Chapter 2269

Yang Fei looked at him in surprise at this time, "Have you ever studied mechanics?"

Regarding this point, Yang Fei never thought of it at all. At this moment, this arsenal needs people who understand machinery.

"It's not difficult!" Yu Aiguo said, "My name used to be Yu Zhizhong, but later, I simply changed my name to Yu Aiguo, so that I can remember my mission, which is to serve the Chinese people. Love your country first, then you can love your own little family!"

After Yu Aiguo finished speaking, Yang Fei was even more surprised, "Well, I think you have something to talk to the old man. In this way, instructor, I accept you as the deputy factory director, responsible for the maintenance work in our factory. The old man cooperates with you !"

"Okay!" Yu Aiguo said.

"I've sent Skinny Monkey to the mountain. In this way, old man and Comrade Patriotic, you two go to the mountain first. I'll take a look here first. When the time comes, our office will be on the mountain!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, no problem!" With that, they went out.

After a while, Da Guang came over, "Battle Commander, this instructor doesn't look simple!"

"I don't know if it's simple or not, but I'm very disgusted with these college students. They seem to be born against me!" Yang Fei was a little unhappy.

"Ah?" Da Guang was a little puzzled, "Battle Commander, what do you mean?"

"This is Yu Aiguo. I don't know how much he weighs. He said that he used to learn mechanics. What does the manufacture of guns have to do with machinery?"

Da Guang shook his head, "I don't know, I only know that this car has something to do with machinery!"

"Okay, you don't understand! Hurry up and see if there is anything else that can be moved here, and move them all up the mountain!"

Da Guang immediately nodded, "Okay, I'll go right away!"

When Yang Fei and the others had almost cleaned up the place, the thin monkey ran down, "Commander, let alone, the mountain is just right, the place is spacious, and it seems that people have lived there before. I found some bones. It seems that something happened there. fighting!"

"Well, I already know, by the way, Skinny Monkey, this time, your battalion will be stationed on the mountain, responsible for the construction and security work on the mountain, let Liu Ji be responsible for the recruitment of soldiers up and down, and the rest, we will It's all on the mountain!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay!" After saying that, they went to the mountain.

The mountain in Huoguang Village is called Patriotic Mountain. The reason for this name is that many people died here. To commemorate them, it is named Patriotic Mountain. This Patriotic Mountain is just to the west of the village. Alone at the place where Huoguang Village borders, a cliff appeared, forming a natural geographical advantage.

As an arsenal here, it can be said to be unique.

There is a complete operating table here, as well as a place to rest, and the cave is also ventilated. Although it is a bit cold now, it should be almost the same after February.

Seeing this, Yang Fei felt that the work could be fully started, so he asked someone to bring the weapons from the cellar over and put them on the operating table.

It is easy to say, but it is really troublesome to operate.

Yu Aiguo wiped and wiped a machine gun with a cloth, but the legs of the machine gun had been broken, and it was very difficult to eject the gun from the muzzle. He looked at Yang Fei, "This machine gun has too many problems. Mr. Lin discuss it and see what to do!"

"Okay!" Yang Fei said, "I will leave this matter to you, and I will be in charge of the overall planning. If you have any difficulties, please tell me. I can definitely apply to my superiors!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved, I haven't touched this for a long time!" said the old man.

"Then you are busy!" After speaking, Yang Fei went out.

Daguang couldn't understand this either, but he knew that these things were all assembled, and if there were suitable accessories, they might be able to do it well.

He followed Yang Fei out, "Battle Commander, if this thing really lacks a part, it must not be able to be repaired!"

"It's up to you!" Yang Fei said, "I was just thinking, how to get this accessory?"

"Hey, Battalion Commander, I think we still have to grab it from the devil!" Da Guang said.

"Steal?" Yang Fei was a little puzzled.

"That's right, for example, what the current machine gun lacks is the machine gun leg, so if we happened to seize a machine gun, the machine gun happened to be broken, but the leg was good, wouldn't it be possible to disassemble it and use it?" Daguang said.

"It's a good idea! However, the focus of our current work is to build this arsenal, not to fight a war!" Yang Fei said.

"Hey, Battalion Commander, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not!" Da Guang said ghostly.

"Just say it! Is there anything you should say!"

Yang Fei looked at Daguang, and Daguang said slowly, "We can tell the superiors that once they fight and have captured things, they must send over the broken things, and we will tear down what we can. Use what can be used, anyway, all we need to do now is maintenance!"

"Hey, I said you kid is better than me now!" Yang Fei looked at Da Guang and said.

"Battalion Commander, you have taught me well. Without your education, how can I do without your brain!" Da Guang grinned.

"Okay, I'll ask the trainer to draft a report and tell the team leader, I believe he can still help us!" Yang Fei capitalized.

Seeing what Yu Aiguo and Lin Shuqing were discussing in the cave, Yang Fei didn't want to disturb, and he didn't understand these things, so he went down the mountain with Da Guang.

The scenery on the road is really good. When the new year is just over and the first month is about to end, the wind here is still a bit cold, but this does not hinder the fact that the weather is getting warmer.

At the foot of the mountain, Liu Ji was leading someone to train, and Yang Fei called him over.

Seeing Yang Fei, Liu Ji immediately asked, "Battle Commander, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, there is one thing I want to tell you now!" Yang Fei said.

"Battle Commander, tell me, if I can do it, I will do it well!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, as you know, our work is divided into two parts, the first is the arsenal, and the second is the issue of recruiting soldiers! Since we are here, you have to solve the problem of the hospital for me, go and issue a notice Let everyone actively sign up to join our Eighth Route Army, especially some medical soldiers, and strive to tidy up the organizational system for me!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, leave this to me, I'm good at this!" Liu Ji said.

"Okay, since you said it, let's do it. I will give you a month. If you can recruit a company of troops for me, I will let you be my deputy battalion commander!" Yang Fei said.

"Really?" Liu Ji looked at him in surprise.

"Of course, why should I lie to you!" Yang Fei said.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'll go right away!" Saying that, Liu Ji nodded and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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