dong Yunhui came over, he smiled and looked at the little soldier, "It's useless to slaughter, what if I spare your life?"

"If you have anything to say, I'm closed in hell today, why do you pretend to pull me back?" The little soldier said as if he was dead.

"You are smart, smarter than those people. I respect you for being brave at this time!" Dong Yunhui said.

"Oh? What do you mean! Tell me!" said the little soldier.

"Tell me, where is Yang Fei?" the devil asked.

"Hahaha!" The little soldier laughed loudly, "Do you want to know?"

Dong Yun nodded, "Of course, if you tell me, I will spare your life!"

"Come on, let me tell you!" said the little soldier.

Dong Yun would walk up to him, "Say it!"

"Our battalion commander is... your family is serving your daughter-in-law! Haha, it's so cool, hurry up and see if your daughter-in-law has a cuckold for you, little devil!"

The little soldier shouted loudly.

All of a sudden, Dong Yun became angry and ashamed, so he went straight over and stabbed the little soldier five times in the stomach with a dagger!The blood stained Dong Yunhui's clothes red, and he squinted his eyes, "Damn the Chinese, you will insult me ​​when you are about to die!"

A Japanese soldier asked, "Major, where are we going now?"

"It stands to reason that if these people come and don't return for a long time, the Eighth Route Army will come sooner or later. I don't know how many people will come, but we still have to go! We must dare to go before the Eighth Route Army comes! "Dong Yunhui said.

"Then where are we going?" asked the devil.

Dong Yunhui held the map, "We can't go back now, even if we mess up today, we will turn the Eighth Route Army's base area upside down!"

"Major, it's freezing cold..."

Before the devil could finish speaking, Dong Yunhui shouted, "Ba Ga!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at the devil, "We are His Majesty's most loyal soldiers, and our purpose of this battle is to destroy Yang Fei's base!"

"But your Excellency, we don't know where Yang Fei's base is?"

"Remember our eyeliner in their army? He said, it's in Hua'an Town! We went to Hua'an Town this time, and all his confidential things are there. We can go here, I don't believe it, Yang Fei won't show up!"

Dong Yunhui sneered, "Yang Fei, I want you to die tragically by my knife!"

After speaking, they headed towards Hua'an Town.

Liu Ji, who was left out, hurriedly ran to Li Mobai's residence, only there could he get a trace of comfort!

He ran desperately, he wanted to tell Yang Fei the news as soon as possible, and wanted Yang Fei to make a quick decision, otherwise, he would also choose to die heroically!

When he stumbled to the front line again, Liu Ji was already disheveled and his eyes were dull. He stared blankly at Yang Fei, unable to say a word.

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?" Yang Fei asked.

Da Guang seemed to see something, and quickly asked, "Liu Lianchang, is something wrong?"

"Battalion Commander...I..."

Liu Ji hesitated, it was difficult for him to speak for a while.

"Squealing like a bitch! Say something quickly!" Yang Fei said loudly.

In the distance, Anxi County was still bursting with fireworks, and after blooming in the sky, there was a deafening sound, and it was this sound that made Liu Ji feel like it was a bolt from the blue!

"Say!" Yang Fei roared again!
"Battalion Commander, I... When I brought people to Wenfeng Bridge..." Liu Ji said, his tears fell like beans in an instant.

"Huh?" Yang Fei had never seen Liu Ji so hesitant, and he had some bad plans in his heart. Besides, there was no soldier behind Liu Ji. This...

"Encountered an ambush by devils!" Liu Ji finished.

Yang Fei was stunned for a moment!

"Ambush? How is it possible? The devil has grown wings?" Yang Fei couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it, "What's going on, you have to explain it to me today!"

"We wanted to go to the village to have a look, but when we got to Wenfeng Bridge, the Devil's Shao Zuo, Dongyun Society was there!" As soon as these words came out, Yang Fei immediately became furious!

"What? Where will Dongyun be?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "We worked so hard to guard him here, but where did he appear?"

Daguang also found it incredible, "How is this possible? My ears didn't hear me wrong, did I?"

"It's true, it's true. All the soldiers died. They covered me and managed to escape. I... I'm sorry for your battalion commander!"

Liu Ji cried.

"Bastard!" He yelled, pointing at him directly, "Stop crying for me, kid, do you know where they are going now? Hurry up and take someone back, I want to teach this Dongyun Club a good lesson! Look at how many people this kid has come!"

"Commander, I don't know where they went? I hurried to tell you about it, and... Also, there are not many of them, at most a dozen or so!" Liu Ji said.

"Ten people ambushed you? And then your entire army was wiped out?" Yang Fei was a little surprised, "This devil has grown three heads and six arms?"

Da Guang hurried over, "Battle Commander, don't get excited. Since the devils are haunting there, it must have been premeditated. They came here for us, presumably, just to go to Wenfeng Village!"

"Battalion Commander, they are calling to find you!" Liu Ji said.

"Looking for me? Dongyun will look for me?" Yang Fei was a little strange, "I haven't had a formal meeting with Dongyun yet. Why is this guy looking for me?"

"Lao Yang, why didn't we meet? You took away the devil's forest farm and killed the devil's archaeological expert. I think Dongyun will keep all these things in mind!" Li Mobai said.

"So, this devil is here to trouble me, not to attack your Li Mobai's line of defense!" Yang Fei analyzed, "Then this Tiaohulishan appeared and asked me to come here, and he took advantage of it! "

"Old Yang, no matter what, don't be impulsive now. It's better, let's analyze where Dongyun will go at this time!" Li Mobai grabbed Yang Fei with one hand.

"Okay, Lao Li, I know what I should do now. Since this devil has come to trouble me, he must know my current situation. They killed a squad of soldiers from me, and they don't know what to do to the people in the village. What, well, since this is the case, I, Yang Fei, am also a person who has revenge and complains!" Yang Fei said.

(End of this chapter)

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