Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2291 Successfully Incorporated

Chapter 2291 Successfully Incorporated
The cave is not very big, but when Li Jiguang and his group arrived at the cave, they saw that there were many weapons and equipment in the cave, such as grenades, submachine guns, bastard shells, and three-eight big covers...

Li Jiguang looked at Leopard in surprise, "You are the master, you have a lot of property!"

Don't look at what Li Jiguang said, but the surprise in his heart is even greater, because these weapons are about to catch up with their battalions and companies. Tell me, can this not surprise them.

Leopard smiled, glanced at Yang Fei, and said triumphantly, "These things are not worth much, but since I have them, I don't want too much, Captain Li, do you know why I put these things out?" ?”

Li Jiguang smiled, "I also ask the head of the family to express it!"

"Since I, Leopard, want to follow you all the way, of course I have something to give you!" Leopard said, picking up a machine gun, "This is a good thing, I'll give it to you!" The machine gun was given to Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang took the gun, and then smiled, "Haha, it really is a good thing. Unexpectedly, I, Li Jiguang, picked up a big deal!"

"You are joking, Captain Li, you don't know me, Leopard, but my brothers know that most of us have been hurt by devils. Look at him, he was robbed by devils. He, It was the devil who killed his parents, and the fire stick. His house was burned down by the devil! All of us have hatred against the devil, so we beat the devil when we saw it, but it’s a pity, ours We made a mistake and let the devils steal the house, we can't stay in Phoenix Mountain any longer, so we want to take refuge with you and fight the devils together!"

"That's right, devils are punished by thousands of knives. We all have one common purpose, which is to drive devils out of China. Our country can only be managed by us Chinese ourselves. Needless to say, let's just say , Our Eighth Route Army, our Eighth Route Army, is to unite all forces that can be united, and then realize our common vision, masters, our Eighth Route Army really welcomes you!" Wang Wei said.

"Since we all have a purpose, that's good!" Leopard told Li Jiguang and Wang Wei to sit down, "Shouldn't we talk about the treatment you gave us when you recruited us?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Yang Fei hurriedly said, "You bloody bandit, dare to raise the issue of treatment, of course you are acting as my soldier! Be my pawn!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, Li Jiguang glared at him, "You don't have a place to talk here!"

After finishing speaking, Li Jiguang looked at Leopard, "Master, tell me about your conditions!"

Leopard smiled, then leaned against the back of the chair, raised his legs, "Leader Li, my request is not high, it is my position, at least I have to be on an equal footing with Yang Feiping!"

After saying this, Yang Fei laughed loudly, "Hahaha, you are really delusional. Do you think you can get a battalion commander with just a few guns? It's really ridiculous!"

"Hehe, it depends on whether you give it or not, anyway, this is my condition!" The leopard dressed unreasonably, looked at them with the fire stick, and was wary of their possible reaction at any time.

"Conditions can be raised. I don't think the conditions you raised are too much!" Li Jiguang said.

Yang Fei immediately became unhappy, "Head, is this not an exaggeration?"

Li Jiguang ignored Yang Fei, and then said, "You are the master, but our Eighth Route Army's conditions are also limited. I'm afraid I can't satisfy you with the conditions you just mentioned!"

Hearing this, Leopard immediately frowned, "I don't even have a battalion commander position?"

Li Jiguang said, "To be honest, the battle is tight now. You can just say Yang Fei. As the battalion commander, he only has two companies. Can this be regarded as a battalion? Therefore, we are still considering making them a reinforced company. So, if you are quite a battalion commander, this is fine, and if this condition is met by then, I will definitely consider you first!"

Leopard frowned, glanced at the fire stick, and the fire stick immediately said, "Commander Li, you are a great leader, you don't even want to be a battalion commander, do you?"

"Haha, you're joking. I'm not a big leader. On the contrary, I'm just a public servant of the people. My qualifications are also limited. I'm afraid I can't make it to a battalion commander with only 20 of you!"

Li Jiguang said.

Leopard immediately asked, "Then tell me, who am I suitable for?"

"Actually, regarding your arrangement, I have already discussed with Political Commissar Wang, and let you go to Battalion Commander Yang first and form the third company!" Li Jiguang said.

"What?" Leopard was a little impulsive, and stood up from the chair at once, "You let me be his pawn?"

Seeing Leopard's reaction, Li Jiguang didn't know why it happened, so he asked quickly, "What's the matter? The boss is not satisfied with my proposal?"

"Satisfied with this?" Burning Firestick said immediately, "Even if we are the company commander of other people's family, we will not be their company commander!"

This sentence made Li Jiguang even more confused, "What does this mean?"

"What do you mean? You don't know yet, do you? He's Yang Fei's..." Leopard was about to say something, but the fire stick immediately stopped him, "Brother, let me say it!"

The leopard stopped, and the fire stick thought, if he really got to Yang Fei's place, at least it would make Yang Fei have some face, and it would be even better if he couldn't go!
"Captain Li, we have dealt with Commander Yang. As for this man, he can beat devils. We all admire him. However, it is really inconvenient for us to work with him on some trivial matters. Please help me." How convenient!" said the fire stick.

Yang Fei understood what he meant, but the other party didn't explain it clearly, and he knew better that it was for Yang Fei's face.

"Brother, I can understand what you mean. I also know Yang Fei's shortcomings, but I promise you that as long as Yang Fei does something to you, you have the right to come to me directly. As for me, when the time comes , you can do whatever you want, as long as it complies with the regulations of our Eighth Route Army!" Li Jiguang said.

Li Jiguang said everything, if the leopard is still not satisfied, it means that he really doesn't know what to do.

The fire stick also understands that they have so many guns and ammunition, but the only thing they lack is food. After tonight, they really don't know what to eat!

The burning stick looked at Leopard, and Leopard frowned helplessly, "Head Li, this is what you said, remember what you said, if I am wronged by Yang Fei, I will go and tell you, At that time, we must abide by today's agreement!"

"Don't worry, today's agreement is in my heart!" Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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